Title One Parent and Family Survey
Chartiers Valley Primary and Intermediate Schools are Title I schools. As a parent/guardian of a child attending a Title I school, you are an important part of our Title I team. Your input is vital in the planning and implementing parent and family engagement activities and professional development opportunities for our staff. The following survey is confidential and will assist in future planning. We value and appreciate your feedback, and thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The survey will be available through February 3, 2023. Please click HERE to complete the survey.
Girls on the Run
3rd to 5th-grade girls interested in joining the Spring 2023 Girls on the Run team practicing social-emotional skills and physical exercise should register beginning February 1st at noon at gotrmagee.org/program-registration. Spots are limited, don't delay! Contact Coach Newcamp with any questions at knewcamp@cvsd.net
Colt Closet
Does your child need clothing, hygiene items, or a backpack?
Click here to fill out the form
Device Insurance
Reminder to all CV families: You can still purchase device insurance for your students. Just $20 a year covers accidental damage. Families can purchase device insurance at www.one2onerisk.com.
What is covered?
All physical components of the device due to accidental damage, cracked screens, fire, lightning, liquid damage, electrical surge, theft of device WITH a police report
Free Breakfast Continues for the 2022-2023 School Year
All CV students can get free breakfast each school day. The free breakfast program will remain for the 2022-2023 school year, regardless of a family's need. Lunches will continue to be paid.
Winter Weather Reminder--Flexible Instruction Days
We want to ensure you are prepared for winter weather as winter approaches. If snow, cold, or ice forces us to close the school buildings, students will switch to a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). These are asynchronous learning days, meaning you can work at your own pace. All students in grades K-12 must log in for attendance purposes through Infinite Campus. Click here for the login instructions.
Work for the day will be posted in Google Classroom (K-8) or Schoology (9-12), and teachers can help by providing correspondence during their teaching hours.
If you do not have internet access, please let your teachers know. Discounted internet service may be available; click here to learn more.
Please contact your teachers or building principals if you have questions about Flexible Instruction Days.
News from the PTG
Sarris Sale
Yearbook Upgrade Sale
PTG Meeting, Feb 7th
AHN Family Yoga Event
The Primary and Intermediate AHN Chill Room staff members are hosting a family yoga event on February 28th at CVPS. Registration is limited. Click here to sign up.