Veterans Bridge Home helps Veterans and their families successfully transition after military service through identifying their education, social, employment and healthcare needs by connecting them to available community, state and federal resources.
Information Systems Workshop

An introduction to installing and administering a Microsoft SQL Server database. Class will include: 1) creating a database and data objects, 2) an overview of datatypes and tables 3) using views and stored procedures to interact with a SQL Server database.

This will be a hands on demonstration with actual development, bringing a windows laptop is recommended.

Click Here to RSVP as space is limited
Veteran of the Month

V eterans Bridge Home would like to recognize our fellow Veterans who served and are continuing to serve, their community.

Do you know anyone who served, who doesn’t seek attention, but seems like they’re always doing good? Here's an opportunity to show them a little love. C lick here to nominate a Veteran.

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Companies Hiring | Vet Friendly employers | Providers | Events

Fort Mill Lunch

The Fort Mill Veterans Lunch has been a stable in York County for three years. Come join us, enjoy fellowship and network. The Fort Mill Lunch is the third Thursday of every month at the Towne Tavern Fort Mill from 11:45 to 1:00pm.

Join us and bring a friend. RSVP HERE
Honoring Women in the Military

This annual women's luncheon event provides our female veterans and family of veterans the opportunity to share experiences, connect, and engage. Join us for good food, good conversation and great company.

The event will be at the Bissell House on February 19th from 12pm to 1:30pm. To attend, please RSVP HERE.

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