LOTS is going on -
Check out the ISCPA Community for all the details...

ABE Info - the video of the Dec. 15th Conversation with ISCPA and ISTC is still accurate and super helpful, so is the PDF of notes. Best thing to know before you start? The ABE Form needs to signed. The signature on the 8879 does not constitute signing of the ABE form.

Conformity - is in Senate Local Government & Tax tomorrow, Feb. 8, and should get to the Governor by next week.

K-2/K-3 — Making sense of new international passthrough reporting - Check out AICPA's podcast and archived Town Hall.
ED Zollars is addressing K-2/K-3
Arrow to TAX
Based on the recent revisions to the IRS instructions, Ed will look at why most partnerships and S corporations will likely need to complete these forms. 

January 31, 2022 - This episode does address K-1/K-3s

Need an ISCPA Community login? It's easy. Go to https://iscpa.tradewing.com/home - and use your email that you use for idcpa.org, and click on "forgot password" to reset the password and gain access.
Auto Dues Payments
A fantastic ISCPA Member Benefit!

For several years, ISCPA members have requested a way for their membership to be automatically renewed.

Thanks to our partnership with CPACharge, we can now provide this for you.

You should have received your ISCPA dues invoice via email in January. You can pay it normally or you can sign up for “Auto Dues Payments.” Then, starting in 2023, we will automatically charge your credit card for your annual membership dues – easy.

We do the remembering for you – you simply just receive an email with your membership receipt.

And, as we offer complimentary CPE credits as an incentive to pay your membership dues early, “Auto Dues” ensures you don’t miss out on these great member benefits!

Of course, you are always welcome to remit your membership dues on your own through our website each year – this new service is totally optional.
The ISCPA MEMBER DISCOUNT PAGE is a fantastic avenue for discounts and savings for Society Members. Check it out!
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