August 28, 2023

Sunday Service

September 3rd

10:00 am – 11:15 am

ISD Lotus Center Headquarters, 124 County Road 58, Oneonta, NY. You can also attend via ZOOM at the link below:

Homily: “Splash! How small actions have profound effects.” It’s easy to feel that our actions are meaningless and will do nothing to affect change in our world. So why try?

Emcee: Lynda Tymeson

Sunday Service Zoom link

Upcoming classes and events...

Developing Psychic Accuracy 

 -Hits and Misses! 

with Diana Friedell


Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27

5:30-7:00 pm

On Zoom  Get link when you register. . .

Tips & techniques for enhancing abilities, navigating a session, & getting accurate information, with lots of practice sessions & feedback. This class is for those practicing with psychic readings, or who are traditional counselors & your intuition is popping into your sessions.


ISD Board Meeting

September 6, 2023

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

ISD Lotus Center and on ZOOM

124 Co. Hwy 58

Oneonta, NY 13820

The board for the Institute for Spiritual Development usually meets on the first Sunday of the month on the same zoom link that the Sunday service meets on. September's meeting was re-scheduled to Wednesday, Sept. 6th. Decisions concerning the direction and finances for ISD are made. If you have suggestions for ISD, please contact our board president, Kimberly Winsor, at All are welcome to attend as guests, but don't have the same privilege of voting on ISD business that Board Members have.


Tarot & Oracle Tool Practicum

Tarot Tuesdays!

Sept 12 through Oct. 17, 2023

September 12, 2023

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

This is an online event, you will get the link when you register.

This 6-week practice and development series will hone your skills with tarot, oracle cards, mediumship through tarot, spirit, and guides. Christene Springle, renowned tarot reader and medium, creates a safe space to receive guidance, ask questions, exchange information, learn new strategies, and offer and receive tarot readings. The Practicum is open to beginners, as well as more seasoned readers!


History & Science of Spiritual & Energy Healing w/JoAnn Wormuth & Diana Friedell 

September 14, 2023 (and 21st)

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

2 part class. online

From medicine man to priest-healers, JoAnn introduces us to colorful spiritual healers, healing cults & their methods & beliefs about healing, through pre-historic times to ancient Greece. In Part II, Diana reviews research that proves the existence of the energy body & the efficacy of energy healing, + which hospitals offer it as a treatment modality.

This is the first class of the ISD healing certification program. You may take only this class or sign up for the whole program at a 10% discount at the link for this class.


“Sanctity of the Vessel”  Class Series 2

Transmuting Rays of the Fifth Dimension

Sept 16 @ 11am

Zoom & in-person at ISD Headquarters. Please come in person if possible to facilitate a more cohesive group energy exchange and experience!

Come learn a simple self meditation/healing practice you can incorporate into your self care regimen to help boot us out of stuck energy patterns and lend a hand up on the path to living healthier and lighter in this new day and age. As accustomed as we all are to the root (red) to crown (violet) energy centers, as we make progress on this path to healing, growth... dare we say 'ascension'? as we make our way into this path authentically guess what ... we make progress!! and we need more!!! Fifth dimensional rays are of love and white light, but of course when stepped down into a healing practice for humans with specific 'parts', they take on specific colors and frequencies which can aid our path towards contacting higher powers, higher parts of our selves perhaps left in waiting, and of course clear the way for more clear communication and communion with loving spirit guides and teachers. And... it just feels good. Come play!


Check out our September 2023 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there. September event calendar  HERE

Prayer Warriors

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now.

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.

If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at an she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.

Our Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations


(Sept 1- 8)

As we begin this week VENUS has returned from her trip behind the SUN. She is once again our Morning Star. This is always an uplifting return and the recent days have found her in retrograde motion sliding through the corridor of the Leo Point of Avatar. This is a cosmic portal that gives Venus new energies from deep space. She is soon going to return to direct motion and will pass the Avatar point (15° Leo) again on her forward motion back through Leo.

VENUS and Dog Star SIRIUS return close together to our morning sky. They are our sister planet, and our sister star, respectively. They do not get close enough for a conjunction but for much of September they can be observed together in the predawn sky. On 9/18 they are at the same latitude. It will be a sight worth rising a little earlier to see.


We are in a retrograde season now. September begins with Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lilith, and Chiron all in retrograde motion. (Leaving only Mars and Jupiter in forward motion.) Venus will move forward again soon, to be replaced by Jupiter beginning the retrograde cycle. (Leaving only Venus and Mars in forward motion after 9/5.)

This is potentially an extraordinary time for circumspection. All the usual situations apply: review, reorganize, rethink, restructure, etc. I suggest a few more ways to utilize retrograde intervals, especially a season when so many planets are involved.

You may want to check your natal charts and find the planets that were retrograde on your birth date. I have recently been guided to consider that these particular planets, and the houses and signs they are in, may be the areas that you were hoping would help you to change some very long standing, or particularly challenging, issues for yourself  during this lifetime.  Perhaps you are ready to solve Ancestral dilemmas for yourself, and through your efforts, for your entire family line. Maybe you will be able to reactivate some of your dormant DNA and bring various underdeveloped talents into full flower. The thought given to me was that a planetary retrograde was also a chance to recreate and express the highest capabilities of all the planets, houses, and sign attributes. 

It is almost universally agreed that these are among the most extraordinary lives any of us will have lived during this changing of the ages. We have new energies available to us while we pass through a new area of space. (Our Milky Way Galaxy is moving closer to our sister galaxy- Andromeda, and all of the known area of space, Laniakea,  is rotating into new territory.) Perhaps this is also a time to willingly and resolutely grasp the most positive, loving soul developments we can imagine. We have been steeped in challenging, denser energies for eons. Now is our chance to shift the patterns. THE RETROGRADE SEASONS MAY PROVIDE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO DO THAT.

As stated above, VENUS resumes direct motion on 9/3 at 13° Leo. She will continue to help all of us bring the feminine attributes into leadership positions. We can, and will, express this in myriad ways. The common denominator being a return of respect for feminine strength, dignity, and full participation in our society. VENUS has had a long transit in Leo due to the retrograde interval. This helps you seek a balance of mastery between your male/female energies to create a wonderful flow of expression, regardless of your identified gender, or combinations and expressions.

JUPITER begins its retrograde cycle on 9/4 at 15° Taurus. This will continue until 12/30/23. The motion will be entirely in Taurus. This is a comfortable placement for Jupiter where it can express its benefic tendencies in slow but steady ways. The Earth sign deals a great deal with our relationship with our mother planet. Our resources and methods of sustainability are highlighted in Taurus. Jupiter's long transit may very well help new inventions and ways to collaborate more fully with all life forms for the greatest good of all. What begins now may help us see a better future. 

If you find yourself awake at night around 11 pm and through the night you may enjoy the view in the east/southeast of the return of the Pleiades, Aldebaran, and Orion ahead of Sirius and Venus. This commences from approximately 11 pm until dawn from the east to the southeast at our location of 43° latitude. The order of rising is; the Pleiades, Royal Star Aldebaran(in Taurus), Orion, followed by Sirius near the Milky Way where it meets the eastern horizon. Above Sirius are bright stars Procyon in Canis Minor and the Twins, Castor and Pollux in Gemini.

Once again, I encourage you to enjoy the stars. This helps you understand astronomy and astrology and perhaps most importantly, brings you into a closer connection with the Star Family. 

May you find your Grace and your Godspeed!

(Sept 9 - 16)

This week features sign changes for 3 celestial bodies in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 

Asteroid PALLAS moves into Libra on 9/13, and stays through 11/19.

Asteroid PALLAS is characterized by strategic thinking and a keen use of the intellect. In Libra this basic ability is enhanced by balance, fair mindedness, and a heightened ability to explore all sides of an issue. This allows us to come up with collaborative solutions that are more likely to leave all parties satisfied with the outcome. This is a good balancing energy for Mars who is currently in Libra. Strength tempered with intelligence  helps create a potent combination.

Also on 9/13 asteroid VESTA moves into Cancer. Vesta is the representative of the inner flame in all of us. Its natal placement in everyone's chart is the location of the sacred in their lives. In Cancer, Vesta has traditionally been associated with home and hearth. It has been thought to add to the already nurturing quality of Cancer. Now we may want to put emphasis on self love and keeping that inner flame burning strong. We are all collectively dealing with our shadows. Think of Vesta as your eternal flame. Just as the innocents in the temple were trusted to keep the flame burning, you can also trust your ability to keep the connection with your Soul's flame.

CERES moves into Scorpio on 9/15 until 11/25. CERES is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. She is associated with motherhood, agriculture, and nurturing. In myth, she is the mother of Persephone, who married and went into the underworld in the Winter and emerged in the Spring. CERES was so distraught that she would withdraw the fertile cycle of the world until her beloved daughter returned.

CERES in Scorpio may raise the intensity in relationships. It can create incredibly close and strong bonds. Conversely, it can also raise the probability of jealousy and possessiveness. Either way, as is characteristic of Scorpio, this is not a quiet energy. The emotions and life essence are strong.

The NEW MOON is at 21°in Virgo on 9/14 at 8:40 pm EST.

The monthly SUN/MOON conjunction is near Mercury, also in Virgo, which is slowing to stationary in preparation for the resumption of forward movement once more. Mercury is exalted in, and rules, Virgo. This results in a stellium in Virgo, adding strength. All that good energy already makes this a powerful day - but wait - there's more!

In keeping with the many Earth based alignments throughout 2023, this NEW MOON is accompanied by a Grand Earth Trine. The corner planets in the triangle are:

SUN/MOON conjunction in Virgo

PLUTO in Capricorn 

URANUS/JUPITER conjunction in Taurus

A Grand Earth Trine on an early Autumn NEW MOON, during the harvest season,  involving 5 heavenly bodies! That is the energy this week. The harvest is when we separate the wheat from the chaff, bring in the crop for the winter, and preserve some of the fruit and vegetables. This is our preparation for our sustenance during the short, dark days of winter in the northern hemisphere. It can also symbolize harvesting, organizing, and then utilizing our gifts and our soul development during the autumn and winter seasons. The world abounds with symbols. This is one of those times when the symbolism is readily evident. You are invited to harvest your personal gifts, your personal gold in the spirit of the NEW MOON energy. As always, this is a time to begin new ventures.

This year has been rich in the Earth element. You may recall that all 4 Mercury retrogrades in 2023 are in the Earth element. I suggest that it is our invitation to reconnect with all the multidimensional life forms, the elements, the Earth herself. 

The Mercury retrograde ends one day after the New Moon on 9/15 at 8° Virgo. The last Mercury retrograde of the year starts in late December in Capricorn.


Consider more symbolism involving Virgo and the 2023 emphasis on the Earth element. Virgo is shown as the Virgin, the innocent, and in Christianity, the Mother Mary. She is shown holding a stalk of ripe wheat. I draw your attention to the grain.

When you examine the ripened heads of many of the long season grains they have something in common. The individual kernels are arranged in a lovely braid, or weave,  formation. Braiding and weaving add tremendous strength to each individual strand. Many spiritual belief systems think of the connecting energetic bonds as a weave between non physical, heavenly energy and the physical world. Human culture has incorporated many variations of braiding and weaving in our textiles, art forms, and in many practical products we create. Nature has also created the same designs among the plant kingdom.

This is a visual example of the concept of entrainment. These energetic bonds connect everything - the All in the All. I suggest that the Virgo season that straddles the productivity of Summer and the beginning of the Autumn harvest season, is symbolically important to us. We are invited to choose the threads of our weave carefully. What do you wish to strengthen? What design do you choose for the weave of your matrix?

If you wish to create a new design to your thoughts and your creations, this is a wonderful time to initiate the change. May you weave a lovely design.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.

We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.

Welcome Home!!!

We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email! Diana!

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?

It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!

Now there are also chapters in, Washington DC, Treasure Coast Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

We would ALL like to welcome you to our new Institute for Spiritual Development Facebook group:

Like and Follow on Facebook

Institute for Spiritual Development International

Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.

We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection

Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.

Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.

Kimberly Winsor

Rev. Story Ducey

Rev. Diana Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Director

Kimberly Winsor - President

Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President

Tom Landon-Secretary

Sali Dellysse - Treasurer

Connie Lull-


Susan Owens -


Christene Springle - Trustee

Story Ducey -

Ex-Officio Member

Sherri Barton


Carol Callahan


Diana Friedell - ex officio

Our ISD Leadership

Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director

Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

Adult Education/Programming Chair

Ministry Training Program

JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director

Carla Finn- Newsletter Editor

Tami Barrows- Administrative Assistant

Amy Gallop- Social Media

Visit our Website
Sign up for ISD Newsletter

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

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