(Aug 17 - 23)
LILITH moves into Virgo on 8/18. Normally this would be a
placement that clashes with Lilith's natural expression, which is somewhat wild and rebellious. We will come back to this placement for a non-conventional way to utilize the energy available.
The SUN moves into Virgo on 8/23. Virgo is an Earth sign associated with wheat and the harvest. Roots to mother Earth are important. It is also traditionally associated with great attention to detail. Organizational skills and interests are heightened. Virgo loves to do things really well. This might be an excellent time to utilize an innate curiosity that also accompanies Virgo energy. Virgo is drawn to wisdom and loves to make sense out of chaos.
As we are in the midst of the breakdown, or obvious shortcomings, of many of our systems, Virgo strengths can come to our aid at this time. We can begin to piece together better ways to coexist with Earth and each other. Virgo influence can bring structure and intelligence to new dreams and inventions.
A caution with Virgo is to avoid giving such intense focus to detail and perfection that it becomes impossible to achieve. That can be where criticism of self and others can become detrimental. That is especially important because Virgo is associated with the nervous system.
It is good to remember that not every year needs to be a record harvest, while at the same time "having the faith of a mustard seed" can create miracles.
The symbol of Virgo is the Maiden, the innocent. Another thought for application of Virgo abilities is to apply a fresh innocence to the times ahead of us. It is all new energy in new galactic territory, never attempted by any before us. Our souls are encouraging us to forgive self and others for any perceived missteps. This will help us receive the divine dispensation that we have all agreed to on another soul level. This will help us begin the new age fresh and eager for better creations, while we collectively assign our less fortunate creations to the annals of the akashic records.
Now let us consider what else may flavor the Virgo transit. The same day that the Sun moves into Virgo, MERCURY begins retrograde motion, also in Virgo. Mercury is both exalted in, and rules, Virgo. That essentially means there is no better placement for Mercury.
The 4 Mercury retrogrades this year are all in Earth signs. This indicates a very strong emphasis on rethinking, rebuilding, and recreating our relationship with our mother planet, who is waiting for us to partner with her, rather than try to exert power over her. Virgo is very much associated with the material realm. Mercury is a mental energy. The material world always exists first as thought energy. So Mercury's extended transit of Virgo in 2023 comes at an opportune time.
Add LILITH to the mix for a while and things get very interesting. Ask yourself some illuminating questions using Lilith's themes:
* Where can Virgo's detail and precision help me express some previously undeveloped talent? (Lilith does not want to be ignored any longer.)
*What Lilith abilities are held back because of cultural norms? How might they combine to create anew?
*Where are the complications of modern life not serving me well?
*Conversely, when and about what topics or areas of life am I best aided by conformity?
*Where might I be aided by withdrawing from unhealthy obsessions that might be inhibiting my true spirit?
*When might the wild side of my nature be a better partner for my soul growth?
The Grand Trine that I mentioned in the last column is still in play. A Grand Trine is always helpful. This is also in Earth signs. The star and planetary energies are focused on the Earth element right now. We are blessed to have their assistance.
The star viewing is very good on clear nights right now. The Perseids Meteor Shower is still very active. A quick check of the Star Walk2 app as I write this shows a barrage of meteors non stop. The app is more sensitive than the naked eye, but the activity is constant enough to ensure success if you should venture outside on any clear evening. Later is better for any meteor shower. Look to the northeast for the Perseus constellation. That is where the meteors will originate from, for the most part.
***I have an experiment for you to try if you are willing. In keeping with all of the ideas addressed, I am suggesting that you try to communicate support for some of the lesser known lifeforms assisting us at this time. The subject I am talking about is pollution and its clean up. There are bacteria, enzymes, protozoan, and even some beneficial viruses in and on both water and land who feed on oil, plastics, heavy metals, etc. There are plants and animals, some of them considered invasive species, that are performing the same function. Try to make light contact with these lifeforms. Send appreciation, love, support, etc. Use your imagination and observational skills to perceive something in a brand new way! (Just to give you an example, several years ago when I was able to "tune into" this phenomenon it appeared to me as the most beautiful shade of salmon color in the waters and an exquisite golden color on the land masses.)
May you be inspired and may this help you find your Godspeed.
(Aug 24 - 31)
MARS moves into Libra on 8/27 until 10/11. Mars is not as comfortable in Libra, but there are several refining features that can bode well for this energy combination.
For instance, while in Libra the combative style of Mars can actually be drawn to grace, refinement, and group intelligence. This may result in verbal exchanges of wit and ideas rather than physical altercations. This time may be an excellent time for negotiations and social reform while the Sun and Mercury are in neighboring sign Virgo, resulting in a higher applied wisdom. Good etiquette and magnanimity are the order of the day. The intention is that Mars' innate strength serves as a champion instead of a combatant.
There are a few other alignments helping this along:
The Trine aspect between MARS and PLUTO peaks this week and will linger for several days. This adds a positive energy to what might other wise be aggressive when Mars aspects Pluto. What aggression does materialize may be turned toward the most egregious of our social inequities. Subjects that can be helped by a little more positive power can receive the light of attention. The areas that effect large masses of people are the likely beneficiaries of this aspect.
Aug 27th finds SATURN at its peak opposition. That is the time when the Earth passes between the planet and the Sun. That visibly brightens the planet in the sky. Saturn will stand out in the southeast. An opposition urges COOPERATION between opposing forces. When any planet is in its opposition that is when it is closest to Earth and therefore, we are all in its sphere of influence. Saturn encourages us to behave well, and to apply due diligence to whatever we are creating at the moment. ( Do not assume this to automatically mean hard work. That is an interpretation from previous times. It could mean diligence to peace, calm, cooperation, or perhaps a healthy detachment.)
8/28 - URANUS joins the numerous retrograde planets. This retrograde is active through 1/27/24. It should quiet Uranus' normal rebellious nature. The sudden, explosive type of activity that can shock the senses when Uranus is prominent is naturally lessened during this interval. Combine that with the slow, steady progress native to Taurus where Uranus is currently stationed and you have a much less volatile expression than is usual for Uranus energies. This calming effect will last for several months which may help during the two October eclipses and the powerful YOD aspects on either side of each of them.
Another consideration with this retrograde is the time aspect of the planetary motion. URANUS will be at the same degree for 6 days before the retrograde begins, and 4 days afterward with only one arcsecond of motion on the day before the interlude begins. Time plays a role in astrology. Distance does not lessen the effects an Outer planet creates. The amount of time an aspect stays in effect is an intensifying factor. Therefore, when Uranus stays apparently stationary for an 11 day cycle that results in an amplified influence. How do we approach this event? STAY COOL AND CALM. Even where change, even sudden change, may be necessary we all may be better off if it comes to pass like a firework display rather than a bomb going off!
Ending the month is a lovely BLUE MOON that is also a SUPERMOON.
There are two occasions that may be termed Blue Moons. One is 4 Full Moons in a season. The second is two Full Moons in one month. This is the latter. There was a Full Moon in Aquarius on Aug 1st and another in Pisces on Aug 30th.
A nice added bonus is that it is also a Supermoon. That happens when the Moon is at its closest distance to the Earth in its orbit, or perigee. The Moon will appear visibly larger and brighter. The gravitational effects are stronger.
The Full Moon in Pisces is a very strong position. Psychic abilities will be greatly heightened by the combination of sign placement and the proximity to the Earth. Adding to this effect is that Neptune, who rules Pisces, is also in the sign and so is Saturn. All of these things together create a powerful STELLIUM.
A quick look at the charts might be confusing, showing the Moon in Aquarius. That is early in the day on the 30th. But at the exact moment of fullness the Moon has traveled 8 degrees to 1° Pisces. The time is interesting at 11:11 pm. Surely a magical moment. Also worth mentioning is the first decan(ten day period) which is that of "the healer."
All of these forces combined will make for a powerful day. Remember that you manifest what you concentrate on, so why not EXPECT MIRACLES? I encourage you to REMEMBER who you are and your vision of this life. REMEMBER your divinity!