September 2024 Monthly Byte

Donate to the $50,000 challenge!

An anonymous donor has generously offered to match all donations with a contribution of their own, dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $50,000!

Please consider donating today and helping the ISDS Foundation continue its vital work. No matter the size, every gift brings us closer to a healthier, happier Illinois. This challenge will end on December 31, 2024. To read more, click here!



Thank you to all who attended the 2024 ISDSF Golf Outing at the Pekin Country Club in Pekin, Illinois, and the Foundations Event at Gone Social, held in Peoria, Illinois. Because of the generous donors throughout the year, the Foundation was able to present scholarships to Illinois Dental School students. The donations and money raised at these events also help provide community grant awards, dental endowment funds, dental research programs, white coat ceremonies, and future MOMs.

Thank you to the following 2024 Golf Sponsors:

Longest Putt: Independent Dental Solutions

Closest to the Pin: Delta Dental

Longest Drive: Patterson Dental

Drink Sponsors: Dr. Ravi Juluri and Dr. Timm Schwartz

Golf Hole Sponsors:

TDIC, Hamel Dental, Dr. David Lewis and Dr. Christine Culp,

Barkley Endodontics, Michael S. Higgins, DDS - Professor, Anesthesiology,

Dr. Ken Rawson, Dr. Timm and Mrs. Chris Schwartz, Danner Family Dentistry, Bloomington Family Dental, Dr. Tom Sullivan, Peoria District Dental Society,

THEE McHenry County Dental Society, Will County Dental Society

ISDS Foundation Award Winners Announced

Congratulations to the following 2024 ISDSF Award Winners! To read more on the winners, click the link to each news story:

Community Grant Winners, click here

ISDSF Scholarship Winners, click here

Education Endowment Fund, Click here

Greek Leadership Award, click here

Congratulations to the Big Money giveaway winners!

Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets for the Big Money giveaway and congratulations to the winners:

$2,000 winner: Dr. Ronald Riggins

$1,000 winner: Dr. Cynthia Sachs

$500.00 winner: Dr. John Hagopian

New Text Alert Platform for the ISDS Foundation

Stay up to date on all the latest ISDS Foundation news by signing up for the new text alert platform! to sign up, click here.

Assistance Program Provides Lifeline to Dentists in Need

The Dentists Support Program provides a referral system for dentists who are struggling with the problem of alcohol or substance abuse and are in need of treatment assistance.

With just one call, the dentist, family member or friend can request help from the program. It is completely anonymous and takes just a couple of minutes.

24-hour confidential cell phone: 312/318-8810 or 708/287-4132. You may also contact

Dr. Bill Hamel or Dr. Tom Sullivan for more information.

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