International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Vol 18, No. 3 September 2016

This is my final newsletter as Editor. I have very much enjoyed the challenge of producing quarterly newsletters which represent all aspects of oncology pharmacy practice and all of our global membership. My most sincere thanks to all contributors over the last 17 years but especially to the regular contributors and committee members who are too numerous to name but whose articles live on on the website. Best wishes to future Editors.  

Yours Sincerely,

Jill Davis
ISOPP Newsletter Editor
Jill Davis
Message from the President 

It is with heartfelt gratitude and sadness that I inform you that after many, many years of dedication and creation, Jill Davis, our coveted Newsletter Editor is retiring from the position and this is her last issue. Jill has worked tirelessly to ensure that we all stay connected through updates, conference reports, listings of upcoming oncology pharmacy related events and ISOPP news on a quarterly basis. Her contribution to ISOPP has been an essential vehicle to keeping us all connected as a community, for which we thank her. She is so deserving of the Helen McKinnon award presented to her at the 2016 Symposium in Santiago. Thank you Jill for all you have done for ISOPP.

This leads us to the question of who will replace Jill. Evelyn Handel, general member of the Secretariat, has volunteered to be co-Editor. In Jill's own words, she is not going to leave the newsletter rudderless and will mentor the co-editors till April 2017. Would you like to make connections with oncology pharmacists around the World by keeping in touch with ISOPP members soliciting news and articles about oncology pharmacy and working with Evelyn? If yes, then this is an opportunity for you. If you would like to volunteer as co-Editor, please contact me at

Also, we are seeking proposals from national oncology pharmacy societies to host ISOPP's Symposium for 2019 and beyond. Visit the ISOPP News page under Communication for the Request for Proposal document outlining the submission requirements.

Lastly, in the August edition of the "Staying in Touch" Enews, I shared with you all the happenings since our wonderful Symposium in Santiago. The latter half of the year is just as busy. It is when registration for the next Symposium opens, the call for election and awards nominations begins, as well as the call for travel grant applications.

Now, read on, enjoy the Newsletter, and watch your inbox in the coming weeks for program and speaker information, as well as notification on how to nominate and apply for awards and grants. 

PS. Registration for ISOPP's 2017 Symposium taking place April 26-29 in Budapest, Hungary is open.


Harbans Dhillon
ISOPP President
OncologyOncology Around the World

HighlightsHighlights: VIII Conference of Brazilian Oncology Pharmacists 

By Annemeri Livinalli, SOBRAFO, Sao Paulo, Brazil

With the theme "pharmaceutical assistance in oncology: where we are and where we are going?", the Scientific program highlighted the important roles developed by pharmacists in this area, offering diverse content with professionals that are considered experts in oncology pharmacy. In the following three days, presented lectures included economic issues, chemotherapy handling, education and clinic issues. 

The first day was the pre meeting including the topics management, safety during chemotherapy handling, molecular biology and economic evaluation. 

New treatment
In a round table format, new treatments and pharmaceutical technologies, were presented and speakers talked about highlights in the treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer, non small cell lung cancer, and myeloma.

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ReflectionsReflections on the SOBRAFO VIII Meeting
By Barry Goldspiel, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA

I was very fortunate to be an invited speaker to the VIII meeting of the Society of Brazilian Farmaceuticos Oncologia (SOBRAFO).  This is the largest oncology pharmacy meeting in South America.  This was my third trip to South America: first time to Sao Paolo for the first SOBRAFO meeting, second time to Chile just a month before this meeting for the ISOPP meeting; and, third to Florianoplis.  Each time, my experience only gets better and better.  The Brazilians are wonderful people.  The hospitality of the organizing committee was exceptional.  The meeting was fantastic.

The theme of the meeting was "Pharmaceutical care in Oncology: Where we are and where we are going? My talks focused on "Challenges for the future" during three sessions:
  • Oncology Education from graduate to postgraduate: where we are and where are we going?
  • Pharmaceutical Certification on an International Level: Board Certified Oncology Pharmacist (BCOP)); and, 
  • Pharmaceutical Care in Oncology: What to expect in next 15 years?
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Barry Goldspiel and John Wiernikowski at SOBRAFO
MASCCReport on MASCC 2016
By Jenny Casanova, Haematology, Oncology & Palliative Care Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park, SA, Australia

The MASCC (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer) Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with the International Society of Oral Oncology, was hosted in Adelaide, Australia from June 23rd-25th, the first time that this meeting had been held outside of Europe or North America in its 25-year history. MASCC was formed in 1990 by collaboration between supportive care in cancer associations from Europe and North America, therefore the annual meeting has rotated between these continents. The 2016 meeting attracted 1075 registrants from 50 countries and the majority of delegates were from Australia & Asia.

MASCC's motto is "Supportive Care Makes Excellent Cancer Care Possible" and MASCC is a multidisciplinary organisation, open to all healthcare professionals involved in all stages of cancer care from diagnosis to end-of-life care. For a pharmacist involved in cancer care there are a number of ways to become a part of MASCC.

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Jenny Casanova, ISOPP Member

By Marc Geirnaert, CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Manitoba is a prairie province located in central Canada and its population is approximately 1.3 million. The Provincial Oncology Drug Program is responsible for the provision of parenteral oncology and hematology medications for the province of Manitoba. There are two main outpatient cancer centres in the capital of Manitoba in which the majority of oncologists and hematologists see patients. Besides the 2 main centres, there are 4 other outpatient centres in Winnipeg and 16 community cancer sites that are located outside of Winnipeg in which patients have the ability to receive their treatment closer to home.

The pharmacy department is busy with the maintenance and creation of electronic drug orders for computer physician order entry. In addition, our pharmacists are working with nursing to create a new version of our regimen reference orders to include additional information for safe drug delivery as well as removing any dangerous abbreviations.

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Marc Geirnaert, ISOPP Member

BoneMarrowIntroduction of an Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant Service to the Austin Hospital
By Justine Hong, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia

In October 2015 the Austin Hospital situated in Heidelberg, Melbourne, Australia, set up a new allogeneic bone marrow transplant service. It was the first hospital in Australia in 10 years to be accredited to perform allogeneic bone marrow transplants for patients with haematological malignancies, severe bone marrow disease such as aplastic anaemia and inherited disorders like sickle cell anaemia. Previously patients of the Austin Hospital requiring an allogeneic BMT were referred on to either The Royal Melbourne Hospital or The Alfred Hospital for their transplants. The commencement of these allogeneic transplants has required the Austin Cancer Pharmacy team to develop a pharmacy service that has the skills, framework and capacity required to provide the necessary care for these complex patients. 
Prior to the introduction of the allogeneic service, haematology patients were cared for on a mixed haematology/oncology 32 bed ward staffed by 1.8 EFT pharmacists. The original estimation for number of allogeneic patients to be treated was two per month. Anticipating the impact on the pharmacy and increase in requirements in order to provide care for this cohort of patients, involved evaluating the likely impact on the workload of the pharmacists working on the haematology ward. This included looking at what extra knowledge and skills would be required, as well as the expectations of the ward and medical staff of the pharmacy service.

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Justine Hong, ISOPP Member
ASCONavigating the ASCO Annual Meeting - 6 Things Oncology Pharmacists Should Know
By Thomas R.J. McFarlane, School of Pharmacy University of Waterloo, ON, Canada

Some of you among the ISOPP membership may have wondered what it's like to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), given its prominence in our field of practice. The ASCO meeting is the single largest meeting of oncology professionals in the world, and it can seem rather daunting to those who are first-timers. Some of the most prominent names in the world of cancer treatment are typically in attendance, and it's the place where much of the evidence on which we base our day-to-day practice was presented for the first time. The meeting has a lot more to offer too, with sessions on almost every aspect of oncology practice imaginable. As such, it's a pretty exciting place to be for a few days every June. Add to that the attractions of a world-class city like Chicago, where the meeting is going to be held every year for the foreseeable future, and it makes for a very worthwhile excursion. The 2016 Annual Meeting was my seventh ASCO, and I've learned a few things (mostly by trial and error) over the years that have helped me, so I thought I would pass these along in the interest of helping others who might be thinking about adding it to their calendar. 

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Thomas R.J. McFarlane, ISOPP Member
ASCO1ASCO 2016 Highlights 
By Joe Bubalo, Oregon Health and Science University, USA

The annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) took place from June 3 - June 7, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois in the USA.  This meeting, of approximately 38,500 attendees, provides a wide variety of educational opportunities.   Topics of focus for the meeting this year included documenting the value of therapy, special management of the elderly with cancer, treatment of fatigue, and an emphasis on immunotherapy, in addition to the reviews of therapeutics, and product specific research for compounds in various stages of the drug approval process that are presented every year.  My focus for the meeting continues to be on patient care topics and new information on the dosing, side effect management, or therapeutic use of pharmaceutical or supportive care agents.  I look for information that can be integrated into current practice as well as to learn new trends and upcoming products for the coming year.  If you are looking for information on the topics mentioned above, or other areas of therapeutic review, the programming from the meeting which is available via internet.  Many of the presentations, including slides sets are available via the virtual meeting (subscription required).   

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Joe Bubalo, ISOPP Member
ChallengesChallenges for a Hospital with Off-Site Chemotherapy Manufacture and Responsibilities for Rural Sites
By Kimberley-Ann Kerr, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Australia

The Lyell McEwin Hospital is situated in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia, and is one of the three major tertiary hospitals in the city. It has grown in size rapidly over the ten and a half years I have worked at the hospital. The cancer centre in particular has grown from a two chemotherapy chair centre with an off-site pharmacy supplying chemotherapy and no clinical service, to a ten chemotherapy chair centre with two radiotherapy bunkers, and called the Northern Adelaide Cancer Centre (NACC). We currently have a full clinical pharmacy service, however do not have any onsite manufacturing. Additionally, we service multiple rural cancer centres, which create further logistical considerations. I thought I would share some of the challenges I have had with you, which may assist if you are new to oncology pharmacy. If you have had similar challenges, I would love to hear how you have dealt with them.

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ECOPECOP 3 - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19-21 May
By Shaun O'Connor, Eastern Health, Melbourne, Australia

Dubrovnik was the wonderfully scenic setting for the third European Conference of Oncology Pharmacy, hosted by the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP).

Shaun O'Connor (far right) at the ISOPP Meet'n'greet 
The Croatian folk music accompanying the opening ceremony was a beautiful way to open this congress and really set the scene as an international gathering of experts in Oncology to share knowledge and promote cooperation, a role clearly prioritised by the organising committee and the support of ESOP. 

Several highlights of the program included robust presentations surrounding the price movements of medications in a multinational environment specifically analysing the effect of determining price based on comparator nation pricing, presentations on viruses and immunotherapy and an intriguing debate on upcoming nationalised dose banding occurring in England. It will be very interesting to watch the effects that this has on the individual health services as well as the wider patient based and industrial implications.

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newsISOPP Business and News

ISOPP17ISOPP 2017 Symposium
The XVI International Symposium will take place April 26-29, 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
Submit your abstract  for ISOPP by Tuesday, November 1 at midnight UTC . The abstract submission information and guidelines can be viewed on the  ISOPP 2017 website .
Register now  for the Symposium and make plans to visit  Budapest.

ISOPP offers members Travel Grants to attend ISOPP 2017.

Up to THREE travel grants of $2,000 CAD each are available for members who have paid their 2016/2017 membership fees.

To find out more and to submit an application, visit the Travel Grants page of the ISOPP website.

The deadline for submitting an application is January 23, 2017.

A number of grants are also available to assist ISOPP members in the Australasian Region in attending ISOPP

To find out more and to submit an application, visit the Australasian Region Travel Grants page   of the ISOPP website.

The deadline for submitting an application is January 23, 2017.

Visit the ISOPP 2017 website for information on the Symposium venue, the Budapest Marriott Hotel, and how to  reserve your accommodation Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities  are also available.
VJCVirtual Journal Club    
Accessing JOPP is easy! Log in as a member, go to the  JOPP Access page and click the Access JOPP button. You have instant access.

The thirty-first issue of the  Virtual Journal Club (VJC)  is available on the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) website. To access it, visit the Virtual Journal Club Surveys page  or follow the  direct link  to the survey. 

"Baxter elastomeric pumps: Feasibility of weight estimates" 
Carole R Chambers, Mica Pabia, Michael Sawyer and Patricia A Tang 
J Oncol Pharm Pract, first published on June 29, 2016

Learning Objectives:
  1. To understand variability in the flow rates of Elastomeric pumps; and 
  2. To consider alternate weighing method for patients to assess pump functioning. 
Previous issue: Thirtieth

"Taxane-induced arthralgia and myalgia: A literature review - multiple choice questions" 
Nicholas Chiu, Leonard Chiu, Ronald Chow, Henry Lam, Sunil Verma, Mark Pasetka, Edward Chow, and Carlo DeAngelis J Oncol Pharm Pract 1078155215627502, first published on January 24, 2016

Learning Objectives:
  1. To become familiar and understand the incidence of taxane-induced arthralgia and myalgia; and 
  2. To understand the incidence of arthralgia and myalgia in patients being treated with the paclitaxel, docetaxel, and nab-paclitaxel; and
  3. To understand optimal therapeutic and preventative treatments as well as different risk factors for taxane-induced arthralgia and myalgia.
Previous issue:   twenty-ninth

"Safe handling of oral antineoplastic medications: Focus on targeted therapeutics in the home setting" 
  Yaakov Cass, Thomas H Connor and Alexander Tabachnik J Oncol Pharm Practice  March 22, 2016 DOI: 10.1177/1078155216637217

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the challenges that are associated with using oral targeted antineoplastic medications in the home setting
  2. Understand the basics of carcinogenic, genotoxic and embryo-foetal toxicity of oral targeted antineoplastics; and
  3. Discuss the limitations of the current information on the actual amounts of unchanged drugs and /or its active metabolites present in excreta; and
  4. Understand the role of the pharmacist to provide counseling for patients and their caregivers regarding the safe use of oral targeted cancer chemotherapy as an important component of optimal patient care.
As a reminder, ISOPP's Virtual Journal Club features online articles from the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice ( JOPP ). Members are encouraged to read articles and then answer a series of multiple choice questions through the  Virtual Journal Club Surveys

After completing the questionnaire, a certificate will be emailed to you. Although not formally accredited for continuing medical education (CME) points, participation is equal to one hour of CME activity.  

Members are also encouraged to use the Member Discussion Forum to stimulate discussion about articles they have read. Your  ISOPP membership  provides many great benefits and we are hopeful you will find the Virtual Journal Club another asset to your oncology pharmacy practice.


Felice Musicco
Publications Chair
ISOPP's Society &
Symposium Management Office


Sea to Sky Meeting Management is ISOPP's Society and 2016 & 2017 Symposium Management Office. If you have any questions about membership, services, ISOPP 2016, ISOPP 2017 or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:
Direct: +1-778-338-4142
Fax: +1-604-984-6434
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue

North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7 

In This Issue
Newsletter Summary
This  Newsletter Summary  provides a brief introduction/summary to each article. In order to access the full article, login to the website then click on the 'read more' button at the end of each article's introduction. In addition, at the end of each full article there is the opportunity for you to write comments about the article and start up a discussion forum.

ISOPP 2017 
Travel Grants
ISOPP offers members Travel Grants to attend ISOPP 2017.
Up to THREE travel grants of $2,000 CAD each are available for members who have paid their 2016/2017 membership fees.
To find out more and to submit an application, visit the Travel Grants page of the ISOPP website.
The deadline for submitting an application is January 23, 2017.

A number of grants are also available to assist ISOPP members in the Australasian Region in attending ISOPP
To submit an application, visit the Australasian Region Travel Grants page of the ISOPP website.

The deadline for submitting an application is January 23, 2017.

JOPP Access
Accessing JOPP is easy. Log in as a member, go to the   JOPP Access page and click the Access JOPP button. You have instant access.  
E-learning tool Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
The purpose of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) E-learning Tool  is to provide basic knowledge to hospital and community pharmacists involved in the pharmaceutical care for HSCT patients. Different topics will be discussed including: hematopoiesis, different types and sources of HSCT, process of HSCT, early and late complications, drugs used during conditioning regimens, drugs used in prevention and treatment of complications. The tool takes approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete, depending on the knowledge and experience of the user.
ISOPP Policy on Endorsement of Guidelines
Do you have a guideline that you would like to submit for ISOPP's endorsement? As per the National Guideline Clearinghouse, guidelines are statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options. For further details on eligibility and the evaluation process, review the  ISOPP Policy on Endorsement of Guidelines .
Host a Future 
ISOPP Symposium
Would you like to see one of ISOPP's Symposium held in your city or country?  Review the Destination RFP .

Meet n' Greet
Did you know that you can gather colleagues for an ISOPP "meet n' greet" at a conference you attend to say hello and share the benefits of ISOPP membership?.  

Contact   to find out more.
ISOPP Sponsored Membership Program
The  Sponsored Membership Program  exists  to support 
members who, given their 
personal or regional financial situations, may not be able to become an ISOPP member or continue their ISOPP 

Thanks to the generosity of members who have made 
additional payments, there is 
a pool of money to help support others in the field of oncology pharmacy pay membership fees. Do you know someone who would like to join ISOPP? 


Read more on the program.
Calendar of Events
Submit an Article

Contact Jill Davis, Newsletter Editor at
to submit an article.
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