Volume 23 | No. 4 | December 2021

The past two years have been challenging for us all and the situation around the world is still precarious; however, ISOPP is as committed as ever to support our members by continuing to provide virtual education, resources and connections!

2021 was the year ISOPP turned 25. You may remember the fun times we had in 2016 in Santiago, Chile celebrating our 20th. For a flash back, visit ISOPP’s Past Symposia section of the website. There is a PowerPoint of photos taking us through the ages. We will add the next five years for another look back during ISOPP’s 2022 Virtual Symposium taking place March 4 and 5, 2022. Be sure to register using your personal link emailed to you on November 24 and visit the website for program details.

In 2016, just five short years ago, we were light years away to the technology savvy environment we live in today. In keeping with the times, ISOPP recently launched a complimentary online accredited program, for members only. Hours of work went into creating this first class learning tool on Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars (OPAB). The program consists of 10 online courses (total of 25 hours) and an opportunity to meet at ISOPP’s 2023 Symposium in Spain to expand the Biosimilars Expert Network. It is accredited by the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists and made possible through an educational grant from Pfizer. Many kudos to the Faculty members, Reviewers, Task Force members and the Society Management Office for an incredible effort. We hope you take advantage of this learning opportunity.

Our virtual world brought together ISOPP experts and Saudi Arabian oncology pharmacy practitioners for the inaugural Saudi Arabia Regional Oncology Pharmacy Conference, attended by participants in person and virtually. A huge welcome to all our new members from Saudi Arabia!

We are putting the finishing touches on the revised Standards of Practice, which should be published in time for when we see each other virtually in March at the Virtual Symposium. This is an accomplishment that was achieved thanks to the effort and expertise of many members!

Be sure to renew your ISOPP membership if you haven’t already (look for an email with the subject line ISOPP renew your membership for 2022 sent on December 9th), so that, in addition to benefiting from membership opportunities, you can join us for our Annual General Meeting on March 5, 2022. We will discuss the Standards and also share upcoming activities ISOPP’s leadership has planned to achieve the Strategic Plan objectives as we continue on our journey to improve the lives of patients in our care and to make an impact. Please continue to spread the word about the value of ISOPP and encourage others to join.

On behalf of the ISOPP Secretariat, Chairs of Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups and our Society Management Office, we want to wish you all the very best for 2022. Happy Holidays and stay safe!
Shaun O’Connor
ISOPP President
ISOPP Business News
Save the Date for 
2022 ISOPP Annual General Meeting (AGM)

ISOPP’s 2022 Annual General meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday, March 5th at 09:00 EST (click here for your local time) during ISOPP’s 2022 Virtual Symposium

During the AGM, ISOPP’s Strategic Plan 2020 to 2023 will be released, along with the ISOPP Standards updates which we are aiming to published prior to the ISOPP 2022 Virtual Symposium. 

A more detailed notification about the AGM will be distributed once finalized. 

In the meantime, review the 2021 AGM minutes, PowerPoint presentation, and recording in the member only section (log in as a member).
2022 ISOPP Call for Election Nominations

ISOPP's elections will be held in January 2022. ISOPP is seeking candidates for three director positions to serve on the Secretariat for a two year term. 

The following criteria provide a guide for those interested in running for the open positions:

Minimum two year membership in ISOPP (required) 
Two years oncology pharmacy related work experience (required) 
Volunteer activity in ISOPP 
Oncology pharmacy related work experience 
General volunteer and leadership experience

Note: You must be a paid member for 2022.

Please submit your nomination via your personalized link (which was sent to your inbox on December 7th) by Monday, January 3, 2022.
It’s Time to Renew your Membership for 2022!

It’s that time of year again! Membership renewal for 2022 has started already! Check your inbox for an email which was sent on December 9th with directions on how to renew.
Membership for 2022 is required to be eligible for complimentary ISOPP offerings taking place in 2022, such as the Virtual Symposium and OPAB Program.

Through the Society’s educational resources and events, the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP), newsletters, blogs, awards and grants, and website, we connect you with leading edge oncology knowledge, best practices and essential professional networks.

Are you requesting sponsored membership and/or would you like to sponsor a prospective or current ISOPP member? Indicate your preference during renewal. The deadline for sponsored membership request is Monday, January 31, 2022!

Nominate / Apply for Awards and Grants by Tuesday, January 11, 2022!

Everyday oncology pharmacists make a difference in the lives of cancer patients around the world. Part of ISOPP’s mission is to support and reward this vital work. We do this through our Grants & Awards program.  

The deadlines to nominate yourself and/or an ISOPP member for an award or to apply for a Research Grant is Tuesday, January 11, 2022.  

Full details for each grant and award (including eligibility criteria, application steps and application site) are located on the ISOPP website: sign in as a member and go to the Grants & Awards page.  
Participate in ISOPP’s Biosimilar implementation in oncology practice in Africa Survey

In 2019, ISOPP held an international Biosimilars workshop during which the African participants highlighted several challenges to the introduction of Biosimilars into their local practice. 

ISOPP’s Biosimilars Task Force has distributed a survey to ISOPP members in the African region, to inform their work of designing educational materials and resources which meet the specific needs of oncology pharmacists and other oncology professionals in Africa. 

All practicing oncology pharmacy practitioners in Africa are invited to participate in the survey by Monday, January 3, 2022 using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6GKGDJP 

Responses will be collated and summarized into a report and a summary of which will be shared with ISOPP members.
ISOPP Events and Programs
Program Announced!

Join us for leading edge education to advance your pharmacy oncology knowledge from wherever you are! Engaging sessions presented by experts from around the world include: 

Network with your colleagues who share common interests and explore these topics during hot topic discussions:

There is more! You can: 

  1. Gain valuable insights during Sponsored Symposia. BD will hold a sponsored Symposium on Friday, March 4 at 10:45-11:45 EST. 
  2. Connect through Discussion Forums, Networking Sessions, Social Stream and a Meeting Hub with colleagues from around the world 
  3. Participate in ISOPP’s Annual General Meeting to stay informed of past and upcoming activities and interact with ISOPP’s leadership to guide the future of ISOPP. ISOPP’s Strategic Plan 2020 to 2023 and the soon to be launched Standards of Practice revisions will be shared! 
  4. Visit ISOPP Initiatives & Sponsor and Exhibitors Gallery
Registration is complimentary for 2022 ISOPP members. Not an ISOPP member? Join now!
Member in 2021 and you need to renew your membership? Look for the email sent on Wednesday, December 9th with the subject of ISOPP renew your membership for 2022. 
Be sure to keep visiting the ISOPP 2022 website for further program updates and to learn more about the presenters

Spread the word using #ISOPP2022VS and please forward this notice to your friends and colleagues who may be interested in what the Symposium has to offer and encourage them to join ISOPP

Many thanks to the Task Force for the hard work in developing the program. 

See you online on March 4 - 5, 2022!
Lisa Holle 
ISOPP 2022 Virtual
Symposium Chair
Shaun O’Connor 
ISOPP President
We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors and exhibitors:
Have your organization's name listed here. Find out how to be a sponsor.
Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars Program

Access to part 1 (Modules 1 to 4) of the Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars (OPAB) Program opened in October 2021!

The program consists of 10 online modules (25 hours) and you can choose to take the accredited program, earning you a Certificate of Completion with 25 CEUs, or the non-accredited program, receiving a Letter of Participation with no CEUs awarded.

The OPAB Program is complimentary for ISOPP members and geared towards oncology pharmacists who have practiced for at least one year in the area of oncology pharmacy. 

If you haven’t already, be sure to register to receive access to the program and begin your training! Not a member? Join ISOPP now!  

We acknowledge the Faculty members, Reviewers and Task Force members for their contributions to the OPAB Program.
The OPAB Program is supported by an educational grant from Pfizer.
Accreditation for the OPAB Program is provided by the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists (CSHP). CSHP is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.
2021 Regional Symposium
Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA) / International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) Regional Conference 2021

It was a pleasure collaborating with Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA) for the ISOPP’s inaugural Saudi Arabia Regional Oncology Pharmacy Conference, which took place on November 18 (ISOPP Masterclasses) and November 19 – 20 (Conference), 2021 as a hybrid event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Also, a huge thanks to all the presenters at the SOPA/ISOPP Regional Conference including ISOPP presenters; Alex Chan, Emma Foreman, Shaun O’Connor, Brooke Bernhardt, Marliese Alexander and Harbans Dhillon for sharing their knowledge and expertise at the Conference!

We look forward to working with SOPA again in the near future! 

Be sure to read the article in the “Oncology Pharmacy Around the World” section, co-authored by Nora Alkhudair (SOPA / ISOPP 2021 Conference Chair), Majed Alshamrani (SOPA / ISOPP 2021 Organizing Committee Member) and Alexandre Chan (SOPA / ISOPP 2021 Scientific Committee Member and ISOPP Liaison).
Oncology Pharmacy Around the World
Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress (APOPC) 2021
By Manit Saeteaw, Faculty of pharmaceutical sciences, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand

Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress (APOPC) is a biennial conference targeting oncology pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other healthcare professionals practicing in oncology from Asian countries. 

The year 2021 marks the 3rd anniversary of the Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Community (APOPC) as being transformed from the formerly community of practice known as Asia for Safe Handling (asia4safehandling.org founded in 2004) to reflect the recent development of oncology pharmacy practice in Asia Pacific region. 

This APOPC 2020/2021 Virtual Symposium was jointly organized by Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Community, Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Association (Thailand), Faculty of pharmaceutical sciences Khon Kaen University and Faculty of pharmacy Chaing Mai University, and held during 28-30 October 2021 in Thailand. 

Asia Pacific Oncology Pharmacy Congress (APOPC) 2021 Sessions Report
By Harbans Dhillon, Hisanaga Nomura and Bo (Miguel) Yu

Plenary 1: Innovations to transform oncology pharmacy by Harbans Dhillon

Oncology pharmacy practice is evolving as world situations change over time while facing a pandemic. Social distancing and quarantine measures has necessitated the use of digital health technology to fill and compound prescriptions, track medication data, promote medication adherence, track and manage adverse side effects and to communicate with our patients effectively with real-time patient interaction. 

Plenary 11: Innovations and Practices

This Plenary was to showcase the main innovations in compounding of hazardous drugs and was well presented by Hisanaga Nomura from Japan and Bo Yu from China.

A Report on Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA) / ISOPP Regional Conference 2021
By Nora Alkhudair, Majed Alshamrani, and Alexandre Chan

In collaboration with the Saudi Oncology Pharmacy Assembly (SOPA), International Society of Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) conducted its first regional hybrid conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The scientific program was delivered over 3 days from the 18th to the 20th of November, 2021. Two masterclasses were conducted, pre-conference along with students boot camp & competition, where physical attendance exceeded 100 learners. The scientific program was presented by a total of 34 esteemed international speakers and moderators were they deliberated new updates in oncology pharmacy therapeutics, practice management, and research. 

British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) 24th Annual Symposium
By Netty Cracknell, Ramsay Health Care UK, UK and Emma Foreman, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, UK

The 24th British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) annual symposium was held virtually this year, with an exciting and impressive agenda and the opportunity to participate in a variety of sessions, including industry-led satellites, breakout sessions, poster exhibitions, and plenary sessions from top oncology experts. The talks were entirely interactive, as they had been in previous years. During the poster presentations delegates had the opportunity to ask speakers questions and discuss their up-to-date research.

Highlighted Education Resources
ISOPP offers online educational opportunities specific to the needs of oncology pharmacy practitioners, facilitated by ISOPP leaders and oncology pharmacy experts.

Log in as a member to learn from ISOPP’s previously recorded webinars. Members have complimentary access for one year from the date of the webinar:

Interested in presenting a webinar? Please contact the Education Committee Chair, Himanshu Patel, at education@isopp.org.
The Virtual Library serves as a hub for oncology pharmacy practitioners from around the world to access the breadth and depth of knowledge of ISOPP members and others on a 24-hour basis.  

Members and non-members have access to certain resources complimentary and others through a paid subscription.

The following will help you to explore ISOPP’s Virtual Library:

The COVID-19 Resources, Biosimilars Toolkit of Resources, recording of past Regional and International Symposia, webinars and much more are available in the Virtual Library!
The 90th issue of the Virtual Journal Club (VJC) is available. To access it, visit the Virtual Journal Club Surveys page or follow the direct link to the survey.  
Members are encouraged to read articles and then answer a series of multiple choice questions through the Virtual Journal Club Surveys.

After completing the questionnaire, a certificate will be available. Although not formally accredited for continuing medical education (CME) points, participation is equal to one hour of CME activity.
The Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to educating health professionals about providing pharmaceutical care to patients with cancer. It is the official publication of the International Society for Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP).  

JOPP is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and is free for ISOPP members.  

You can access JOPP issues online anytime via ISOPP website (log in as a member). Please note that a hard copy of the Journal is no longer available.  
Did you know?
You can be part of the Members’ Discussion Forum

The Discussion Forum is an online discussion about oncology pharmacy with ISOPP members around the world. The forum is an active conversation amongst members, committee members and Secretariat members on oncology pharmacy related issues and ISOPP specific issues. 

Post questions and provide answers using the discussion forum. Take advantage of the networking opportunities with ISOPP members by starting a discussion around leading edge oncology knowledge and best practices!

Visit How to Use the Website for directions on how to start a new topic and how to subscribe.  
You can Follow us on ISOPP’s Social Media

ISOPP is the world’s gateway to oncology pharmacy research and practice. This is the place you come to learn about the latest developments in oncology pharmacy, to connect with pioneers in cancer treatment, and to expand your knowledge of oncology pharmacy practice worldwide.

Follow us on the following ISOPP’s Social Media to stay informed of upcoming ISOPP activities and conversations.  

Share our posts with your network and encourage others to join ISOPP!
You too can be an ISOPP 
Quarterly Newsletter Author 

Would you like to contribute articles to be published in the ISOPP Newsletter
We would love to hear about: conferences (virtual or in person) and/or education events / program you may have attended, or a ‘Day in the life of a <name country> oncology pharmacist’ during the COVID19 outbreak or anything else you would like to share with ISOPP members in oncology pharmacy and your practice.

ISOPP’s Newsletter, published quarterly and sent via email directly to members, is the home of international discussion on oncology pharmacy research and practice and ISOPP news and business. We are always looking for contributions.  
Contact Evelyn Handel, Newsletter Editor at newsletter@isopp.org to submit an article.  
Evelyn Handel
Newsletter Editor

Are you or your national organization looking for a way to reach ISOPP members for a research study, to share information or other related oncology pharmacy matters?
There are several ways to reach ISOPP members:

ISOPP will distribute your survey, if it meets set criteria. This service is free if the principal investigator or co-investigator is an ISOPP member, and is available to non-members for a fee of $750 CAD. 
Many ISOPP members are part of healthcare teams involved in cancer prevention, treatment, supportive care, and symptom management. If you would like to reach them to share information about a job posting, a product launch, a conference or other related oncology pharmacy matters, ISOPP will distribute an email on your behalf and post the information to the ISOPP website. Check out the cost for a one-time email distribution!

Visit the ISOPP Website for more information on how to reach our members.
How did you like this Newsletter?
ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office

Sea to Sky Meeting and Association Management is ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office. We support ISOPP’s volunteer leadership (Secretariat, its Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups), its members and other stakeholders to help achieve ISOPP’s mission to advance oncology pharmacy care for patients around the world. If you have any questions about membership, services, Symposium or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:

Direct: +1-604-984-6455
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue 
North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7