Dear ISW Supporters
ISW Diwali festivities are happening all through November. In addition this year, for the first time, we are excited to be partnering with the Tower Hill Botanic Gardens to celebrate Diwali, a Festival of Lights, on November 20th. Wander through the beautiful gardens lit up with twinkling lights, soak in the festive atmosphere, enjoy Indian food and cultural programs, all at a special discounted price for our ISW community. We look forward to seeing you at one of the Diwali events.
Puneet Kohli, President, India Society of Worcester
Yoga for Kids on Saturdays at 9:00-9:30 am
Free Online Yoga for Kids ages 6 to 16, offered by our experienced ISW School Yoga Teacher, Alka Yadav-Mehta. To register add your child name here . You will receive the zoom link from Alka.
Kannada and Sanskrit Classes Interest Survey
If you or your child is interested in taking beginner's classes in Sanskrit or Kannada, please complete this survey.
Ruchi Chauhan & Shiamin Melville
BollyZumba Winter Session
Nov 2 to Dec 14, 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Fitness isn’t a goal it is a lifestyle. Our Zumba class will consist of 45 minutes of rigorous dance moves on Bollywood numbers followed by 20 minutes of yoga stretches. Register now! ISW Members $65, Non-members $75
November 7,10 am to 4 pm at Worcester Art Museum
ISW Diwali Laxmi Puja
November 7, 5:00 to 8:00 pm at ISW India Center
Capacity is limited, please Register at ISW. ISW Members Only or become a member and join.
ISW Diwali Cultural Event
November 13, 2 to 6 pm online
Diwali At Tower Hill - Festival of Lights
November 20, 6 to 9 pm
Tower Hill Botanic Gardens
ISW Christmas
December 11th 2021
Save the date for ISW's annual Christmas event with songs and celebrations in many languages plus Santa!
What you need for a Shih Tzu
By Ayan Mishra
Continuing the story about my puppy who is growing up fast….Muffin has now turned 6 months old! She has grown much bigger and learned a lot more commands. She has learnt to follow - sit, come, go get your toy, drop it, leave it and down. She has stayed home alone for 3 hours already! Now that I have had her for a few months and our entire family revolves around her needs, I thought I should talk about what you need for a Shih Tzu Puppy. Read all about bringing up the "cutest dog in the world".
Road Trip Tales: A journey to the West and back
By Dhruv Jagan, 9th Grade, St. Johns
At this point, me, my dad, my brother, and my sister were all getting a little tired of all the driving we had to do every other day. My mom on the other hand, miraculously was full of energy and wanted to continue as if we just started. Of course, we were back on the road at 8:30am that day and were headed to Nevada. Continue with them on their journey visiting one of the most amazing natural wonders in America on their webpage.
This is part of a new series by Dhruv Jagan that takes you on their exciting cross country trip this summer. Read the rest of the story on the ISW Website and don't forget to check in for the next exciting step of their journey.
ISW Professional and Entrepreneurial Network (PEN)
How do you learn to love networking
By Ragoo Raghunathan, Chair ISW PEN
An important aspect that came up at our recent ISW-PEN event focused on job search strategies that offered perspectives from recruiters and hiring managers, was the crucial importance of Networking! It is easy to refrain from networking by saying ‘I hate networking’. The authors of this interesting article have summarized how to overcome this aversion by identifying four strategies that can alleviate your networking concerns. Click here to read about it.
ISW WEW: The Transformative Power to be Professionally Successful
by Snehalata Kadam
On Thursday, October 14th, 2021, the third session of WEW (Women Empowering Women) took place at ISW. Snehal and Neha did a great job presenting the panelists, women who are well established in their respective fields and have demonstrated leadership in their career path. The audience was enthralled by their accomplishments and their guidance and tips for successful career growth. Read about these accomplished women on the ISW webpage
Contact Information
India Society of Worcester
Mailing Address: PO Box 136, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Answering Machine: 508-842-9795