ISWM Header 1
Issue No. 1
February 2011
New Website Tour

If you haven't had a chance to check out the revised ISWM website, please take a closer look. We have added resources and an updated calendar of events. The Calendar includes national meetings, like the upcoming ISWM University in Virginia Beach, as well as Division meetings. The members only section has been improved the most. We have electronic copies of ISWM News and other members-only publications you can download. We also have a new members only forum where you can engage in online conversation with fellow members. Spread the word among your employees so they can access all the great resources we have online.

Click here for the guided tour of the new web site.


ISWM University May 2011 Virginia Beach

We are busy planning our major educational event for 2011, the 2011 ISWM University event in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We are planning several technical and educational training sessions, as well as opportunities to complete your testing for Handbook 44 or an ISWM certification.

May 18-20, 2011

Holiday Inn and Suites North Beach
Virginia, Beach, VA 23451
(757) 428-1711

For more information, visit our website.

ISWM University Logo


Manufacturer Division

At the February Board Meeting, the ISWM Board of Directors approved the creation of a new Manufacturer's Division of ISWM. The purpose of the Manufacturer Division is to provide customized value to ISWM manufacturer members and to advance their collective interests, particularly in the context of the various weights and measures administrations and regulatory bodies. If you are interested in joining the division, please contact Rudy Kolaci at Totalcomp.


Benefits of ISWM Membership

Stephen Hofius, President/Owner Northern Balance and Scale and ISWM Board Member, makes it clear:

What does ISWM do for me?
I am the new guy. My wife and I bought Northern Balance and Scale in April 2005. I was an employee since 1998. Until we purchased the company, I knew next to nothing about ISWM. When I inquired about it others said it no longer had relevance and I should not waste my time or money. I decided to get involved and to include my employees also. I can assure you I've gained far more then I've invested--both in regards to income earned through contacts made and relationships made and that are still being made all the time through ISWM.

There are products that have been brought to our attention we would not have seen--sometimes products you might not be thinking of. There are services we have been able to provide to others that have benefited both sides. Plus friendships that I hope last for many years to come. Do they just jump into your lap, no? If you come often, I tell people give it two to three years worth of meetings. That's  time enough to meet and talk openly with new friends. You will start to see rewards. It is a small price to invest in your future.

Learn more about ISWM and join on our website.

Save the Date:
ISWM Conference and Expo

January 24-27, 2012
Sam's Town Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada


Call for Company News

Share your company's news and achievements with your peers, so they can read all about it in the next issue of ISWM NEWS. Please forward your news item to Linda Bernetich by March 4th.


Advertise in ISWM NEWS

Increase your visibility to every ISWM member by advertising in the ISWM NEWS. This year's issues will feature full-color design and beefed up content. There are discounts for advertising in all three of our issues (plus being in all three gets you added exposure on our web site). But the deadline for getting in all three issues is March 4, so get your contract in today, and benefit from the buzz that the redesigned newsletter will generate.

For more information about advertising, click here.


In This Issue
New Website Tour
ISWM University May 2011 Virginia Beach
Manufacturer Division
Why Join ISWM
Save the Date
Call for Company News
Advertise in ISWM NEWS
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Board Meeting
May 17

ISWM University

May 18-20, 2011

WAM Magazine Show October 2011

Board Meeting
October 20, 2011


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