I received disapproval emails about my last newsletter:
“Trump Administration Continues to Keep Out-of-Pocket Drug Costs Low for Seniors.”
Apparently, one or two of my clients thought I was using my “platform” or my newsletters for “partisan political purposes.” That would be suicidal!
My response or reply was that I redistributed a CMS news release article that was about the changes to prescription drug plans for the upcoming new year (2021) and how these changes would impact Medicare eligibles - especially those who need insulin. This information would be important for those heavily impacted with the costs of obtaining insulin.
Look, I understand the political divide and the strong reasons why each of us are choosing whom we see fit to run the next four years of our country. But I also think that an article written and produced by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) that I redistributed to educate my clients about the upcoming changes in the Medicare plans and changes for those insulin dependent, was just an article!
Should I have deleted the “Trump” name before redistributing the article?
After all, whomever the President is (at this time) when economic changes are made would mention the President’s name in the article; especially during a re-election year.
If you find the information valuable in the newsletter (any newsletter), then this is a good thing. If not, then delete and maybe the next newsletter will pertain more to your needs.
I am sorry if anyone was offended in any way. That was not my intention. Hopefully, we can all take a deep breathe shortly.
This year has been a “doozy” for all of us. Right?