Campus-Community Connections
The official newsletter of the International
Town & Gown Association™ Dec. 19, 2019
Cornell Honors 'Community Treasures'
Cornell University held its 9th annual Town-Gown Awards (
) earlier this month, recognizing community-campus partnerships, key retirees, and a member of the New York State Assembly. Speaking at the awards ceremony, Cornell President Martha E. Pollack noted how Ithaca is closely knit. "I'm getting close to three years in Ithaca and this really feels like home to me," she said. Background on the creation and maintenance of The TOGOs was featured in ITGA's
Compass Corner
earlier this year. Members are invited to share ways ITGA has benefited your work. To share your success story, click
From Homeless to Housing Coordinator
After attending sociology classes all day at Humboldt State University on the Northern California coast, ITGA member Chant'e Catt didn't return to a dorm or an apartment. She slept in a gray minivan. At HSU, she now works as an off-campus housing coordinator. In the first-of-its-kind role within the California State University system, she maintains an inventory of housing availability, helps students find homes and gathers data on a food and housing insecurity crisis that's intensifying on her campus and nationwide. Roughly, 1 in 10 college and university students experienced homelessness in the previous year, according to 2018 research by Wisconsin HOPE lab (now the HOPE Center). But a growing number of universities are developing and launching programs to fill these gaps.
Seasons Greetings and Thanks!
From Executive Director Beth Bagwell
Friends and members, at this time of year when thanks and good cheer are the norm, the ITGA thanks you for sharing your gifts and collaborative spirit in 2019. Our organization's growth and potential are unprecedented, and I appreciate your feedback on recent updates from
my office
and Board President
Ron Jackson
. Looking toward 2020, ITGA-led webinars will be more commonplace, and we anticipate growth opportunities with our ITGA's
Emerging Professional's Group
(colleagues new to the town-gown environment). Our new intern program will also expand in 2020, and thanks to those of you who have engaged with our bright young leaders. Finally, there is the ITGA City & University Relations Conference in Boulder, CO, June 1-3 and we are confident that this will be another great gathering. We hope you can join us. Thank you again for all you do for ITGA! Your involvement, advice and ideas are essential for ITGA's future.
ITGA Call for Board Nominations
Call for ITGA Board nominations is open! If you are interested in leadership opportunities, this may be your chance to get more involved with ITGA. The ITGA Board of Directors nomination process is designed to recruit and seek out dynamic and dedicated active voluntary professionals in service of the organization at the leadership level. The BOD meets four times a year (via conference call) and at the annual conference. Candidates for Directors must be an ITGA member. Responsibilities include being an ambassador for the organization, serving as a point of contact for resources and outreach, and serving or chairing special committees prescribed by the President. To learn more and/or apply, please review our updated
and/or click
. Send questions to
Intern Challenge: Deadline Dec. 20
The 2019 ITGA Intern Challenge will shine a thankful light on effective student-led community projects, in collaboration with a local government or nonprofit, in one of these areas: climate change and sustainability; race relations and shared interests; and student mental health initiatives. Winning groups or individuals in these three categories will have a donation made to a nonprofit of their choosing in their community. Submissions should be 250 words or less, plus e-links on the project, outcomes and any media coverage, sent to
by eob Dec. 20. Thanks for engaging. We know students near and far are doing great work in Canadian, UK and US college towns!
Fire Safety: A Town-Gown Collaboration
Howard University and Washington DC
To raise awareness about fire and carbon monoxide safety in the community and on campus, ITGA member Howard University and the Washington D.C. Fire and EMS are partnering with First Alert, along with Campus Firewatch and the Michael H. Minger Foundation to participate in the third annual Town/Gown Fire Safety Community Service Project, dotingly titled Bison Fire Safety. Howard University is the only historically black college and university selected to participate in this year's project.
Howard University
A growing and impressive group of professionals from campus communities continue to network and share strategies for improving town-gown relations. Join us on