Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology

Terry Kippley, CPDA

February 29, 2024

In this Issue:

  • New CPDA Member
  • ESA-FIFRA Interagency Working Group
  • Data Evaluation Records (DERs) Update
  • CPDA Washington DC Fly-In March 4–6
  • Register: Adjuvants, Inerts & Crop Protection Conference

Welcome New Member Sharda!

Please help us welcome new member Sharda. Membership dues fund our advocacy efforts which include working with EPA on the PRIA and non-PRIA backlog and on the possibility of giving growers credit for the use of Drift Reduction Adjuvants as an ESA mitigation tool alternative to No-Spray buffers which would be difficult for growers and our members.


Sharda Cropchem is a fast-growing global agrochemicals company with leadership position in the generic crop protection chemicals industry. It has made deep inroads in the highly developed European and US markets which are characterized as high entry barrier markets.

Learn More

ESA-FIFRA Interagency Working Group

On Monday, I attended a meeting of the ESA-FIFRA Interagency Working Group (IWG) in Washington DC. The IWG was established to coordinate Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations for new pesticide registrations and products going through registration review. The IWG is anchored by EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The IWG was established to improve the consultation process between EPA, FWS and NMFS, something that is sorely needed.

I was able to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting, where I stressed the importance of including drift reduction adjuvants and “stickers” as part of the mitigation options available to growers to reduce ESA no-spray buffers.

To stress that point, I was able to spend some time outside the meeting with Jake Li and Rod Snyder. Jake is EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs and Rod is the Agricultural Advisor to EPA Administrator Michael Regan.

Once again, I was reminded of the importance of CPDA member engagement and working with our agricultural allies as I was joined at the IWG meeting by CPDA member Ethan Mathews of Wilbur-Ellis, Kyle Kunkler of the American Soybean Association and Josie Montoney-Crawford of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. Thank you, Ethan, Kyle, and Josie for your leadership and support!

I was also able to catch up with CPDA member Bernalyn McGaughey, who is the President & Lead Consultant of Compliance Services International (CSI). Bernalyn has a wealth of experience across a wide range of scientific disciplines. She currently serves as the Project Director of the FIFRA Endangered Species Task Force where she has used her expertise to navigate the complicated intersection of FIFRA and ESA.

Data Evaluation Records (DERs) Update

EPA has provided the following update regarding the issuance of DERs. Key points:

  • PRIA 5 requires EPA to provide the Data Evaluation Records (DERs) to the registrant for studies submitted in support of a PRIA action, by the time the PRIA action is completed.
  • EPA’s DER distribution system via their GoAnywhere software is up and running for all registration actions issued after January 1, 2024. If you do not receive these DERs proactively, please remind the Product Manager to provide them.
  • To obtain DERs for actions issued before January 1, registrants should submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

CPDA Washington DC Fly-In

It’s almost here! More than 40 CPDA member representatives will be flying in next week to join us for our Washington DC Fly-In.

Our agenda is packed from morning to night with meetings with Congressional leaders and staff, EPA and USDA representatives, agricultural and industry allies, and our trade association partners. Limited space is still available, but you need to act now. This Fly-In is the focal point of CPDA’s federal advocacy efforts in 2024 where we will meet with Congressional leaders, members of the Biden Administration and agricultural allies. This is an important meeting for all CPDA member companies as we kick-off our 2024 federal advocacy efforts.

Registration Closing Soon

Join us for this premier event for the inerts, crop protection and adjuvants industry. Building on the success of last year’s conference in Louisville, this year’s event will offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for industry leaders.

You will learn how to:

  • Navigate the changing landscape of the U.S. crop protection market, including the residual effects from COVID-19 involving regulation, trade policy and consumer trends.
  • Discover the latest innovations and opportunities from emerging China suppliers of post-patent AIs and inert ingredients.
  • Hear from senior executives of leading companies on their vision for the future, the role of AI and the challenges they face.
  • Participate in a legislative panel that will discuss the 2024 election outlook, Farm Bill and ESA/EPA impact.
  • Attend Adjuvant University, a pre-conference workshop to understand emerging technology and their impact such as See & Spray and the use of drones.


Take part in CPDA’s first golf tournament on April 29th! Enjoy Arizona’s best rated resort course. Learn more.

Don’t miss this chance.

CPDA Members are a nationwide network of inert manufacturers, adjuvant formulators, post-patent crop protection product manufacturers, distributors, ag retailers, and others dedicated to industry advocacy and education. The conference is open to all members and non-member companies, including government and academia. Please register before the April 1st price increase. We look forward to seeing you in Tucson!

Until next time...

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