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Happening Next Week!

Beth Shapiro

Dr. Shapiro is an evolutionary biologist who specializes in the genetics of ice age animals and plants. She uses DNA recovered from bones and other remains to study how species evolved through time and how human activities have affected and continue to affect this dynamic process.

Public Lecture

Sequencing the Dead: Reconstructing the Past Using Ancient DNA

Monday, October 24 @ 4:10pm

Hybrid format

>> Registration & info here

Peer Lecture

Climate Change and the Deconstruction of Species

Tuesday, October 25 @ 4:10pm

Hybrid format

>> Registration & info here

About the Series:

The Tracy and Ruth Storer Lectureship in the Life Sciences is the most prestigious of the endowed seminars at UC Davis. Established in 1960, the Storer Endowment makes it is possible to invite distinguished biological scientists to campus to present two lectures and meet with faculty members and graduate students in their field of interest. The series is presented by the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences.

>>Lecture Video Archive


The Tracy and Ruth Storer Lectureship in the Life Sciences is the most prestigious of the endowed seminars at UC Davis. You can help continue the legacy of this historic series with a gift to the Storer Lectureship Series. 
