Greetings Dubrovnik & Venice Participants,
I am writing to you all regarding a traditional, fun perk that we supply all participants on Santana Adventures tours. We publish a get-to-know-your-traveling-companions book which we affectionately call the Icebreaker. These get to know your traveling companions’ books have become a staple on Santana Adventures tours. They are a fantastic keepsake, always fun to look through and a great way to break the ice with your travel mates. The Icebreaker also offers you a way to stay in touch after the tour. The best part is it is free! If you are concerned about privacy just let me know with a quick message indicating you prefer not to include a bio (it’s also OK to leave out phone numbers or email addresses), I just need to know that you have received this so my records are complete. 

Those of you that have been on trips before know the drill; for those of you that are new to Santana bike tours, the Icebreaker is a publication that lets you get to know your fellow cycle travelers. We would like you to share a little something that might be of interest to your traveling companions. The attached form should enlighten you and should be self-explanatory but if you have questions my contact information is at the end of this message.

For the new folks here is a link to a sample Icebreaker so you can see what this is all about:

For those of you on this trip that participated in recent tours I probably already have your bio information. Send me a note to remind me of the last tour you were on and any updates you wish to make, otherwise I will use your past bio information for the upcoming Icebreaker. If you can’t remember the last time you updated your bio, it’s probably time to send us a new one. If you wish to be excluded or need to update your page, please send me a note indicating such (also note any minor updates and what trips you have been on since). ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT, if your domestic status has changed I suggest you send us an updated bio and photo; just attach your new pic to the bio response; we like to avoid awkward discussions if at all possible.  

I know you all lead busy lives but please take a few minutes and send us your bio info. There is a short window of time to get this fun perk put together; we need 80% participation for this thing to fly. Please submit your information and photo(s) by August 23, 2022. Late submissions will not be included in the memory book.

It’s easy to participate. We’ll need a quick bio and snapshots of you. Just fill out the attached form and return it to us at The whole process should take less than 30 minutes.

Submit your Bios: Please use the attached form. Please be kind to your Icebreaker editors and DO NOT FILL OUT THE FORM WITH YOUR CAPS LOCK ON! Before you do anything else, do a “SAVE-AS” to your desktop with your Last Name(s) as the filename (ex:McCreadyAdriatic). Complete the form by filling in the appropriate blanks and save the form before you return it to me. One catch, this process works best on a desktop or laptop; most tablets/phones are not set up to complete and send PDF forms.

Submit your Photo: Along with your bio, please send a photo of yourself/team/couple. Submit 2-3 three images, selfies or other so we know who you are. The image(s) should be at least 500K in size. Anything smaller will not publish well. Follow the link below for do’s, don’ts and ideas. Please, Please, Please avoid wearing sunglasses, and Please, Please, Please SMILE. J Attach your images along with your bio info.

Do’s and Don’ts for photos:

Download the PDF to your desktop, fill it out, save it, and email it to: 


- Gene Mezereny
If you'd like to forward this email to your travel partner, send them this link: