Thursday, April 15, 2021
Idaho State University will continue the longstanding tradition of summer hours for employees. To support employees in fully enjoying the summer season, the University’s administrative office hours will shift to Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a 30-minute lunch break, beginning on Monday, May 10. 
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Like most events over the past year, students participating in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program had to do things a little differently this semester, but the results of these changes proved to be quite valuable. VITA, a program that offers students and community members free tax preparation, has been a major real-world opportunity for College of Business accounting students for many years.
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Note: This is one in a series of stories written by student Makenzie Kohler about scientist at Idaho State University.
Living organisms have continuous interactions and connections that contribute to life in and of itself. And a lot of the time, these interactions take place in ways that may not immediately come to mind. Dr. Joshua Grinath, a visiting assistant professor at Idaho State University, is studying ants,and they may be exhibiting connections in more ways than originally thought. 
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Idaho State Today is a twice-weekly employee newsletter that shares University successes, campus updates, and recognizes faculty and staff. All past editions of the newsletter are archived online.

To submit an update or story for Idaho State Today, fill out the online form by Friday at noon for Monday's edition, and Wednesday at noon for Thursday's edition. A separate newsletter called ROAR Weekly is sent to students on Wednesdays.
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