Tuesday, January 18, 2021
ISU College of Business Receives Gift to Establish Idaho's First Named Sales Center
The Idaho State University College of Business is thrilled to announce a transformative gift from the Michael C. Ruettgers Endowment that will result in the construction of the new Walter P. Brown Center for Sales Excellence. Located on the second floor of the business administration building, construction of the Walter P. Brown Center for Sales Excellence will take place in 2022 with a completion time estimated for the end of the fall semester.
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Budget Town Hall Set January 20
Please join us for a Budget Town Hall on Thursday, January 20, 2022 from 2 - 3:30 pm. Finance staff will present a budget outlook for the coming academic year, an overview of the budget development process, provide updates on budget-related projects and initiatives, and have time for Q&A. 

Thursday, January 20 - 2pm
Meeting ID: 894 9470 1674
Passcode: 489012

Contact Cali Bell for more information.
Campus Updates
About Idaho State Today
Idaho State Today is a twice-weekly employee newsletter that shares University successes, campus updates, and recognizes faculty and staff. All past editions of the newsletter are archived online.

To submit an update or story for Idaho State Today, fill out the online form by Friday at noon for Monday's edition, and Wednesday at noon for Thursday's edition. A separate newsletter called ROAR Weekly is sent to students on Wednesdays.
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