Thursday, November 11, 2021
Economics Student Wins Best Undergraduate Paper at International Conference
Idaho State University student Gwyneth Donahue's research on the wage gap existing between immigrant and native workers in the United States has earned her the award for Best Undergraduate Paper at the International Atlantic Economics Society conference. As part of the award, Donahue's research will be published. 
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New Idaho State University Class Teaches Persistence Through Juggling
In ROAR 1199, ISU’s first-year experience course, students got a surprising challenge early in the semester. They were asked to learn to juggle.
“You wouldn’t expect your college teacher to tell you that you’ll be learning how to juggle,” said Kaylee Kaminsky, a ROAR 1199 student. “But, next thing you know, she brings a backpack full of juggling balls, asks you to grab three and start to practice.”
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