February 1, 2024

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The final issue of Ideas Worth Teaching will be on February 8th. For more on current business and society challenges and how to meet them, check out the new Business & Society Navigator!

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Driving Diversity Amid Adversity

Financial Times: Sid Venkataramakrishnan

When business schools encourage “students to see and experience the value of diversity of thought and experience” are they going far enough? (also see I’m a Business Professor. All Execs Should Read Sweat by Lynn Nottage)


How College Consultants Invent Perfect Ivy League Applicants

Intelligencer: Caitlin Moscatello

Unequal chances: What does a $120,000 leg up in the college application game look like?


How Boeing Can Restore Trust

Yale Insights: Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian

This CEO is in the hot seat over a PR disaster and long-term issues coming to a head: How would you right the ship? (also see How CEOs Should Apologize)


The Taylor Swift Deepfakes Are a Warning

Platformer: Casey Newton

“How many more warnings do lawmakers need to see before they take action?” (also see Should 4 People Be Able to Control the Equivalent of a Nuke? and Could a Court Really Order the Destruction of ChatGPT?)


Prisoners in the US Are Part of a Hidden Workforce Linked to Hundreds of Popular Food Brands

AP News: Robin McDowell, Margie Mason

“A hidden path to America’s dinner tables begins here, at an unlikely source – a former Southern slave plantation that is now the country’s largest maximum-security prison.” What are the ethical dilemmas for companies who partner with prisons?


A Stranger in Nairobi ‘Sowed a Seed of Kindness’ That He Carries With Him Today

NPR: Laura Kwerel

As you head out into the world today, what seeds will you sow?

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