~ January 13, 2022 ~
TED Talk: Jamil Zaki
Cynicism isn’t a sign of clarity, "it's mental malware." How do optimism and empathy make us stronger in everything from relationships to business?
TIME: Vincent Clerc
"Shipping has long been caught up in a chicken-and-egg situation." Does this CEO have the recipe to turn his industry green?
The New Yorker: Nick Romeo
How can the "imperative to make money" be transformed into guardrails for good? (also see Biden’s Anti-Monopoly Crusade Won’t Fix Our Economic Woes and Employee Ownership Can Translate Capital Into a More Equitable Economy)
Issues in Science and Technology: Lisa Margonelli
Can "deliberately connecting our technology with our messy humanness make us better problem solvers?"
The Atlantic: Glenn Hubbard
Business needs to secure and maintain society’s support for enterprise. What is it missing? (also see ESG Jobs: Can MBAs Earn Big And Make An Impact? and 'A Crucial Role To Play': Top B-School Deans Share 2022 Resolutions)
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