January 18, 2023

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It’s a new year, and we’ve got new plans!


We’re revamping Ideas Worth Teaching to better serve our community.

Ideas Worth Teaching is becoming the Business & Society Navigator, launching Thursday, January 25th.


The Business & Society Navigator is designed to help forward-looking business leaders pursue positive change. All readers will be able to access The Navigator online. LinkedIn members can subscribe to have The Navigator sent to their inbox. 


Follow us on LinkedIn and watch next week for the link to subscribe to the Business & Society Navigator!


24 Trends That Will Shape the World in 2024

Inc.com: Marc Emmer

What should CEOs know to succeed this year? What about the rest of us? Also see

The 12 New Idea Books to Launch 2024

What Matters Most? Eight CEO Priorities for 2024

How Putting Purpose Into Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Bring Meaning and Results


How Boards, Investors, and Workers Can Support CEOs Who Are Willing to Tackle Climate Change

Quartz: Judy Samuelson

CEOs “need to lead and align with fellow travelers. Who has the potential to act as critical allies?” (also see The Davos ‘Do-Gooders’ and Companies Are Hiding Their Climate Progress. A New Report Explains Why.)


Should a Fabled American Company Have a Foreign Owner?

Morning Brew: Sam Klebanov

How do investors, employees and politicians see this deal? (also see United Steelworkers File Grievances Against U.S. Steel Over Sale)


Why Are MBAs Not Keeping Pace With a Changing World?

Financial Times: Hiro Mizuno

How far have MBA programs come in preparing students “for a changing world and business landscape?”


It Takes a Village: Using Game Theory to Get Farmers to Fight Deforestation

Insights by Stanford Business: Lee Simmons

“What if, instead of certifying each farmer, palm oil buyers could contract with an entire village and let the community do the enforcement?”


The Curious Case of the Disappearing Hydrox Cookies

The Hustle: Mark Dent

When it comes to market domination, do some companies act like true cookie monsters?

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