~ June 2, 2022 ~
The Aspen Institute Business & Society Program: Courtney L. McCluney
How can we prepare students to incorporate equity into a company's culture, and future? Cornell University's Courtney McCluney shows the way with her Ideas Worth Teaching Award-winning course, Advancing Racial Equity at Work. (also see What Walmart's Juneteenth Ice Cream Gaffe Really Highlights)
Motherboard: Edward Ongweso Jr.
Creepy or cool? And with what consequences?
The New Yorker: Kathryn Schulz
"We've supersized our capacity to ship stuff across the seas. As our global supply chains grow, what can we gather from the junk that washes up on shore?"
Behavioral Scientist: Sam Tatam
When is the key to successful innovation being less innovative?
Corporate Knights: Chris Turner
How do we get from where we are to somewhere better? (also see Turning Skyscrapers Into Gravity Batteries and Goodyear Wants to Make Tires From Dandelions)
The Hustle: Rob Litterst
Who owns the cone?
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