November 16, 2023

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Holiday Shopping Season Is Here. Here’s How and Why to Buy Less Stuff.

Vox: Allie Volpe, Rebecca Jennings, Anna North, Izzie Ramirez, Lilly Milman

“Where does personal versus corporate responsibility come into play? Why do we want to buy what we want to buy in the first place?” As we prep for the holidays, this series explores the perennial question: How much is enough?


The Most Influential Business Professors of 2023

Poets&Quants: Jeff Schmitt

Who is on the list, why, and what do the results suggest about the future of management education?


Brave, Smart…and Punished?

Korn Ferry: Margie Warrell

Is it time for leaders to say, “unless I’m willing to dive into the messy middle—an inherently uncomfortable process—how can I expect it of anyone else?”


UAW Autoworkers Are Voting ‘No’ on Big 3’s ‘Life-Changing’ Raises. Here’s Why

NPR: Andrea Hsu

Workers’ “feelings are mixed.” Should union members expect this deal to make up for decades of concessions? (also see Hyundai, Honda and Toyota Have All Raised Worker Pay Since UAW Strike Ended)


What Boards Can Learn From Unilever’s CEO Salary Freeze

ChiefExecutive: Matthew Scott

“How far are shareholders willing to go to curb rising executive compensation?”


‘We’re Not Doomed Yet’: Reasons for Climate Hope, by a Climatologist

Positive News: Michael Mann

Hope for the future? Yes, please. (also see The Startups Reinventing Notoriously Hard-to-Recycle Items, The Godfather of Microplastics on How to Stop Them and Don’t Let Grim Headlines Obscure the Progress on Climate Change)

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