September 1, 2022
The New Yorker: Nick Romeo
“Mondragon is an inspiring and successful experiment. Will it ever be repeated?” (also see The Past, Present, and Future of Work and How Employees Could Have a Voice on Corporate Boards)
“Ten people could go into a dealership and each pay a wildly different amount to buy the same exact vehicle.” Why is it permissible to discriminate on price for cars, but not milk?
POLITICO: Karl Mathiesen, Zack Colman
McKinsey Quarterly: Lucy Pérez, Dame Vivian Hunt, Hamid Samandari, Robin Nuttall, Krysta Biniek
“Does ESG really matter to companies? What is the business-grounded, strategic rationale?” (also see HBS Professor George Serafeim Explains Why He Welcomes ESG Criticism)
When is it fair to forgive?
AACSB: Hanumantha Rao Unnava, Sarah Nutter
Through a glass darkly: What is the future of business education?
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