St Anthony Church Newsletter

Join us next Friday,
February 5th
A tranquil soul is one free of the anxieties described by St. Paul and the unclean spirits described in the Gospel. But this tranquility of soul is must be earned through daily disciplines of prayer, fasting, and repentance.
Imagine what life could be like if we continually operated out of a tranquil soul rather than an anxious one!
The 11:15 Mass will continue to be live-streamed for the time being.
Therefore St Anthony Church will broadcast on Facebook LIVE Sundays at 11:15 am.
The video of the Mass will be available on this page of our website after the Mass is complete.

The Archbishop has extended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days up to and including Sunday, May 23rd which is Pentecost Sunday.
Visit the LENT 2021 page of our website for all information
Here is the online SIGN UP form for Adoration!
The Mass book for 2022 will open on February 17th, Ash Wednesday. If anyone would like to request a Mass intention for a loved one, please call the parish center office that day or anytime after for the 2022 year.

Also groups wishing to reserve a date for a bottle and can drive for 2022 may do so at that time.
Volunteer of the Week
Lorraine Dixon
Reader, EMHC, Sacristan Ministries
If you walk into the sacristy in the Church on any given weekend there is a good chance Lorraine Dixon will be there. Lorraine is active in many of the liturgical ministries here in our parish. She is one of our Sacristans and prepares the Sanctuary for Mass and then cleans and puts away the sacred vessels and other items used during Mass. She is also a Reader and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Lorraine is a long time member the parish and is active with the Baking Committee, the Ladies Guild and helps with Seasonal Decoration Ministry.
Thank you Lorraine for contributing your time and talents to our parish family!
Archdiocesan Marriage Enrichment Celebration The Archdiocesan Office of Family Life will hold its 14th annual Marriage Enrichment Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 from 7 - 8:30 pm. This year’s program will be virtual and conducted over the internet. Instructions for signing into the program will be provided with your registration confirmation. To register or to obtain more information, contact Tom and Donna Finn at 8603021110, or email to Please R.S.V.P. by February 4, 2021.
  • Tax letters for 2020 will be mailed BY REQUEST ONLY. If you want a tax letter for 2020 sent to you, please call Charlene at 2037584056, ext. 12, or email her at
  • Have You Made Any Changes Lately? Please also notify Charlene of any changes in your personal information such as change of address, phone number, email address, marital status or a new addition to your family. Accurate records are essential to verify membership and stay in contact with our parish families.
  • Thank you to the Knight of Columbus for continually providing the wine that is used during Mass.
  • Thank you to everyone who participated in the Boscov's Friends Helping Friends Days in October. St. Anthony Church received a check for $134.03 from 5% of your purchases! 
Cara Melchionne from our parish is collecting Beanie Babies to send to Operation Gratitude who will then send them to service members who will give them to kids in the area that they are serving to gain trust with them.  
If you have any beanie babies or any other small stuffed animals that you no longer want please consider dropping it in the bucket in the church vestibule THIS WEEKEND to support this great cause. She is also accepting monetary donations, so if you don’t have any stuffed animals but still would like to contribute either bring your donation to the parish center or enclose it in a small envelope and bring it to masses THIS week. Thank you.  
Guidelines for Attending Mass
While some might feel these guidelines are stringent, it is important that guidelines are followed, that we respect all parishioners and be sure that everyone feels comfortable attending Mass.

  • Please bring a face mask to wear, as it is required as you enter, while inside and as you exit. Please be sure to cover your mount and nose with the mask, not just your mouth.
  • Every 3rd pew will be completely open. When you come to Mass and are the first in a pew, please move to the end, close to the windows. This allows others to enter the pew from the center aisle and have a place to sit.
  • Please enter through the center doors of the front of the church, (with the exception of those that cannot use stairs you may enter through the Angel doors and proceed up the side aisle), proceed up the center aisle and when you enter a pew, move to the far side aisle, allowing other people to sit in the pew.
  • There are 20 pews open and with the capacity of 100, that leaves plenty of space for those attending.
  • We expect that every individual or family will keep a 6 foot distance between them and the next person/family.
  • The center aisle is meant to be used for walking toward the sanctuary and the side aisles are meant for walking away from the sanctuary
  • Also, We will no longer use stickie notes to mark the pews on the weekend, only during the week.
Collection Procedure:
  • One of the guidelines is that we cannot have the ushers passing the basket to receive your offertory envelopes.
  • Three collection boxes will be available inside the church and they will be emptied in the presence of 2 ushers, after every Mass, into a secure bag. 
  • If there is a second collection, please put your donation for that collection into a separate envelope. If it is a plain envelope, please mark it with the specific collection that it is for. 
Communion Procedure:
  • Please use the markers for distancing while in line. Families can stay together.
  • Once in front of Father or Deacon, please extend your hands out flat to receive the consecrated host, as you walk away, pause at the X on the floor, lower your mask, consume the host, put your mask back on and return to your pew down the side outside aisle.
Bingo is cancelled until further notice.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list to keep up to date please email

Thank you for all who have supported us in the past and we look forward to when we can have a HUGE Jackpot again
When shopping Amazon, you can choose to use Amazon Smile* and a percentage of your order will be donated to St. Anthony Church, specifically for the refurbishing of the Church hall.
Click on the photo to get started!
*We encourage supporting local businesses, direct trade and fair trade partners as well as environment considerations when making purchases. If you do choose to use Amazon Smile and you don’t need your item immediately, please don’t choose overnight/rush delivery because this often forces people to work on Sunday. 
Labonnes Cash for Charities Rebate Program
  • Please save your Labonne's cash register receipts. (Keep an envelope in your car to easily save them)
  • Every couple of months submit them to St. Anthony Church, via the mail or by dropping them off at the parish center. We will receive 1/2% back. 
  • Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their slips, keep them coming!

Please consider using online giving for your financial support.
The consistency from online giving is very helpful over vacation periods. You may still use your envelopes and mark “I gave online”. 
Thank you and God bless you for all you do for St. Anthony Church!
Parish Mission Statement
St. Anthony Church is a parish where God’s love nourishes the soul to actively minister to people and share the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Anthony Church
4 Union City Road – Prospect, CT 06712
203-758-4056 .