ODP Newsletter 4/21/2021
ODP Players and Parents,

Please look through some updates to the ODP timeline below.
ODP Schedule
Here is an ODP timeline of what to expect:

April 11 - Indiana Interregional Rosters posted
April 19 - Indiana Interregional Invites sent
April 30 - Deadline for those invited to Indiana Interregional to register
May 15 - Evaluations sent out (2003-2009 Boys & Girls)
June 18-20 - Indiana Interregional Event
June 20 - Regional Camp Invites sent
July 1 - State Teams announced
July 9-11 - Regional Camp
ODP Indiana Interregional

Specific details have been sent to all those invited to the Indiana Interregional event. Players will have until April 30 to accept their spot and register. Beginning in May, we will begin to fill spots for those who are unavailable.

Rosters for the Indiana Interregional have been posted on the ODP Homepage. Please follow the link below to view the list.

ODP State Teams

Official State Teams will be published by July 1. In previous emails, it was stated that players will be notified in early April of State Team selections. This is not the case as we want to wait until after the Indiana Interregional event to publish the State Team list.
ODP Regional Camp

Due COVID, the university in Saginaw is not allowing rentals and there have been changes to the Midwest Regional Camp. Please see the updates below. Regional Camp invites will be sent out immediately following the Indiana Interregional event on June 20.

Date - July 9-11
Who - Boys and Girls
Ages - 2003-2009
Location - Rockford, IL

More details will be provided by the Regional office regarding hotel, schedule, and cost in the coming months. We will update all players as we get more information.
ODP Evaluations

Evaluations will now be sent by May 15. There was a glitch in the new system and coaches could not enter their evaluations until now. We appreciate your patience.

All Boys and Girls 2003-2009 players will receive an evaluation, regardless of whether or not they were invited to the Indiana Interregional event. You will receive an email with access to your evaluation once they are released. No account needs to be created to access.
Contact Information
ODP Administrator
O: 847-290-1577 ext. 109