VMT Reduction Branch

SB 743 Newsletter - September 2023

The Impact of Induced Travel - Sunnytown, CA

Our team created a video explaining the effects of induced travel on idyllic, fictional Sunnytown, CA. Our team at Caltrans is committed to carrying out the goals of SB 743 which aim to combat climate change, promote alternatives to driving, encourage infill development, and improve quality of life for all Californians.

Second Editions Coming Soon

Transportation Analysis Framework (TAF) &

Transportation Analysis Under CEQA (TAC)

The first editions of the TAC and TAF were released in September 2020 to guide practitioners in implementing the goals of SB 743. Since then, multiple hot topics and bulletins have been posted to the Caltrans SB 743 website to reflect an evolving understanding of project analysis. Caltrans is creating the second editions of the TAC and TAF, which primarily focus on incorporating the hot topics and bulletins that have been posted after September 2020. New hot topics and/or bulletins will continue to be added as necessary following the release of the second editions, which are anticipated to be available October 2023.  

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Project Highlight

State Route 99 (SR 99) Delano to Pixley 6-Lane with Pavement Rehabilitation

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The SR 99 Delano to Pixley project proposes to improve the current 4-lane highway to a 6-lane highway and rehabilitate existing lanes. Enhancement of this segment of the corridor in Tulare County is needed to improve truck freight throughput and travel time reliability as trucks account for a substantial portion of volumes. While the project will induce travel, strategies have been proposed with the potential to fully mitigate induced VMT. However, the Director's Office has approved a Statement of Overriding Considerations to document this plan. The Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact was recently completed this month and can be accessed on the project website.

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Induced Travel Research Initiatives

The Caltrans SB 743 team is collaborating with the Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information (DRISI) on several studies related to induced travel, with two projects highlighted below. 


  • Equity concerns related to induced travel (Completion end of April 2024). The research will provide an authoritative review of peer-reviewed literature as well as best practices and, as needed, interviews with equity advocates and experts, to understand the equity concerns related to induced travel and mitigation. 
  • Exploring induced travel effects from various improvements to highways other than lane additions (Completion end of May 2024). The research intends to provide project teams with a valid, but simplified means of assessing induced travel impacts for projects not addressed by the NCST calculator. Currently such assessments are burdensome and inconsistent from project to project. 

Other Partner Resources

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Guidelines Update

The RTP Guidelines Update is currently underway! The SB 743 Team recently co-led the Environmental and GHG Workgroup. Anticipated adoption is January 2024, and we encourage folks to plug into the process however they can.

You can learn more about the RTP guidelines process and timeline at the public dashboard.

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Funding Opportunities

Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) State Funds Available

California will receive approximately $110 million in federal funding per year for five years for projects that decrease transportation emissions. 65% will be apportioned to local regions and 35% will be programmed by the state. The state portion is reserved for projects that convert existing highway lanes to priced managed lanes. The deadline for project submittal is October 31.

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USDOT Reconnecting Communities & Neighborhoods (RCN) Program 

The RCN Program provides opportunities to redress the legacy of harm from transportation infrastructure including: construction-related displacement, environmental degradation, limited access to goods and services, degraded public health due to air and noise pollution, limited opportunities for physical activity, and hampered economic vitality of the surrounding community. The deadline for applications is September 28 at 8:59 pm.

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