Worshiping Sundays In-Person and as an
Online Faith Community

Be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook
to view our online sermons

10:15 a.m.: In-Person Worship Service and
Online Facebook Worship
email:  [email protected]
Church Office: 980-999-3500

Weekly Newsletter: October 29, 2020
Weekly Newsletter:
October 28, 2021
Imagine Church continues to strongly recommend the wearing of masks for indoor worship as long as the city of Charlotte requires face coverings to be worn in any indoor public space regardless of vaccination status. This is also the position of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where Imagine Church meets; therefore, masks will be available in the rotunda at GCTS when we return to indoor worship there this Sunday, October 31.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, October 30:
5:00 p.m. Clover High School Choraliers Fall Event on Imagine Church's Lake Wylie Property, 5471 Highway 55 East, in Lake Wylie

Sunday, October 31: THIS SUNDAY!
10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship at Imagine Church (In-Person at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Chapel, 14542 Choate Circle, Charlotte, or Online on Imagine Church Facebook Page)
Message:  "My Church Is Kind of a Big Deal, Part 2" by Pastor Bruce
Separate Sessions for ALL ages of Imagine Kids and Imagine Nation Youth
Proclaim - Christina Jones; Safety & Security - Scott Tadlock

Tuesday, November 2:
7:00 p.m. Main Class Group, Community Bible Study (in person at Community Church at Lake Wylie, and dedicated online groups)

Wednesday, November 3:
10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Women's Group, Community Bible Study, CCLW
Study of Revelation
7:00 p.m. Ladies Life Group, home of Debra Tadlock, 117 Shimmerlake Lane, Belmont
Study of Daniel and Revelation

Sunday, November 7:
10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship at Imagine Church (In-Person at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Chapel, 14542 Choate Circle, Charlotte, or Online on Imagine Church Facebook Page)
Message:  "My Church Is Kind of a Big Deal, Part 3" by Pastor Bruce
All Saints Day Observance
Separate sessions for ALL ages of Imagine Kids and Imagine Nation Youth
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Proclaim - Jim Gilkeson; Safety & Security - Steve Phillips
Imagine Church Devotional
"Small Solutions, New Possibilities"
It was astonishing and awe-inspiring to watch the boys and girls run and play and go from vehicle to vehicle during our Trunk-or-Treat last Sunday afternoon on our new church site. Gregory counted forty-two cars that arrived, each one decorated uniquely and creatively. We had lots of people from the surrounding neighborhoods who came, and Imagine Church made some new friends.

I told someone that if we only served adults, we could stay forever at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. But we have a vision of creating inviting, captivating spaces for our Imagine Kids and Imagine Nation Youth. Kids and young people are a big deal for Imagine Church -- and it's because they ARE a big deal when you read the gospels.  

The disciple John tells a remarkable story (John, chapter 6) of when Jesus fed the multitude on a hillside one day. There is one person in the story whose vision and faith go unsung by John; as the disciples worry about how they are going to find food for all these people, one small solution steps forward. As an answer to the food question, a little child offers a new possibility: five barley loaves and two fish. With childlike trust, the boy offers all that he has to Jesus and the disciples.
Andrew has enough presence of mind (and maybe a small flicker of hope) to offer these childish gifts to Jesus even though his hard-nosed adult rationality gets in the way. "What are they among so many?" Andrew asks. But Jesus likes the child's solution. He uses the little boy's gift to feed the 5,000. Andrew looked at the five loaves and two fish and saw puniness. Jesus looked at them and saw possibilities.

The child taught the disciples a lesson that day. They should have been looking for ways to succeed instead of reasons to fail. His gift opened the way for Jesus and the disciples to achieve their goal. I'm glad we hear the sounds of noisy children at Imagine Church. May they always remind us to see everything in Christ: trees and fields, homes and tasks, animals and people -- and to be thankful to God.

In the name of the One who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
Bruce Jones, Pastor and Co-Creator,
Imagine Church of the Carolinas
Worship This Week
Can it be that a church can have two homes? It feels that way for Imagine Church after a memorable series of outdoor services on our new Lake Wylie site. However, we also have a warm, inviting indoor space at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary! Imagine Church returns to indoor worship at 10:15 a.m. this Sunday, October 31, in the GCTS Chapel. Bruce will continue our new series with part two of "My Church Is Kind of a Big Deal," and another new member of the church will share some of her family's experiences and impressions from the months they have been with us. Gregory will present the award-winners from last week's Trunk-or-Treat. You will not want to miss this Sunday -- in person or online on the Imagine Church Facebook Page. We hope to greet you on Sunday morning!
An Amazing Trunk-or-Treat!
Was it the 42 cars that pulled up on our large field, or the large number of kids and youth, or the families from surrounding neighborhoods that made our 2021 Trunk-or-Treat so memorable? Maybe it was all three! We are grateful to Gregory Roberts and Cameron Hurst who organized this year's event, and to all the households -- especially a number of our newer ones -- who decorated their trunks or tailgates and gave away candy. We will award prizes this Sunday, October 31, during worship. We are here for the community around us, and we look forward to more such events as our successful Trunk-or-Treat.
Enjoy Brunch on the Church (and at the Church)!
We've just begun our fall commitment emphasis we're calling, "My Church Is Kind of a Big Deal," and in early November, each household will receive a packet of information about our church's ministry goals for 2022. It all culminates with a free brunch at GCTS on Sunday, November 14. The day will have a different feel to it as we will begin serving waffles & bacon and coffee & juices at 9:00 a.m. and will continue serving until all have been fed! After brunch in the banquet room, we will all move down to the Chapel for an abbreviated time of worship. At the end, we will all have the privilege of bringing our commitment cards forward and placing them on the communion table. This is always a moving, memorable time for Imagine Church, and this year's brunch will make it even more so! So look for the food trucks to be providing the waffles, bacon, your choice of coffee, and other items that morning; and it's for everyone -- kids, youth, and adults!
Leadership Team to Meet
We are finishing up the requirements to receive the building permit for construction to begin, though the Leadership Team must meet to approve the funding plan for our new church facility. Once this work is complete, the entire project will be presented to the church family on an upcoming Sunday. The Leadership Team is reminded of an important meeting on Sunday, November 7, at 6:00 p.m. at Gordon-Conwell. Dinner will be included, and we ask all team members to be present.
We Need You to Serve on SERVE DAY -- Saturday, November 6
Imagine Church's second SERVE DAY is set for Saturday, November 6, 2021, and we still need half-a-dozen adults or older youth to lend a hand beautifying the grounds of the Clover Area Assistance Center (CAAC). Since we'll be trimming bushes and trees, cutting back brush, and hauling all of the brush and trimmings to the back of the property, volunteers are asked to bring their own gloves and wear long sleeve apparel.

Please SIGN-UP to serve on SERVE DAY using this link:

Serve Day volunteers should plan to meet at:
9 AM on Saturday, November 6 
Clover Area Assistance Center 
1130 State Highway 55 East, Clover

If anyone has any of these items to loan on Serve Day, we would be very grateful for the use of the following tools and pieces of equipment:

  • Electric Shears
  • Extension Cords
  • Clippers
  • Rakes
  • Chainsaw
  • Tarps
  • Pickup Truck (to haul brush)

Thank you in advance for serving! Questions? Contact Kari DiDonato, Church Administrator, at her church email address: [email protected]
Give Hope Global Gala: Last Chance for Tickets!
Tickets are available online for the 8th Annual Give Hope Gala and Auction on November 6th at the Westin Charlotte. Join Give Hope for an elegant evening including seated dinner, entertainment, and stories of impact. This is a great opportunity to hear more about Give Hope, get a true understanding of what they do, and meet some of the children from Haiti.

Imagine Kids
We'll be back indoors at Gordon-Conwell this Sunday, October 31, and we invite Imagine Kids of ALL ages (nursery through 5th grade) to join us when Gregory will share his message titled: "Jesus Said, 'I Am the True Vine.'"
What an amazing turnout from our Imagine Kids at this past Sunday's TRUNK-or-TREAT! We loved seeing such creative costumes, and it warmed our hearts to see kids partaking in the various activities with other kids and with their families. Thank you for attending, and HUGE THANKS to Gregory Roberts and Cameron Hurst for coordinating the event and to those Imagine Kids families who decorated their trunks and distributed treats -- YOU helped make this year's TRUNK-or-TREAT a great success!

You are invited to sign up for "CentriKid Camp July 2022".
CentriKid Camp is a place for kids (rising 3rd graders to rising 7th graders) to get away to hear loud and clear that God loves them and has a plan for their lives.

CentriKid Camp will be at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC from July 22-24, 2022. The cost is $199, and a deposit of $75 is required. Please use this link to register your child and pay the $75 deposit: CentriKid Camp - REGISTER HERE

Memory Verse:
Parents, here is the memory verse for you to practice with your child(ren):

(Jesus is speaking) "I am the true vine. My father is the gardener." (John 15:1 NIrV)

Gregory Roberts | 704-502-3107 | [email protected]
Imagine Nation Youth
It was truly wonderful to see so many of our youth so engaged and having fun at this past Sunday's TRUNK-or-TREAT! Thank you for attending, and we give BIG THANKS to those Imagine Youth families who decorated their trunks and handed out treats -- YOU helped make this year's TRUNK-or-TREAT a huge success! We invite all middle school and high school aged Imagine Nation Youth to join us back indoors at Gordon-Conwell for worship this Sunday, October 31, when you will break away with Tim after praise and worship for a message and engaging activities.
Winter Xtreme 2021

We're excited for Winter Xtreme in Gatlinburg this December 28-30! For those youth who are registered, please use this link (click on 'Profile' and then 'My Registrations') to ensure your $75 deposit is paid: Winter Xtreme 2021

Weekly Devotion:

Fear is everywhere right now, isn’t it? It’s so easy to be afraid. We just turn on the news and, the next thing we know, fear is gripping our hearts. With everything going on in the world, there are lots of good reasons to be afraid. But even if our fear is totally justified, we have to be on guard against it.

If we’re not careful, fear will chip away at our faith in God. If we focus totally on all the scary things in the world right now, they can begin to seem even bigger than God.

Our goal should be to NOT let ourselves focus on fear so much that it becomes magnified in our lives.

We are walking through tough times right now. But we’ve got to choose to look to God in the midst of difficulty. We can’t magnify fear to the point that we forget God. God promises to be with us, to protect us and comfort us in the middle of our fear.

So today, choose to NOT magnify fear in your life. Instead, place your focus on God, on His promises, and know that He will be with you in trouble.
Did you like what you read above? Follow these steps to get set-up to receive Tim's weekly devotional messages and other important information for Imagine Youth via Remind:

Get push notifications on your smartphone by going to the following link(s): rmd.at/imagineyg
Sign-up to receive text notifications by texting @imagineyg to the number 81010.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning, Imagine Youth -- and bring a friend, too!

Tim Gunn | 803-322-1113 | [email protected]
Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus
There are so many opportunities that exist for our church to be the hands and feet of Jesus by helping others through various means of service right here in our community and around the world. If you have a heart for missions, you are invited to join the Missions Team or simply support its initiatives. For more information about the Missions Team, please email Kari DiDonato at her Imagine Church email: [email protected]
~ Clover School District's Holiday Assistance Program ~
~ Thanksgiving Turkey Dinners Delivery ~
"What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, "Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well" -- but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."
~ James 2:14-17 (NLT)
November is nearing, and we are so very excited to partner once again with the Clover School District for the 7th consecutive year to purchase and deliver turkey dinners as part of the CSD's Holiday Assistance Program, a need-based program where families in the school district can sign-up to receive meal and gift assistance for kids during the 2021 Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.

Last year we purchased and delivered 50 boxed meals within the Clover/Lake Wylie/York community, and we've asked to help serve even more families this year -- upwards of 60 or more!
In order to carry on this meaningful tradition, we need to ask you, our church family, to contribute financially toward this initiative. If you are led to contribute any amount of money toward this important community outreach, you can bring your cash or check donation to an upcoming worship service or mail it to our church address at:

Imagine Church
13000 S. Tryon Street, Suite F-114
Charlotte, NC 28278

We also encourage these types of electronic donations:

ONLINE: Use this link to access our Church Center online giving platform:

MOBILE: Make a donation from your smart phone using the mobile Church Center app. Search for Imagine Church in Lake Wylie to create your account:

ZELLE: Use Zelle to send donations to Imagine Church via the following email address: [email protected]

Please mark all donations for "Thanksgiving Meals" either on a check memo line or as an online comment field or drop-down selection.

We will deliver the boxed meals to all designated recipients in the Clover/Lake Wylie/York community on Wednesday, November 24, so please stay tuned for more details pertaining to the delivery of these meals.

Many within our church family say this is one of the most meaningful ministries we support, and we think you will agree. We wholeheartedly thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus by helping to make this outreach a reality again this Thanksgiving!
Very Thankful, Incredibly Grateful, Unbelievably Blessed
It is a true blessing to receive the contributions that members of the Imagine Church family faithfully provide, thus keeping this ministry alive and vital. The church Leadership Team, church staff, and your pastor are all deeply grateful for your continued prayerful support and for the incredible record of faithfulness and sacrifice you continue to write. If you are led to make a tithe, offering, or gift, we offer you these safe and convenient giving options:

MAIL: Cash or check donations can be mailed directly to our church office at:

Imagine Church
13000 S. Tryon Street, Suite F-114
Charlotte, NC 28278

WORSHIP: Cash or check donations can be placed in one of the collection baskets at our Sunday in-person worships at GCTS.

ONLINE: Use this link to access our Church Center online giving platform:

MOBILE: Make a donation from your smart phone using the mobile Church Center app. Search for Imagine Church in Lake Wylie to create your account:

Or, text the amount of your offering (ex: $123) to 84321.

RECURRING: Make a recurring donation using Church Center:

*** (NEW) ZELLE: Now you can setup Zelle to send donations to Imagine Church via the following email address: [email protected]

THANK YOU for making our ministry possible here in this community and around the world!
Ladies' Life Group
The Ladies Life Group continues to meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. You can join them at Debra Tadlock's beautiful home (117 Shimmerlake Ln, Belmont, NC) as they study the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Please stay tuned for details about upcoming events and outings from the Ladies Life Group.

Debra Tadlock | 704-460-9075[email protected]

Guys & Cars Life Group
Please stay tuned for details about upcoming events and outings from the Guys & Cars Life Group, and reach out to Jim Gilkeson with any questions.

Jim Gilkeson | 803-627-6637[email protected]

Imagination Destinations Life Group
Please stay tuned for details about upcoming events and outings from the Imagination Destinations Life Group, and reach out to Paula Davis with any questions.

Paula Davis | 704-906-0101[email protected]
Weekly Inspiration and Encouragement
Inspirational Song:
By: Cochren and Co.

Oh, more than an obligation
It's our foundation
The family of God
I know it's hard
But we need each other
We're sisters and brothers

Submitted by: Jennifer Tankersley,
Minister of Worship and the Arts 

Bible Verse of Encouragement:

"Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts."
~ Colossians 3:16 (NIV)
Prayers and Praises
We are grateful to Michael Hurst who has faithfully kept the church property mowed throughout the summer and especially for all our uses across the last several weeks. Thank you, Michael, for serving our church in this way!

We are glad to see that Covid cases are declining in many cities and communities. We pray this trend continues in the coming days and weeks.

Let's continue to pray for Dick Penman (father of Kathy Imrick and Kelly Linck), Henry Freitag (brother of Bonita Nugent), and Mary Jo Shannon (Director of Admissions at Walnut Grove Christian School where Savannah Brown and Joshua Jones attend), each of whom is receiving cancer treatments.

We are also praying for Sean, Lydia, and Logan Smith as Logan recovers from an accident-related broken collarbone and as Lydia's father, Jerry Brownlee, faces illness at home.
Happy Birthday!
We send heartfelt and happy birthday greetings to these Imagine Church family members who have birthdays throughout the next two weeks:
Oct 28.....Saddie Case
Oct 30.....Tyler Schilling
Oct 31.....Peyton Meehan
Nov 2......Ada Fronczkiewicz
Nov 5......Ray Transou
Nov 5......Kacey Tyler
Nov 9......Garrett Neuffer
Nov 9......Jackson Thalinger
Nov 10....Lauren Gilkeson
If you are wanting your name added to our birthday list, simply send us a quick email at [email protected]. We want to celebrate with you!
Why Imagine Church?
Children and youth are very important to us at Imagine Church and we are committed to their safety and to providing an environment where we share God's amazing love and grace so that they may grow in faith. That's what we do at Imagine Church!
Real people. Real life. Real church.