Can you imagine...
New ways to connect
- New, meaningful, and intentional chavurot – whether intergenerational, neighborhood-focused, life-stage specific, or defined by other areas of interest
- A monthly podcast featuring clergy and members of the new, unified congregation on Jewish themes recorded in our new community's own recording studio
- Improved service streaming with sound enhancement, graphics, liturgy text, and high-def capability
New ways to worship
- Worship services outside of our building in restaurants, clubs, pubs, performance spaces, private residences, and other community gathering places
- Innovative and experimental Shabbat services held at the same time as traditional services
- Collaboration with Cleveland Hillel and other Jewish college students on local campuses to host Shabbat services and dinners for and with them.
- Weekly clergy- and lay-led Shabbat and Tot Shabbat services
New ways to engage with each other and the world
- Elevated and intentional offerings that better serve teens today, based on the issues they raise as being relevant and important to them
- Year-round visits to colleges by our clergy
- Dynamic, 92Y-style presentations featuring cultural, political, arts, and community leaders
- Partnering with other faith groups and building communities of practice to make Cleveland more interconnected locally and around the world
- Expanded programming to better serve the needs of our diverse community and create a culture of inclusion
- Increased opportunities to serve more people through a mitzvah task force focused on community service and direct volunteering
- More local, national, and international travel opportunities through a Jewish lens, led by clergy
New ways to celebrate Judaism
- Public space Judaism, where we mark Jewish joy outside of synagogue walls
- Year-round concert and music programs curated by our cantors
- Expanded programs featuring music, theater, museums, choirs, photography, and other artistic forms with a Jewish worldview
- Hosting events for our congregants at the Children's Museum of Cleveland, Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, and more
This is our time to dream big. What’s your vision for the future? We can’t wait to find out!
Email your big, bold idea for a shared future to us at and/or with DREAM in the subject line.
We believe that together, a new unified Temple can have a profound impact on our lives and our world for generations to come.
Michele Krantz, President, Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Beth Dery, President, The Temple-Tifereth Israel