In this issue: Seasons of Life, Stretch Healthy Leader Ryan Dunlap, Jan 25 Stretch Chat, Stretch Your Impact Training, Mathew Neff – Certified Strategic Planner, Daniel's Kindness Fund
I love watching Lily's matches.
by Darcy Bien

Take a moment to imagine your life in three years.

I reflected on this while updating my Vision during our recent Stretch Your Impact training. I realized “Wow, the next three years are going to look very different than the past three years!” I needed to start thinking about these approaching years and the resulting changes. I have a Senior, Junior, and Freshman – in a few years my husband and I will almost be empty nesters.
Some things I will really miss in three years

No more sports to “cheer” loudly. I get pretty excited when I’m in game mode. Some might say, I am competitive :) In fact, my kids have told me I am not allowed to say anything anymore.

No more ten-minute check-in meetings with teachers. Even though they are brief. I love these – Feedback is a gift.

The worst part, no more carpooling. Yes, I will miss carpools. It means relinquishing the opportunity to hold my kids hostage (in the front seat) so they have to talk to me! I especially cherish carpools as they have gotten older. My youngest, Liam, knows the drill, “How was your day?” I ask. “Good,” he responds followed by an uncomfortable pause. “Wait, I know that is not good enough for you,” he quickly adds, “My day started… lunch was… and I…” That’s what I want – details and information! I will miss these times. CONTINUE READING

Talent acquisition and retention are major constraints. Now more than ever, it's critical to motivate your workforce so each employee (regardless of their generation) feels engaged. Join us for our free Stretch Chat led by four experts to learn how each generation views leadership and wants to be led.

We recently wrapped up our first session of this month-long training and we cannot wait to start the next session in February. If you're ready to stretch your vision and leadership skills, click here for more information and the full schedule.
Congratulations to Mathew Neff at Stober Drives for recently earning his Strategic Planning Certification! With four self-paced modules, this Strategic Bootcamp provides the tools you need to strategically grow your business, team, or department.
Daniel's Kindness Fund in action!
Earlier this year we introduced this fund in memory of Cyndi's son, Daniel. Pictured here is Rieley's daughter, Lexi, donating toys at a local drive to honor Daniel. Our goal is one million acts of kindness – we would love YOU to pay it forward with personal acts of kindness as well.
Culture fuels strategy in a thriving business. And that's precisely how we help clients succeed. Working with mid-size, growth-oriented companies, we bridge the gap between culture, strategy & implementation. Stretch co-founders Cyndi Wineinger and Darcy Bien also serve clients through The Wineinger Company and Partners in Change.