The Immanuel Messenger

For the Week of 10 October 2021

From the Pastor

For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’?

Our answer: of course saying “your sins are forgiven” is easier to say than “rise and walk,” especially when speaking to a paralytic.

But for our Lord, speaking the words "your sins are forgiven" is more difficult. For Jesus, saying “your sins are forgiven” means that He will suffer, He will die on the cross, and He will be buried in a grave.

What a treasure we have in the Lord’s Word of Absolution, “your sins are forgiven.”

This is why Luther, in the Large Catechism says that we should be willing to run 100 miles to hear the absolution! These are the greatest words you can hear from God, “your sins are forgiven.” We should be willing, in other words, to give up everything to hear those words, to be reminded of them often, even though we may know them well.

Do not despise preaching and His Word! Come to the Divine Service! Receive forgiveness for your sins!

See you Sunday!

+Pastor Gaub


This Week @ Immanuel

Sunday, 10 October

9:00am - Divine Service

10:00am - Hymn Sing

10:25am - Sunday School Opening

10:30am - Sunday School and Bible Class

11:30am- Adult Instruction

Thursday, 14 October

7:00pm - Kantorei Rehearsal

8:00pm - Carillon Ringers Rehearsal

View All Events

Sunday's Propers


Almighty and merciful God, of Your bountiful goodness keep from us all things that may hurt us that we, being ready in both body and soul, may cheerfully accomplish whatever You would have us do; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Genesis 28:10-17

Ephesians 4:22-28

Matthew 9:1-8


533 Jesus Has Come

708 Lord, Thee I Love

610 Lord Jesus, Think on Me

609 Jesus Sinners Doth Receive

686 Come, Thou Fount

Adult Instruction

Beginning Sunday, 10 October, Pastor Gaub will hold Adult Instruction classes at 11:30AM.

The class is open to anyone seeking communicant membership at Immanuel.

Contact Pastor Gaub for more information.

Contact Pr. Gaub

Monday Night Bible Study

The next Monday Night Bible Study will be held 18 October at 7PM

A Meditation on the Hymn of the Day for Sunday, 10 October

Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart

Let Us Pray

For those suffering from cancer:

Cathleen Chevallier

Carla Faske

Jim Froehlich

Susan Hayden

For Evelyn Robinson who awaits a blessed death in Jesus.

For the calling of a faithful pastor.

For Erwin Zander, that God would grant him strength in body and soul.

For Carolyn Breithaupt, that Christ the Good Shepherd would grant her full healing.

For President Matthew Harrison, that the Lord Jesus Christ would grant him strength and wisdom to carry out his duties faithfully.

For the members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, that they would be kept mindful of their baptisms, and return to the Lord's house to receive the gifts of Word and Sacrament.

Reformation Luncheon


Miertschin Hall


10/31/21 11:30am - 10/31/21 1:00pm America/Chicago
Join us for a Reformation Luncheon following Bible Class. Festival Divine Service at 9AM | Menu: Bratwurst, Cheesy Potatoes, and Cabbage.
I'll Be There!
I Can't Make It

Weekly Memory Verse

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

Join the Team

You can join the team or donate online by clicking the button above. You may also donate by check, checks should be made out to Head For The Cure, and be sure to note Run for Rod in the memo line. Checks may be sent to Jackie Anderson, or left in the Church Office.

Run for Rod

Our team races in honor of Rodney Anderson, sainted Immanuel member. Rod was treated at MD Anderson Cancer Center and funds raised go back to MD Anderson through the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative. Every Head for the Cure event marks a day of celebration where those diagnosed with brain cancer are honored and celebrated by their friends and families, those who have lost their battles are remembered, and we are all inspired to carry on the fight. Please consider joining our team and walking or running virtually with us or consider donating today to help Head for the Cure defeat brain cancer, step by step!

On behalf of Carrie, Jackie, Chris, and Claire Anderson, thank you for your support. 

If you have suggestions about things that you'd like to see in the Immanuel Messenger, please let the church office know. We would love to hear from you.


Rev. Richard Gaub

Vacancy Pastor

Immanuel Lutheran Church and ECE

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Immanuel Lutheran Church and ECE

1440 Cortlandt Street,

Houston, Texas 77008
