The Immanuel Messenger

For the Week of 14 November

From the Pastor

“Take heart, daughter; your faith (Jesus) has made you well.”

Matthew 9:18–26

Jesus promises you the forgiveness of your sins. Not only that, He promises everlasting life and salvation. Your faith in Christ does so much more than heal your illness or raise the dead. Your faith (Jesus) saves you. Jesus reconciles you to

your Father in heaven so that you will be healed of your illnesses and be raised from the dead in eternity. You will have life forever with Him.

Your faith saves you because it clings to Jesus Christ the crucified. Jesus is risen. Jesus lives. Death is defeated. The devil cannot have you. Hell is vanquished. So, count your blessings, not your weaknesses, not your failures, not your sins. Let not the thoughts of complacency, of spiritual dullness, and of outright despair rule the day. Instead, cling to the blessings God is giving us now and the promises He

gives, always and forever.

Confess your sin. You know it’s so very easy to be negative. But fear not, you have every reason to be hopeful. You have every reason to live with joy. You have every reason to rejoice. Why? Your faith (Jesus) has saved you. Jesus lives. Your sins are forgiven!

See you Sunday!

+Pastor Gaub

Sunday's Propers


Stir up, O Lord, the wills of Your faithful people that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by You be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


Isaiah 51:9–16

Colossians 1:9–14

Matthew 9:18–26


503 O Day Full of Grace

552 O Christ, Who Shared our Mortal Life

752 Be Still, My Soul

524 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds

818 In Thee is Gladness


This Week @ Immanuel

Sunday, 7 November

9:00am - Divine Service

10:00am - Monthly Hymn-Sing

10:25am - Sunday School Opening

10:30am - Sunday School and Bible Class

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Monthly Hymn-Sing

This Sunday

Immediately following Divine Service we will hold our hymn-sing. You choose the hymns; any hymn in Lutheran Service Book may be chosen.

The Monday Night Bible Study will be held on 15 November at 7pm.

Join us as we continue the discussion on the doctrine of Justification.

Update from Deaconess Sandra Rhein _1_.png
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Weekly Memory Verse

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:1-3

Let Us Pray

For those suffering from cancer:

Carla Faske

Jim Froehlich

Susan Hayden

For Evelyn Robinson who awaits a blessed death in Jesus.

For Erwin Zander, that Christ the Good Shepherd would continue to watch over him, and grant him strength of body and soul.

For the calling of a faithful pastor.

For Sandi Hrozek, that the Lord Jesus would grant her full healing.

For Winnie McNamara, that she would be granted strength and healing.

Submit a Prayer Request

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Divine Service

Wednesday, 24 November at 7PM

Hanging of the Greens

The hanging of the greens and decoration of the Sanctuary and Narthex for Advent and Christmas will take place Wednesday, 1 December following Evening Prayer.

Reflections on O Day Full of Grace

Our opening hymn this week is O Day Full of Grace, a hymn that I only learned of ten or so years ago. It resides in the Pentecost section of our hymnal, but its text speaks to all seasons. The text paints a picture beginning with Christ's incarnation, to His death and resurrection, His sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and ending with the final coming. I hope that you will enjoy the performance of the hymn in the video above. To learn more about O Day Full of Grace, here is a hymn study from a 2013 episode of Issues Etc. Dr. Steven Hein breaks down the hymn text wonderfully, and gives a great overview of the theology. To listen to the hymn study Click Here. This hymn has certainly become a favorite of mine, and I hope it will become one of yours too. The tune for O Day Full of Grace was written by Danish composer Christoph Weyse, and it is an absolute gem. I look forward to singing this hymn with you Sunday.

When we on that final journey go

That Christ is for us preparing,

We'll gather in song, our hearts aglow,

All joy of the heavens sharing,

And walk in the light to God's own place,

With angels His name adoring.


If you have suggestions about things that you'd like to see in the Immanuel Messenger, please let the church office know. We would love to hear from you.


Rev. Richard Gaub

Vacancy Pastor

Immanuel Lutheran Church and ECE

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1440 Cortlandt Street,

Houston, Texas 77008
