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Immanuel E-Spire - January 30, 2025

From Pastor TJ Jenney

Join Us for As We Start a New Series in the

Gospel of John-Discovering Jesus

Start your new year off with a time of spiritual and personal renewal by getting closer to the Lord. This Sunday we continue the new series "Discovering Jesus." Join us as we discover Jesus anew in the Gospel of John, the most personal of all the Gospels.

Join us and invite your friends and family.

Everyone welcome!--Pastor TJ

Sermon Series

MESSAGE SERIES: DISCOVERING JESUS-THE GOSPEL OF JOHN:  Join us as we discover Jesus anew in the Gospel of John, the most personal of all the Gospels.

JAN 12: Discovering Jesus-Living Word (John 1:1-18)

JAN 19: Discovering Jesus-Chosen One (John 1:29-34)

JAN 26: Discovering Jesus-Come and See (John 1:35-51)

FEB 2: Discovering Jesus-The Miracle at the Wedding (John 2:1-12)



(Services are broadcast live on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and remain posted. Previous messages at under Listen to Sermon tab or available on i-tunes or YouTube

Immanuel News

Immanuel Valentines Dinner

February 16, 6:00pm

Join us February 16th for our Valentines Dinner at Immanuel.

Our senior youth will be preparing the meal. We will have some games and a great time of fellowship. Cost is a free will donation, proceeds go to the youth.

Please sign up no later than February 9th. See Tari Seeger for more information. Everyone Welcome!

Heart Sunday in Memory of Marilyn Bell-Velten

February 23

Our parish nurses will be hosting Heart Sunday in Memory of Marilyn Bell-Velten. They will be doing blood pressure checks and fasting blood sugar checks. There will be snacks available.

Ash Wednesday Service

March 5, 6:30pm

Join us for Ash Wednesday service in the sanctuary. No dinner on Ash Wednesday

Cantata & Music Call out

Hello musical friends in Christ! 

Join us for "The Last Living Supper" Cantata for Lent. Rehearsals begin Monday 2/2, 6pm-8pm. Every Monday until Palm Sunday.

Join us 2/2 to sign up, or email Crys, or speak to any choir member. 

We rehearse in the Choir Room in the basement, weekly!

If you're interested in joining "Chancel Choir" Wednesday Rehearsals, those are for weekly Sunday worship and singing with us regularly. Please join us Weds 7pm for Chancel Choir. 

Bell Ringing is fun with a few of us, but we'd enjoy ringing with new friends occasionally! The Bell Choir rehearses all month for the ringing in Worship, so if you can ring with us for all of February rehearsals, join with us in ringing for worship that month (towards the end of the month, generally).Bells ring Traditional Service 1 monthly, rehearse weekly.

8pm every Weds for Bells, you don't need to be a good music reader, we can help you!

Grant Rose's Blog

Don Partlow's nephew Grant is on a mission trip to Africa. If you would like to follow his blog please click the link below. Grant will be in Africa for 4 months and would appreciate your prayers.

Grant Rose's Blog 

Sunday Worship

Contemporary Service


Coffee & Conversation


Sunday School

9:45 am

Traditional Service


February 2 is a single service Sunday with service at 10:45am



REMINDER: In order to view Birthdays, Anniversaries, Pastor TJ's Devotional, and all the great photos in the right column, you need to click the blue link "view entire message" at the end of the regular email. Unfortunately, this is just the way the system is set up.

Giving Information

Did you know that Immanuel has a couple different options for online giving?

Rebel Give

Go to the Immanuel Website click on the blue Give button and it will take you to Rebel Give. It is easy to set up and you can even set it up for one time giving or you can set up automatic withdrawals.

Pay Pal

We also accept Pay Pal. Which can also be accessed through our website.

Bank Online Bill Pay

You can also give online through your bank. Set it up through your banks online bill pay.

Don't worry if online giving is not for you we always take cash and checks.

For more information on online giving see Paul House.


Upcoming Special Offerings

February 9 - IUCC Missions Fund

These funds will be distributed to varies organizations at the discretion of the deacons.

February 26 - Habitat for Humanity

Your donation will help families in need of a decent place to build long-term financial security. With an affordable, stable home, families have more to spend on food, medicine, child care, education and other essentials. Your support can help us do more in all the many ways that Habitat builds.


March - IUCC Missions Fund

These funds will be distributed to varies organizations at the discretion of the deacons.

March 23 - Tippecanoe County United Food Pantry

Immanuel UCC and 34 other churches provide resources and volunteers to serve our neighbors in Tippecanoe County.


Monthly Financial Updates

2024 Financial Status - YTD - December

YTD General Fund Receipts from congregation $320,505.

YTD General Fund Expenses $ 347,306.

Expenses exceed Receipts by $26,801.

Thank you for your continued generosity!

Jesus said, "give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back (Luke 6:38).

Immanuel United Church of Christ

1526 S 18th Street

Lafayette, IN 47905

(765) 474-6496

Office Hours:

9:00am - 1:00pm

Monday - Thursday

(Closed Friday's)

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You are a jewel! A treasure of incredible worth! God has created you a rare and beautiful gem, a treasure beyond belief. Most jewels are formed under intense pressure; and then require the experienced eye and skillful chisel of the jeweler to bring the beauty to full brilliance through careful, precise chiseling. Our faith and character are often formed and strengthened under intense pressure. And like the gems that a jeweler chisels, we too must experience the careful and loving chisel strikes of the Master Jeweler. Though sometimes painful, it will bring your true beauty and brilliance into the light of God's love and service. You are more than a diamond in the rough--take heart, you are a jewel in the

master's hand.


(Verse of the week)

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1.6,7


 (Prayer of the week)

Gracious and loving God, thank you that you care about me and love me. Give me strength to face the challenges of life, and fill me with faith to trust your plan and purpose in all things. Re-kindle the joy of life in my heart. And make me a light that others may see your love.  Amen.


Have a great week! –Pastor TJ


(quote of the week)

God made you as you are in order to use you as He planned --S. C. McAuley

Pastor TJ Jenney

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This Week at Immanuel

Thursday, January 30

6:00pm Great Banquet

Friday, January 31

office Closed

Sunday, February 2


9:45am Sunday School

10:45am Traditional Service

Monday, February 3

7:00am Monday Morning Coffee

9:00am Baby Quilters

6:00pm Cantata Rehearsal

Wednesday, February 5

5:30pm Immanuel's Got Talent

6:00pm Bible Study

6:00pm Praise Band

7:00pm Choir

8:00pm Bells

Thursday, February 6

10:00am Ext. Homemakers Book Club

6:00pm Great Banquet

Next Children's Church February 9th

In The Life Of Our Youth...

Children's Church

Next Children's Church Feb. 9th

  • We are now offering Children's Church on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
  • For children aged 2 - Kindergarten
  • Children may go out after the children's message
  • It is the choice of the parents if kids go to children's church
  • Children are always welcome in service.
  • Children's Church led by Maggie Jae Budreau

Sunday Morning Live Youth Events

For Youth in Grades 6-12

Feb. 9 Superbowl Party 5:30pm (SML)

Mar.8 Leanna Crawford Concert 6-9:30pm (SML)

Apr. 6 Youth Group 12pm (SML)

Apr. 19 Community Easter Egg Hunt (Community)

May 4 Youth Group 12pm (SML)

June. 7 Rummage Sale 8am - 2pm

Jun. 24-25 Sports Camp 6-8pm (Community)

Jul. 7-11 VBS 6-8pm (Community)

Jul. 13 VBS Sunday (worship Service)

Jul. 23 Ice Cream 1pm (SML)

Aug. 10 Blessing of the Backpacks (worship service)

Aug. 10 Youth Group 11am (SML)

Aug 24 POP UP Sunday 10am (worship service)

Aug. 24 Family canoe Trip 12pm (Family)

Sep. 7 Youth Group 11am (SML)

Sep. 14 Rally Sunday (worship service)

Sep. 21 Youth Talent Show 12pm (all youth)

Oct. 5 Youth Group 12pm (SML)

Nov. 2 Youth Group 12pm (SML)

Dec. 6 Breakfast with Santa 9-11am (Community)

Dec. 13 Pageant Rehearsal 11am (all youth)

Dec. 14 Christmas Pageant 10:45am (worship service)

Superbowl Party

February 9, 5:30pm

Paul has invited the class to his house for a superbowl party.

We will meet at church at 5:30 pm and car pool to Paul's house. We will bring you back to church by 8:30pm.

Valentines Dinner

Feb. 16, 4:00pm

We will be preparing the food for the valentines dinner at Immanuel. Please arrive at 4pm to help with the food and set up. For more information see Tari Seeger.

Leanna Crawford Concert

March 8, 6-9:30pm

We would like to take the kids to the Leanna Crawford concert at Federated Church in West Lafayette.

We need to know by Feb. 9th if your youth will be attending. The cost for this event is $5.00. Please turn your money in no later than Feb. 9th.

The concert is from 7-9pm.We will leave from Immanuel at 6:00pm. We hope to be back by about 9:30pm.  

Immanuel's Got Talent

Meets on Wednesday's 5:30-7:00pm

Grades 6-12

Join us on Wednesday nights for music. We will be providing the special music for the Contemporary Service one Sunday a month.

If you play an instrument you are encouraged to bring it.

For more information see Tari Seeger or Janice Partlow.

Youth Events

For youth in Grades 1-5

Feb. 23 Indoor Snowball Fight / Story 12-1:30pm

Apr. 13 Palm Sunday (worship service)

Apr. 19 Community Easter Egg Hunt 10am

Apr. 20 Easter Sunday (worship service

May 18 Cookie Decorating 12 - 1:30pm

Jun. 24-25 Sports Camp 6-8pm (ages5-12)

Jul 7-11 VBS 6-8pm (age 3 and up)

Jul. 13 VBS Sunday (worship service)

Jul. 27 Water Fun 11 - 12:30pm

Aug. 10 Blessing of the Backpacks (worship service

Aug. 24 POP UP Sunday (Worship service)

Aug. 24 Family Canoe Trip 1pm

Sep. 14 Rally Sunday (worship service)

Sep. 21 Youth Talent show/ Chili Cook off 12pm

Oct. 25 Trunk or Treat 2-4pm

Oct. 26 Bible Sunday (worship service)

Nov. 16 Bingo 12-1:30pm

Dec. 6 Breakfast with Santa 9-11am (Community Event)

Dec. 13 Pageant Practice 11am - 1pm (all youth)

Dec. 14 Christmas Pageant 10:45am (worship service)

Indoor Snowball Fight / Story

February 23


Join us Feb. 23rd at noon for an indoor snowball fight and story. We will have pizza before we get started. This event is open to all youth in grades 1-5. Please let Tari know by Feb. 16th if you plan to attend, to ensure we have enough pizza.

Serving Our Community

Tippecanoe County United Food Pantry

With the cost of food on the rise, the food pantry is serving more people.

  • The Food Pantry can always use donations

  • Monetary donations are best because they can get about twice as much food for the same dollar amount.

  • They can always use grocery bags.
  • They always need volunteers

See Debbi Halsema for more information

Upcoming Special Sunday Services


February 2

Single Service at 10:45am


March 2

Single Service at 10:45am

Ash Wednesday Service

March 5, 6:30pm

No meal

Mid - Week Lenten Series

March 12

5:45pm Dinner, 6:30pm Service

March 19

5:45pm Dinner, 6:30pm Service

March 26

5:45pm Dinner, 6:30pm Service

April 2

5:45pm Dinner, 6:30pm Service

April 9

5:45pm Dinner, 6:30pm Service

Connecting Our Church

Joyful Congregation All Church Events

These events are open to everyone.

Advance sign up required.

For more information please see Tari Seeger

Joyful Congregation

Upcoming Events

Feb. 16 Valentines Dinner at Immanuel 6pm

June Aviators Game

July Aviators Game

Aug. 24 Family Canoe Trip 12pm

Sep. 21 Chili Cook off / Youth Talent Show 12pm

Connecting Young Adults and Families

Life Is Better Connected

Family Events 2024

March 22 Cookies & Canvas 2-4pm

Jun. Aviators Game

Jul. Aviators Game

Aug. 24 Family Canoe Trip 12pm

Sep. 21 Youth Talent Show / Chili Cook Off 12pm

Nov. 30 Gingerbread Bash 12-2pm

See Tari Seeger for information

Advance sign up required.

Community Outreach Events

Apr. 13 Pancake Brunch 11:45am - 1pm

Apr. 19 Community Easter Egg Hunt 10am

Jun. 24-25 Sport's Camp 6-8pm

Jul. 7-11 VBS 6-8pm

Oct. 25 Trunk or Treat 2-4pm

Nov. 7 Fish Fry 4:30-6:30pm

Dec. 6 Breakfast with Santa 9-11am

See Tari Seeger for more information.



at 9:45am

Youth Christian Education

Age 3 - Grade 5

F.R.O.G. Club

Fully Rely on God  

kids age 3 - kindergarten

led by Sylvia Bechtel and Mary Alice Bauman.

They meet in the nursery

We learn Bible stories, do crafts and music time. 

J.A.M. Kids

Jesus and Me

Grades 1-5

Led by Maggie Jae Budreau

Will meet downstairs in room 118

We learn Bible stories, do crafts and music time. 

Grades 6-12

Sunday Morning Live 

youth grades 6-12

led by Paul House and Savannah Jenney.

We meet downstairs in the youth room. 

We are learning to apply the word of God to our everyday lives.

Adult Christian Education

The Seekers Class

Led by Annie Buckles, is book study class

Currently studying TV series & book "The Chosen"

Class is offered both in person and via Zoom.

For more information contact Annie Buckles.

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  The Hobo's Class

Led by Gary & Cathie Gangwer,

Discuss the sermon and scripture lesson for that Sunday.

For more information see Gary Gangwer.

Groups Led By Pastor TJ Jenney

Pastors Bible Study:

Wednesday 6-7pm

Led by Pastor TJ meets both in-person in the Library and online. Join us as we are currently studying topics of the Bible including gratitude, hope, peace, and patience. If you are not on the email list, contact Pastor TJ for the link.  Everyone welcome! 

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Grief Support

Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6 - 7pm

March 4 at 6pm

This is a time to share and support one another.

Everyone is welcome.

You can contact Pastor TJ directly.


Pastor's Cookie Jar: 

Thank you for your donations to the Pastor's cookie jar. Your generosity enables us to help those in need. Funds are used for both church and community people with emergency needs.

Small Groups

Join us for Monday Morning Coffee at Immanuel!!

You are invited to start your week off with coffee at Immanuel.

  • 7AM - 9AM

(Before work or the start of your day)

  • Invite your friends and / or co-workers
  • Reflect / quietly plan your week
  • Reflection / Spiritual music in the Sanctuary

For more information see Paul House.

Everyone Welcome!

Women's Saturday Morning

Bible Study

Our Saturday Morning bible study group is studying

Beholding and Becoming.

 We meet on the first Saturday at North End Café, and the third Saturday at church

contact Annie Buckles 404-7354 or  

All ladies welcome!


Book Club 

meets the

2nd Tuesday at 6pm

Book club

will meet on February 11th we will discuss Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt.

For more information contact Ellen House


Everyone Welcome!

Fellowship Groups

Ladies Fellowship

meets the

3rd Monday at 6pm

Will meet February 17th at 6:00pm

Contact Janet Sheets for more information.

All ladies welcome!


Lydia Circle 

meet the

3rd Thursday at 12pm

Will meet February 20 at 12pm.

Contact Rachel Moore for more information.

All ladies welcome!


Men's Brotherhood

Meets the

3rd Tuesday at 11:45am

Will meet February 18 at 11:45am.

For more information contact Bob Schweikarth

All men welcome!

Special Interest Groups

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Baby Blanket Quilters

Meets on the 1st, 3rd,& 5th Monday of the month

9:00am - 2:00pm

 For more information contact

Carla Brown or

Carolyn Kuespert.

Everyone Welcome!


Prayer Shawl Ministry

For more information on the Prayer Shawl Ministry contact Carole Huber.

Everyone Welcome!

Birthday's & Anniversaries

Happy Birthday!

Lloyd Wells 1/30

Adam Lawson 2/2

Andrew Lawson 2/2

Dawn Boszor 2/2

Mark Schlatter 2/4

Happy Birthday!

Katelyn Smith  2/7

Brooke Chase 2/8

Barb Strueh 2/12

Happy Anniversary!

Terry & Carol Burge 2/4

2025 Consistory Members


Kristy Price President (25)

Carol Burge (25)

Marcy Ritchie (25)

Sylvia Bechtel (26)

Ross House (27)


Dennis O'Brien (25)

Michael Gregory (25)

Mike Hanley (26)

Steve Ritchie (26)

Denise Freeman (27)

Amanda Rumba (27)


Norm Beets (26)

Jeff Kruger (26)

General Information


Immanuel has started using the texting app GroupMe as a new way of communicating with everyone.

·        GroupMe will allow Immanuel to communicate using a messaging system.

·        GroupMe is free

·        Download the GroupMe app

·        Go to the app Store

·        Search GroupMe and download

·        If you use the app, message will go to the app not in your text messages



·        If you respond everyone in the group will get your response


Immanuel online directory directions

Go to -

Enter your username________________

Enter your password________________

To download the mobile app

Go to app store

Search for Online Member Directory

Code - uccimmanuel

Enter your - username and password 

For more information of the Church Directory see Tari Seeger

Legacy Gifts

Consider giving a gift that keeps on giving and include Immanuel in your will. It's a legacy that will bless others for years to come.

Our Thanks for Your Continued Giving

We want to thank everyone who has been so generous in their continued support of Immanuel during these difficult times. We are very aware that due to the pandemic many families are under financial strain and we want to say please take care of your families and let us be a blessing to you. Others have stepped up their financial support to help during these difficult times and we want to thank them for their partnership in ministry. We continue to have folks mail in or drop off checks or send bank checks for their tithes and offerings as well as use automatic giving and give online through our website secure donation service. We appreciate your continued generosity for general support as well as special offerings during these difficult times.    

Go to our website at for our secure online giving. Click button below for online donation. Thanks again for your generous support! 

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Grant & Lisa

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Indiana - Kentucky

Conference United

Church of Christ

Immanuel United Church of Christ

1526 South 18th Street

Lafayette, IN 47905

Phone 765-474-6496

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