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Immanuel e-Spire        September 23, 2021


Starting October 4th!

Monday Morning Coffee at Immanuel!!

You are invited to start your week off with coffee at Immanuel. Beginning OCT 4th from 7am-9am stop by for:

  • 7AM - 9AM (Before work or the start of your day)
  • Invite your friends and / or co-workers
  • Reflect / quietly plan your week
  • Reflection / Spiritual music in the Sanctuary
  • Book Sharing table available to all

Morning Coffee is free and open to everyone!

Join us!--Pastor TJ


Young Families Exploration Acres 

Sept. 25th 5-8 pm

Join us at Exploration for a night of fun and fellowship. We have a fire pit reserved. Immanuel will provide hot dogs, buns, chips, and makings for smores. Everyone is responsible for your own entrance fee. For more information on prices see Tari Seeger. Bring your family and lawn chairs and join us. Please let Tari know if you plan to attend.


Confirmation Classes

We will be kicking off our confirmation program with a retreat on October 1 from 5:30pm - 11pm. This will be a fun event and a chance for our confirmand's to get to know each other better.

Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday Oct. 3 from 11am - 1pm. Classes will meet every other Sunday with breaks for the upcoming holidays. Confirmation is open to all youth in grades 7 -12. for more information on confirmation see Pastor TJ or Tari Seeger.

After School Tutoring 

Tutoring meets on Monday and Wednesday from 4-5pm. Free tutoring - snacks - quality adult supervision. 

For more information or to be a volunteer see Tari Seeger. 

Single 9:00am Worship Continues

Sunday worship continues with a single worship service at 9:00 am followed by Sunday School at 10:15 am.  The worship service follows the same basic format as the current services using both contemporary and traditional music. Special music will vary weekly alternating the Choir and Praise Team as well as other music possibilities. Comments have been good on the single worship service. The idea is to try to bring our congregation together following the pandemic and see how people will like the blended music format. A final decision on whether to stay with a single service format and the time slot for worship will be made by the congregation sometime this fall. We invite you to see how you like the possible new format, but even more important we invite you to worship God and fellowship together--Pastor TJ

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Deacons & Trustee's Needed

It is once again time to find Deacons and Trustees for the next year. This is your opportunity to make a difference in the future of Immanuel. If you are interested or would like more information stop by the table in the Gathering Space and talk to Jeff Sloan. Jeff will be set up in the Gathering Space for the next three Sundays. No experience is required. For more information contact Jeff Sloan at 765-414-4499.

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Lydia Circle Nut Sale

Lydia circle will be selling nuts and candy again this year. Please turn your orders into Tari Seeger no later than October 3rd. 

Pecan Halves _____________

Pecan Pieces______________

Chocolate Pecans __________

Pecan Clusters __________ Cashews _______________

If you have any questions please contact Tari Seeger. 

Sermons Series


SEP 19 Hidden Treasure-The Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:44-46)

(Services are broadcast live on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and remain posted. Previous messages at under Listen to Sermon tab or available on i-tunes or YouTube

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Treats For Teachers at Earhart

 As a way of thanking our teachers for all they do, we would like to provide a treat for the teachers at Earhart once a month. These treats can be homemade or store bought. We will be taking treats on Oct. 20, Nov.17, Dec15, Jan19, Feb16, Mar16, Apr 20, and May 18. If you would be willing to provide a treat for the teacher one of these day see Tari Seeger. If you would prefer to make a donation Those can be given to Tari Seeger. Thank You for your support

Growing Hope Globally Harvest 

Gathering Raffle


       This year we will raffle off a "Harvest Gathering" table runner and four matching placemats. Tickets will be $1 per ticket, or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held at our gathering (need not be present). The items will be on display at church so you can see them. See Sue Huenemann or Tari Seeger if you are interested in purchasing tickets. The raffle proceeds will go towards the GHG Harvest donation.

All Youth

Exploration Acres

Oct. 9, 5-8pm

Join us at Exploration Acres for a night of fun and fellowship. We have a fire pit reserved. Immanuel will provide hot dogs, buns, chips, and makings for smores. Bring your family your lawn chairs and join us. Please let Tari know if you plan to attend no later than October 6th.

All Church Event

Exploration Acres

Oct. 22nd, 6-11 pm

Join us at Exploration for a night of fun and fellowship. We have a fire pit reserved. Immanuel will provide hot dogs, buns, chips, and makings for smores. Everyone is responsible for your own entrance fee. For more information on prices see Tari Seeger.  Bring your family and lawn chairs and join us. Please let Tari know if you plan to attend no later than October 20th.  

10,000 Blessing's Wall

Let's count our blessings!

" For all your goodness, I will keep on singing 10,000 reasons for my heart to bless the Lord, O my soul Worship His holy name!"

1. Write (or draw) a blessing 

2. Clip it to the wall with a clothespin

3. We won't stop until we've counted 10,000 Reasons

That our God is Good!

Our goal is to get 10,000 blessing by the end of 2021. I know that sounds like a lot but if 100 people put up one blessing a day we will exceed 10,000. 

If you are not able to come in and write them down email 

Tari at and she will add them for you.


Surely we can all come up with one blessing each day.

Scarecrow Trail

Oct. 1 - Nov. 6

It is once again time to start thinking about fall. The scarecrow trail was such a big hit last year that we are going to do it again.

 We encourage everyone to make a scarecrow and put it out along the trail. The more scarecrows we have the better. Start placing your scarecrows along the trail October 1st. Let's leave them up until after the fish fry on November 5th. For more information see Tari Seeger. 

Trip to the Holy Land is Postponed

until Sept. 2022

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Due to COVID restrictions and protocols we are postponing the trip to the Holy Land until September 2022. So there is lost of time if you are interested in joining the trip to the Holy Land. Join us on the Sea of Galilee; pray in Bethlehem, and reaffirm your baptism at the Jordan River. Brochures are available at the church office. Pastor Norm Nellis is coordinating our trip. Questions? Contact him at   (Click this link for video preview JOURNEY.) Consider joining us for this great way to experience the Holy Land in person.

Blessings --Pastor TJ

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Help Needed!

Hello Immanuel! The holiday season isn't too far away and it will soon be time to decorate the church. This year, I would like to pass the baton to another member (or members) who would be willing to take this over and share their talents. This is not a task handled by one person; you would simply be the individual heading up this group. If you have questions about what this involves, please reach out to Jen Whited (call or text) at 714-4309 or by email

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Our Thanks for Your Continued Giving

 We want to thank everyone who has been so generous in their continued support of Immanuel during these difficult times. We are very aware that due to the pandemic many families are under financial strain and we want to say please take care of your families and let us be a blessing to you. Others have stepped up their financial support to help during these difficult times and we want to thank them for their partnership in ministry. We continue to have folks mail in or drop off checks or send bank checks for their tithes and offerings as well as use automatic giving and give online through our website secure donation service. We appreciate your continued generosity for general support as well as special offerings during these difficult times.  

Below is a list of the Special Offerings coming up: 

September 26 CUE-U Seminaries

October 3     Jubilee

October 10    UCC Higher Education

October 24    Merom Campership

November 7   OCWM

November 14  Jubilee

November 21  Food Pantry 

November 28  Immanuel Youth Group

If you have questions about special offerings, please contact Connie Mart.  

Go to our website at for our secure online giving. Click button below for online donation. Thanks again for your generous support! 

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Pastors Bible Study

Wednesday 6-7pm

Led by Pastor TJ has resumed meeting both in person in the Library and online. (now meeting at 6-7pm.) We are currently studying the book of Philippians. If you are not on the email list, contact Pastor TJ for the link.  Everyone welcome! 

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Moms Group  

 Oct. 5 & 21 

 at 6:00pm

 Join us for Moms on the first Tuesday or the third Thursday of each month.

For more information see Tari Seeger

In The Life of our Youth....

Upcoming  Youth Activities          

 Youth are always encouraged to bring a friend!  

Oct 9 (all) Exploration Acres 4:30- 8:00pm

Oct 30 Trunk or Treat 6 - 8 pm

Oct 31 Bible Sunday (Both Services)

Nov 14 (JY) Make Slime 1-3 pm

Nov 14 (SY) Escape Room 3:30-5:30 pm

Dec. 11 Pageant Rehearsal 11am - 1 pm

Dec 12 Christmas Pageant 10:45 am

Dec 12 (SY) Living Nativity at Faith 6-8 pm

Dec 18 Breakfast with Santa 10am - 12 pm  

JY = Jr Youth grades 1-5

          SY= Sr Youth grades 6-12               

Contact Tari Seeger (DCEYM) at: or 765-714-6812

All events are subject to change!



Online and In-Person

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New Youth Sunday School Format 

Begins Sept. 19th 

 The Christian Education team has decided to try a shorter Sunday school for our youth. We will meet from 10:00am - 10:30am. The new Sunday school format will begin on Sunday Sept. 19th. We will begin all the youth together in the multi-purpose room for music. Then the kids will break up by age group to learn about the Bible Story and more.

 The breakdown will be as follows, age 3 - Kindergarten, grades 1-3, and grades 4-6. Our youth in grades 7-12 will assist with the younger kids. If we don't have at least 3 kids for an age group, they will remain with the next group closest in age.

  If you are attending adult Sunday school don't worry about the shorter time, our wonderful Sunday school teacher will bring the kids back to the multi-purpose room to play games or color.

  We will have coffee and snacks available in the gathering space so parents can relax and talk. We are hoping the shorter Sunday school schedule will encourage more youth to participate. As well as Parents to enjoy coffee and conversation during the time youth are in Sunday school. 

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tari Seeger or Pastor TJ.

Adult Christian Education Sunday Mornings at 10:15am

The Hobo's Class rm. 101: led by Gary & Cathie Gangwer, discuss the sermon and scripture lesson for that Sunday.


The Seekers Class rm. 103: led by Don & Janice Partlow.


 Class is offered both in person and via Zoom. for more information contact Don Partlow. 

Other Events in the Life of Immanuel


Pastor's Cookie Jar: 

  Thank you for your donations to the Pastor's cookie jar. Your generosity enables us to help those in need. Funds are used for both church and community people with emergency needs.

More Fellowship & Service Activities

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 Pickleball Group 

 Immanuel now has a pickleball group that meets on Monday nights from 6-8 pm at McCaw courts. 

 We've set up a text conversation to communicate. Still, the more the merrier. 

 If you are interested in joining a church adult Pickleball group. Please contact Paul House at  765-491-7123 or email at

Book Club  

The next Book Club is October 12 beginning at 6:00pm. In October we'll discuss The Alice Network by Kate Quinn. All are welcome, call Ellen House if you have questions.


 Ladies Fellowship

The next meeting of Ladies Fellowship will be October 18th at 6:30. All ladies of the church are invited to come and enjoy this time of fellowship.


Lunch with the Pastor

Please join us for "Lunch with the Pastor" on October 26, beginning at 11:45am at Hu Hot. This is an informal time of lunch, fellowship & good conversation.  

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Grief Support

This is a time to share and support one another.  

We are not meeting at this time but you can contact Pastor TJ directly.


Lydia Circle 

Will be meeting on Thursday, Oct.21st at 12:00 Noon in the Pavilion weather permitting. Please bring your own sack lunch. All ladies are welcome.  


Men's Brotherhood 

Will be meeting on September 28 at the home of Ellsworth Christmas, beginning at 11:45am. If you plan to 

attend, be sure to call Ellsworth at 427-9769 or Larry Bohl @ 463-1957. See you all then. All men are invited.     


Hand Quilting Group

 Meet on Wednesdays from 10 am - 1 pm. For more information contact Carolyn Beets. Everyone Welcome!

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 Baby Blanket Quilters

Are now meeting on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month (and the 5th Monday if applicable), beginning at 10:00 am. If you are interested in baby blanket quilting, please come and join these Quilters.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

 Contact Carole Huber for more information.  

Join A Small Group!

Saturday Morning Small Group: Contact Annie Buckles at 765-404-7354 or Feel free to contact her at the above should you have any further questions.  


Health Ministry

Please call the office or Marilyn at 765-474-6487 for appointments. Home visits are also available upon request.


Upper Room

For those who enjoy the Upper Room. You may now access a PDF copy at the following link:

This is a private page for subscribers of which IUCC is a member. You are free to share the PDF with whomever you wish.

Coronavirus Update

  CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: We are open for in-person worship with social-distancing measures in place; face masks optional for those with vaccine and seating in alternating pews.  ONLINE WORSHIP continues permanently with live-streaming on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. 


Everyone Welcome!

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Sunday Worship

 This Sunday Worship


Worship Service 9:00 am


Immanuel United Church of Christ

1526 S 18th Street

Lafayette, IN 47905

(765) 474-6496

Office Hours: 8:30 am-2:30 PM

Monday - Thursdays

(closed on Fridays)



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For more information on how to access the directory contact Tari Seeger

Stay Connected!

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Staff Contacts
Church Calendar 
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Listen to Sermons 

E-votional by Pastor TJ




Sometimes we may subtly believe that God wants to hold us back or push us down. But the opposite is true. God wants us to achieve great things. It is an empowering thought when we remind ourselves that God has a plan and purpose for our lives. God wants us to do great things that honor God and serve others. God knows the best way to use our gifts and talents --after all God created us. Trust God to open the future to you and use your strengths in wonderful ways. God has a hope and a future for you. Trust God to reveal His plan and purpose to you and take you places you never even dreamed of...


(Verse of the week)

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD (Jeremiah 29.11)


(Prayer of the week)

Gracious God, thank you for the gift of this day and the gift of life itself. Thank you for the gifts and talents you have given me. Please reveal to me the best plan and purpose for all of my life and give me the faith and courage to follow you.  In everything I do may others see your love and grace in me. Amen.      


Have a great week—Pastor TJ


(quote of the week)

There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do

--Freya Madeline Stark

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Indiana - Kentucky

Conference United

Church of Christ

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Grant & Lisa

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Immanuel's Praise Band heard every Sunday at 9:00 am


Beautiful Organ Music Sunday Mornings at 9:00am

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Pastor TJ


Thursday September 23

7:00 pm - Great Banquet

Friday Sept. 24

Office Closed

Saturday Sept. 25

9:00am Great Banquet

5:00pm Exploration Acres

Young Families'

Sunday Sep. 26

Special Offering - CUE-U

9:00am Worship

10:00am Coffee & Conversation

10:15am Sunday School

1:00apm DYW

Monday Sept. 27

4:00pm After School Tutoring

Tuesday Sept. 28

11:45 am Men's Brotherhood

6:30pm Elders, Deacons, Trustees

7:30pm Consistory

Wednesday Sept. 29

10:00am Hand Quilters

4:00pm After School Tutoring

6:00pm Bible Study

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday Sept. 30

7:00pm Great Banquet

Friday Oct. 1

Office Closed

5:30pm Confirmation Retreat

Sunday Oct. 3

Special Offering - Jubilee

9:00am Worship

10:00am Coffee & Conversation

10:15am Sunday School

Happy Birthday!

Megan Swift 9/20

David Black 9/21

Joan Lowery 9/21

Sally Simmons 9/21

Daniel Timmons 9/21 Juanita Kruger 9/21

Brenda O'Brien 9/22

Carole Huber 9/22

Kurt Strueh 9/22

Charles Adams 9/23 Kourtnee Koehler 9/24

Jim Kellar 9/24

Emily Phillips 9/27

Beverly Van Hook 9/27 Samantha Stephenson 9/28

Robert Foresman II 9/30 Darryl Formica 10/1

Russell Harrington 10/2 Christa Prather 10/2

Ed Williams 10/3

Carolyn Kuespert 10/3 Keegan Woods 10/3

Julie Cserep 10/5

Holly Collins 10/6

Emily Grimm 10/7

Marilyn Stout 10/8

Laurie Ide 10/10

Barbara LaDage 10/10 Richard Christensen 10/12 Mike Hall 10/13

Ann Kriebel 10/16

David Manning 10/17 Alexandra Anliker 10/18

Tina Hall 10/18

TJ Jenney 10/18

Dottie Warner 10/19

Julie Boszor Grubb 10/19 Debra Stephenson 10/19 Martise Dean 10/20

Steve Ritchie 10/20

Happy Anniversary!

Tom/Carolyn Kuespert 9/30 Jerry/Debra Stephenson 9/30 David/Misti Woods 9/30

Jan & Steven Spencer Oct. Richard/Heather Bennett 10/2 Scott/Sylvia Bechtel 10/5

Joe & Colleen Pitty 10/8 Austin/Amber Henderson 10/16

Tom/Guyanne Lillpop 10/22 Ross/Marsha Lillpop 10/23 Matt & Aaron Schownir 10/23 Frank/Heather Arnold 10/24 William/Rachel Richardson 10/26

Paul/Cynthia Hawkins 10/26

Rally Sunday 

Consider giving a gift that keeps on giving and include Immanuel in your will. It's a legacy that will bless others for years to come.

Immanuel United Church of Christ

1526 South 18th Street

Lafayette, IN 47905

Phone 765-474-6496

Contact Us
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