Join Us for Worship this Sunday

8:30am Alternative Worship and 11:00am Traditional Worship

8:30am Bulletin
11:00am Bulletin 
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Dear Immanuel,

Today we are celebrating Scout Sunday. Immanuel has chartered Pack 705 and Troop 157 for several years. The scout pack that meets at Immanuel every week includes kindergarten - 5th grade children and the troop includes through 5th grade-high school. There are approximately 50 children and adults that gather here each Monday night. Forty-one scouts through our Troop have earned their Eagle Scout. Some of these scouts have been from our church and been a part of youth group. In 2018, the scouting organization began to include girls, so began troop 157G. 


Chartering a Scout troop is an investment in our children and youth and our community at large. On several occasions, I’ve seen these boys and girls helping out members including myself, who happen to be here when they’re meeting. Our scouts have participated in Trunk or Treat and helped with other various projects such as cleaning up the property, doing some landscaping on our grounds as well as the Desert Sanctuary. Their Eagle Scout projects have included the water tanks on the east side of Towner, benches, shade structure, fire pit and a cross in the desert sanctuary as well as benches in the playground. Today, we get the opportunity to warmly greet and include these scouts as part of the Immanuel church body. Children and youth who are living out their faith in love, respect and service to all people and especially to their extended family here at Immanuel.


Peace and Joy,

Kris Goorsky

Upcoming News and Events

2025 Together for Joy Pledge Update

As of February 2 - Immanuel’s pledged giving for 2025 now stands at: 

45 pledges received for a total of $169,518. Thank you! We still have a way to go to fund our present ministries ($300,000) for this year. If you haven’t been able to send in your pledge yet, we ask you to prayerfully consider what God might be leading you to give this year—your generosity matters and makes a vital difference in Immanuel's ministry in here and out there.

You can also fill out your pledge card online here - 2025 Pledge

A Celebration of Life for Immanuel member and friend Diana Worthen will be held this Saturday, February 1st at 10:00am with a reception following in Witherspoon Hall.

Chiefs or Eagles? Get Ready for Souper Bowl of Caring coming on Sunday, February 9th – Root for your favorite football team for the Super Bowl and tackle hunger! Our youth will have team soup pots at the sanctuary doors to drop your loose change/cash into. All money collected will go to the Vail Community Food Bank.  

Let Us Cook for You! Join us for Wednesday Night Meals this February 5th and 19th and enjoy a meal and fellowship time during the week with your friends and family at Immanuel! These delicious meals will be homecooked by Anne Marie Fujii, so you know they will be awesome!

Dinner is served from 5:30-6:30pm with fellowship time until 7:30pm. Meals cost $7.00 per adult and $3.00 for children under 12. Please RSVP to Anne Marie at or sign up in the sanctuary on Sunday.

AARP Tax Aide – Wednesdays 10:00am – 3:00pm  AARP returns to Immanuel every Wednesday beginning February 5th through April 12th from 10:00am – 3:00pm. AARP provides free in-person assistance by trained IRS certified tax preparers. You can pick up an info packet on Wednesdays and then schedule your appointment to sit down with the tax preparers for final e-filing. Open to all ages and tax filers.  Meets in Towner Hall.

Updated Office Hours: The church office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00am – 4:00pm and closed on Fridays. You can contact Kate Kelly in the office at or call (520) 296-2253 for assistance. Pastor Bart Smith’s office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings until 11:30am and his email is

Prayer Concerns for those with continuing health challenges and concerns:

Andy McComb

~  Bobbie Butler

~  Charles Carpenter

~  Ann Thornes

~  Wayne and Susan Barnes

If you have a prayer request, please email

Ways to Connect, Grow and Have Fun

Sunday School Classes for All Ages at 9:45am - Adult class is “God and Race” now through February 16th. Walk-ins encouraged! Meets in Witherspoon Hall 12/13.

Youth Group on Sunday Nights - Join us from 5:00 – 7:00pm for dinner, games and bible fellowship for youth ages 6-12th grade. Connect with Kris Goorsky at


  • Feb 02 – Game Night             
  • Feb 09 – Super Bowl Party 12:00-2:00pm
  • Feb 16 – Service Project
  • Feb 23 – No youth group - Rodeo break

Men’s Bible Study on Mondays at 10:00am - Come hang out with the guys, have coffee and dig deeper into scripture and connect with friends. Meets in Witherspoon Hall.


Desert Sages on Tuesdays from 10:00am – 12:30pm. Join us for games, fellowship and food in Witherspoon Hall every Tuesday from 10:00am – 12:30pm. Enjoy new friends and old while playing Mexican train, bridge, hand and foot, Rummikub and anything else you want while snacking on popcorn. A $1.00 donation a week supports our luncheons every six weeks. We all need to re-connect! Contact Mary Kay Bush, Sages Coordinator at 520-661-6737 or Meets in Witherspoon Hall.


Crafters Group on Thursdays from 9:30am – 12:00pm. All are welcome to come and work on your crafts together and enjoy fellowship and laughs. We make quilts, blankets and projects for local missions. We also work on our own projects for fun – grab your gear and join us!


Agape Circle Women’s Bible Study on February 12th - Come join us on the second Wednesday of every month from 9:00am -12:00pm in the home of Mary Kay Bush. We start the morning with a light brunch provided by members, followed by Joys and Concerns, and then are led in our Horizon bible study by Cheryl Wood and Jane Eddy. New members are always welcome! Please contact Jean Nelson at 520-886-6586 or Mary Kay Bush at 520-661-6737 for more information.

Lydia Circle Women’s Bible Study on February 17th - meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm in Witherspoon Hall. We start with refreshments then dive into our bible study. All are welcome – email Kay Schmidt for details at

Casa Maria Sandwiches coming up on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 – 9:00am. Come drop off your bagged lunches and also any clothing or hygiene products. (Casa Maria is the last Saturday of every month). Questions? Email

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Sunday, February 02

8:30am Alternative Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Worship Service

5:00pm Youth Group

Monday, February 03

10:00am Men's Bible Study

6:00pm Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts

Tuesday, February 04

10:00am Desert Sages

6:00pm TOPS

Wednesday, February 05

10:00am AARP Tax Aide

7:30pm AA

Thursday, February 06

9:30am Crafters

6:30pm AA

Friday, February 07

7:00pm AA Meeting

Saturday, February 08

9:00am DAR Meeting

Sunday, February 09

8:30am Alternative Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Worship Service

12:00pm Youth Group Super Bowl Party

2025 Immanuel Elders

Liz Wallendorf, Clerk of Session

Jeff Hotchkiss, Bill Aurand – Building and Grounds

Cheralynn Baylor - Christian Education

Karl Aurand, Laurie Emery – Finance & Stewardship

Kevin Murphy, Sean Shifflette – Hospitality

Cliff Fujii, Ann Jarvis, Leslie Cullins-Shechter - Mission & Evangelism

Jeff Hotchkiss - Personnel

Curt Christy, Ed Vander Woude – Worship


2025 Immanuel Deacons

Belinda Badger (Moderator), Carol Kienbaum (Co-Moderator), Marlene Stevens

Erminia Gomez, Bobbie Butler, Joy Shifflette, Kay Schmidt, Shawn Wooll

Paris Rebl, Wayne Barnes, Susan Barnes, Kathy Parker


9252 E. 22nd Street, Tucson AZ 85710 (520) 296-2253