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Immigration Partnership Highlights

SAVE THE DATE! - On March 6, the Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership is hosting a networking event for Waterloo Region employers to connect with international talent.


Calling All Employers seeking new talent to join their teams to book a FREE exhibit table at this networking event as part of the 16th Annual Global Skills Conference. This is great opportunity to promote your organization and employment opportunities to over 200 internationally trained individuals.


Job seekers, Immigrant & Refugee talent in Waterloo Region are invited to meet with employers to learn about employment opportunities from different sectors.

Bring your resume! This is a FREE event and includes light refreshments!

Space is limited, book your table now! Contact Nora Whittington: [email protected]

Welcome to the team Sekou, Omosede & Simarjeet!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to three outstanding students from Conestoga College who recently joined us on placement until April 2024. Sekou Kelleh joins us from the Social Services Work program, along with Omosede Enogieru and Simarjeet Kaur, who are both pursuing Management in Community Services. We are excited to offer a dynamic, collaborative environment supporting their academic goals and meaningful community contributions. They have diverse skills and perspectives, which we know will enhance our work and impact.


February 21, 10 AM - 2 PM - Online - Free

Join our Upcoming Brown Bag Lunch Learning Series!

This learning series is for front line staff of immigrant and other community service organizations. The first session focuses on Access to Health Care and Mental Health Services in Waterloo Region. It will empower you with current information and resources about important services in the community, help you build connections and enable excellence in your work supporting immigrants and others. 

Register Now

2023 Waterloo Region Immigrant Survey Results Ready!


Learn what almost 1,700 immigrants shared about their experiences of living, working and studying in Waterloo Region. The Immigrant Survey is a biannual, multilingual survey, covering a range of topics impacting the ability of immigrants to reach their full potential and contribute to a thriving, prosperous community.


Read the aggregate summary here: IS2023_Summary and watch for a series of topic focused briefs that will look deeper into specific areas of the survey (housing first, see below).

Navigating the Housing Landscape: A Snapshot of Immigrant Experiences in Waterloo Region

The Housing Summary, part of the 2023 Immigrant Survey results, examines the housing experiences of immigrants in Waterloo Region, providing insights into diverse subgroups. Compiled by the Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership, the report is intended to help governments, funders, business leaders and non-profit organizations develop and implement responsive housing policy, programs and services, and build suitable housing for the region’s fast changing and growing population.

Read the summary here: IS2023_Housing_summary

Immigration in Waterloo Region Forecast 2023 - 2030

Waterloo Region is set to grow to almost 1 million residents in the next 20 years. A significant component of that population growth will come from immigration. The Immigration Partnership has prepared a regional immigration forecast up to 2030. Use this tool to support strategic, investment and service decision making and planning, to proactively meet the needs of a growing and changing population.

Read the full report here: https://www.immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/forecast/

Introducing Our New Branding to Partners, Organizations and the Community

We are excited to present you with some updates about the Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership. In our constant drive to improve and evolve, we have recently undertaken a subtle but significant transformation of our brand. We believe that a fresh, contemporary look reflects the innovation and forward-thinking spirit that defines the Waterloo Region Immigration Partnership.

Partners and organizations collaborating hand-in-hand with us, we're excited to offer you access to our refreshed branding. Please reach out to Diana Carrillo at [email protected]

Immigration Partnership Resources

Make your organization accessible to over 10,000 residents who don’t speak English or French by providing interpretation.

Use the "Interpretation Best Practices Checklist" here: www.immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/InterpretationChecklist

Get help in recruiting, hiring, and retaining immigrant and refugee talent. Access the Waterloo Region Employer Playbook

Access it here: Waterloo Region Playbook - World Education Services

Community Partner Highlights 

February 20, 5 PM, Online - Free

Information Session - Volunteer Board Member -Community Healthcaring KW

Join Community Healthcaring Kitchener - Waterloo for a free virtual information session about the upcoming invitation to become a volunteer Board Member for this organization. Board Members have the opportunity to make a difference in the community by contributing their skills and expertise to help shape the future of healthcaring in Kitchener-Waterloo.

Register Now!

Give a Warm Welcome!

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has relaunched its Inclusive Communities campaign. As part of the Immigration Matters initiative, this campaign encourages Canadians and established immigrants, throughout Canada to engage with and welcome newcomers to their communities.

Learn more: #ImmigrationMatters: Give a warm welcome

Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month!

During Black History Month we honour the legacy of Black people in Canada and their communities. We celebrate the rich past and present contributions and accomplishments of Black people to our country, while aspiring to embrace new opportunities for the future. No matter where you live, we encourage you to learn more about Black Canadian communities, and how they continue to help shape Canada.

Check out some of the amazing upcoming events happening throughout the month in Waterloo Region!

Black History Month by Rhythm and Blues Cambridge

Join Rhythm and Blues Cambridge to celebrate and have meaningful conversations about Black joy, Wellness and Resistance. Elevate your experience with inspiring events that honor the past and shape the future.

February 11, 10 AM - 3 PM, 200 Christopher Drive, Cambridge

Hair Joy: Celebrating our Kinks, our Coils, our Curls - Protecting our Hair under the Dryer Edition

February 17, 47 Water Street South, Cambridge

The Black Love Treatment

February 24, 12 - 4PM, 1 North Square, Cambridge

Black History Month Celebration - Black Joy, Wellness and Resistance

Register Now

February 13, 6:30 - 8 PM, 85 Queen St. N, Kitchener - Free

Inspiring Black Flourishing in Waterloo Region and Beyond

Be inspired by University of Waterloo students, alumni, and staff who are engaged in local and international community initiatives that aim to address barriers to Black flourishing or create opportunities for it.

Register Now

Refugee Integration Updates

Community members can support Afghan and other refugees arriving in the region in many ways: Providing affordable housing or primary care, making monetary donations to the Immigration Partnership Fund or Reception House Waterloo Region, donating clothing and other items, sponsoring refugee families, supporting family reunification efforts,etc. Visit http://immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/afghanresettlement for more information on the Afghan Resettlement in Waterloo Region!

Visit www.immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/ukraine to learn how residents of Waterloo Region can support the Ukrainians coming to Canada. In addition, visitors will find helpful information and tools shared by the federal government specifically for Ukrainian individuals and families such as service access instructions, welcome to Canada checklist, SIN for Newcomers, etc.

Initiatives & Funding Opportunities

The 2024 Federal Budget Consultation Closes this Week!


Pre-budget consultations are an opportunity to share ideas and priorities for how the government can build an economy that works for everyone. What is most important to you? What challenges do you see ahead? Join the conversation by taking the survey.

Available until February 9, 2024

Take the survey: Let's Talk Budget 2024

The Waterloo Region Record - Lyle S. Hallman Foundation Kids to Camp Fund is Now Accepting Applications!

The Waterloo Region Record - Lyle S. Hallman Foundation Kids to Camp Fund provides grants to camps for children and youth who reside in Waterloo Region (Cambridge, Kitchener, North Dumfries, Waterloo, Wellesley, Wilmot, or Woolwich) and need financial assistance to attend camp.


The deadline to submit your application is February 12, 2024

Learn more: Kids to Camp Fund — Waterloo Region Community Foundation (wrcf.ca)

Applications for the Neighbourhood Fund are now open!

Apply for up to $7,500! This grant supports neighbours and helps them deliver projects, programs, activities, and events, in their neighbourhood.


The deadline to submit your application is February 13, 2024

Learn more: Neighbourhood Fund

The Canadian Women’s Foundation is now accepting proposals for Community Needs grants

The aim of the Community Needs Grants is to provide short-term support for organizations doing gender justice work, with a focus on smaller grassroots organizations, to meet a range of immediate needs. Applicants may apply for funds to cover existing program costs, to pilot new projects, to undertake timely policy or advocacy initiatives, to support organizational capacity-building or professional development, to build networks, and/or to cover core operational and administrative expenses.


The deadline to submit your application is February 16, 2024

Learn more: Community Needs Grants 2024 - Canadian Women's Foundation

The City of Waterloo's Arts Grant Program is Opened!

The City of Waterloo's Arts Grant Program supports arts organizations with funding for operations, specific projects and capital.


The deadline to submit your application is Friday, February 23, 2024

Learn more: Apply for an Arts Grant - City of Waterloo

Apply to be part of the 2024 Community Change Committee!

The applications for the Community Change Committee (CCC) are now open! The CCC is a vital group who in collaboration with a facilitator, plays a key role in reviewing proposals and allocating funds. Again this year, the goal is to create a committee that is diverse in age, ability, ethnicity and experience to ensure representation of the diversity of our region.


If you or someone you know would like to apply to join the CCC you can find more information about the CCC role and timelines here.


Applications will close on February 18

Waterloo Senior of the Year Nominations are now Open!

Residents are encouraged to take a few moments to tell us about a special resident over the age of 65 who has made significant contribution to the community as a volunteer. Seniors who qualify for this award may have contributed to: the arts; literature; community service; education; environment; fitness; or volunteering and humanitarian activities. The Senior of the Year will be recognized during Senior’s Month in June.

Civic awards - City of Waterloo

Monday to Friday, March 4 - April 30, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Free Tax Clinics

If you were employed or received income (including Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support in 2023) you need to file your taxes before April 30th, 2024. The locations listed below will provide assistance to e-file your tax return.

  • 150 Main Street, Cambridge
  • 20 Weber Street E., Kitchener
  • 99 Regina Street S., Waterloo

Learn more

Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) Announces 2024 Funding Application Deadlines

OTF has published the 2024 deadlines for their Capital Grant and Youth Opportunities Fund, as well as their Seed and Grow grants.

The deadline to submit your application is March 6, 2024:

Capital Grant | Ontario Trillium Foundation

The deadline to submit your application is July 10, 2024:

Youth Opportunities Fund | Ontario Trillium Foundation

The deadline to submit your application is June 26, 2024: Seed Grant | Ontario Trillium Foundation

The deadline to submit your application is November 6, 2024: Grow Grant | Ontario Trillium Foundation

What Does it Mean to Be a Host

WR Grassroots Response is always looking for people in Waterloo Region willing to open up their homes to Ukrainian fleeing the war. The number of Ukrainians seeking shelter is not slowing and there are new requests for help every day.

If you are interested in becoming a host, there are several ways you can help.

Learn more about how you can become a host and support the Ukrainian community:

Provide Housing | WRGR (wrgrassrootsresponse.ca)


Front-end Processes for

Refugee Claimants

Front-end processes for refugee claimants are rapidly changing as applications are digitized and government seeks new efficiencies. This infographic has been designed to assist service providers in

keeping up with these changes. 

Un Guide Pour Tous

GuideMoi est une application mobile gratuite dédiée spécifiquement aux immigrants francophones qui souhaitent ou viennent de s’installer en Ontario. Cette application est un guide intuitif qui accompagne l’immigrant et l’oriente tout au long de son parcours d’intégration.

Find a Mentor to Help you Become a Licensed Health Professional in Canada

Mentor Me aims to assist internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs) in obtaining licensure in Canada. It provides a simple solution by connecting unlicensed IEHPs with licensed IEHPs for personalized peer mentorship.

Settling in a new country can be an exciting, but challenging experience. On this page you can find resources that can help look for a job, housing, health care, improve your language skills and access other services.

Learn more: Newcomer services - Canada.ca

La Communauté en Français

S’établir dans un nouveau pays peut être une expérience exaltante, mais peut également comporter son lot de défis. Sur cette page, vous trouverez des ressources qui peuvent vous aider à chercher un emploi, à trouver un logement, à obtenir des soins de santé, à parfaire vos compétences linguistiques et à accéder à d’autres services.

Pour en savoir plus : Services offerts aux nouveaux arrivants - Canada.ca

Afin d'aider les prestataires de services à mieux comprendre les jeunes immigrants et les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés, WES et l'Institut Metropolis ont élaboré le cours "Les jeunes immigrants sur le marché du travail canadien".


Avec la contribution d'académiciens, de travailleurs en établissement et des jeunes immigrants eux-mêmes, le cours explore l'aspect humain de l'immigration et de la recherche d'emploi au Canada à travers quatre modules comprenant des entretiens vidéo, des activités interactives d'apprentissage en ligne et des lectures complémentaires.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à ce cours!

NB: Ce cours n’est disponible qu’en langue anglaise pour le moment.

11 et 12 Mars 2024 - Evénement Virtuel

2E Edition du Congrès Metropolis Francophonie Mondiale: Mobilité Humaine Dans L'espace Francophone: Où Allons-nous ?

Le congrès Metropolis Francophonie Mondiale revient avec sa deuxième édition sur le thème de la mobilité humaine dans l'espace francophone. Cette édition virtuelle qui se tiendra les 11 et 12 mars 2024, encouragera le dialogue sur l'impact des crises politiques et climatiques, examinant les décisions de départ et leurs conséquences, notamment pour les jeunes aspirant à un avenir meilleur et pour ceux forcés de quitter leur domicile.

Le rôle de la langue française pourra être questionné en tant qu'outil potentiel pour faciliter l'intégration, créer des liens, et reconnaître les compétences. Seront également abordées des questions sur l'évolution de nos sociétés face à la mobilité humaine, y compris la formalisation d'actions citoyennes d'accueil et la perspective de la mobilité comme levier de développement.

Soumettez votre atelier ou votre table ronde ici: 2e edition du congrès Metropolis Francophonie Mondiale – Congrès Metropolis

Workforce Corner

Learn about International Credential Recognition in this WILL Access webinar recording


If you were not able to attend this session, the video recording can be accessed here: Credentialing webinar.mp4

Explore the report "Keeping Job Fairs Current: What are Youth Looking For and Is It Working?"


In this research, the Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin (WPBWWD) looked into various career fairs to provide valuable insights to understand the industries currently capturing the attention of youth, the key factors that drive youth engagement, and more. The report serves as a guide for employers and others on upcoming career fairs, emphasizing the importance of adapting best practices to align with the evolving preferences and expectations of upcoming generations.

Read it here: Report-KCFC

Behind the Business Podcast

The Behind the Business Podcast is a weekly podcast created by the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce that highlights the important people and issues in Waterloo region and in our community. Business and community leaders share their thoughts on the issues that affect the region and business community.

Don't miss the latest episode with Jeyas Balaskanthan, Executive Director at Uptown Waterloo BIA

Behind the Business Podcast

February 21, 5 - 9 PM, 85 Queen Street North, Room E - Free

Skills Matter: A WIN Workshop for Aspiring Immigrant Professionals- Part 2

A workshop designed to empower and support immigrant professionals as they navigate the challenges of establishing their careers in a new country.

Register Now

February 24, 11 AM - 4 PM, Online - Free

Crossover: A Bridge to Success for Immigrant Professionals

Attention all internationally trained immigrant and refugee professionals in Canada! New Canadians TV Network invites you to attend Crossover, the first-of-its-kind virtual conference that will help you re-establish your career by bridging the gap between your international qualifications and the Canadian job market.

Register Now

National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4) Upcoming Webinars

February 14, 1 PM - Online - Free

Internationally Educated Health Care Professionals (IEHPs) integration to a Canadian work environment: perspectives from organizations and newcomers

IEHPs seek the career they are trained in but find significant challenges when working to become a physician, nurse, or other type of healthcare professional. Organizations hiring newcomers also have their own barriers when attempting to assist in integration to a Canadian work environment. This webinar will present the accounts and lessons learned from both perspectives in the hiring of newcomers in Canada.

Register Now

February 28, 1 PM - Online - Free

Tools and Resources to Support Optimal Employment for Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals

This webinar will help healthcare employers and settlement employment counsellors understand the complex process for IEHPs to become licensed, recruited and retained and support you to optimally employ IEHPs.

Register Now

Events and Webinars


February 5, 9:30 AM - 12 PM - Online

Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop

A strength-based approach to working with people living in poverty, either generational or situational. It explains how to avoid the “fix-it” approach to working with people in poverty and focus on the building of resources at individual, organizational and community levels.

Register Now

February 6, 5:30 - 7 PM, 10 Father Bauer Drive, Waterloo - Free

Food and Funds Night!

Connect with Waterloo city staff and neighbours to learn about opportunities in your neighbourhood, like the new Artists in Neighbourhoods program and different grant options.

February 11 & 18, 1 - 3 PM, Community Hub, Woolwich Memorial - Free

Exploring Indigenous Culture

This is a two-part workshop series to learn why knowing and embracing our ancestors' history is important for creating a vision for our future together. Register by February 4.

Register Now

February 17, 12 - 5 PM - Uptown Waterloo - Free


A free festival for all ages that is open to the public. Activities will include meeting the snow dogs, ice carving, snow sculptures, winter activities and much more!

For more details visit: winterloofestival.ca

February 21, 10 AM - 12 PM - 220 Yonge Street, Toronto - Hybrid - Free

Research Roundup: Is the Canadian Dream Broken?

Join CERC Migration for our upcoming Research Roundup meeting held in a hybrid format. This event is an opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion about the implications of these findings for policy and society. The research highlights new and concerning economic divergences among groups, emphasizing the need for a broad conversation about the policy implications of these trends.

Register Now

February 21, 1 PM - Webinar - Free

Youth Settlement in Action: How Sectors Can Build their Capacity to Support Newcomer Youth

In 2021, the Centre For Newcomers presented a five-year project called WRAPCAP, to the Pathways to Prosperity audience. The initial design of the project was to build organizational capacity within sectors through implementation of the delivery model.

Register Now

February 27, 12:30 - 2:30 PM - Hybrid

Migration Working Group: Labour Migration and Mobilities

Join CERC Migration for their upcoming Migration Working Group meeting, a series of monthly sessions to discuss the innovative research being done on migration by emerging and established scholars. This meeting will be chaired by CERC Migration research area lead Richa Shivakoti.

Register Now

March 26, 12:30 - 3 PM - Hybrid

Migration Working Group: Integration and Migration Governance

Join CERC Migration for their upcoming Migration Working Group meeting, a series of monthly sessions to discuss the innovative research being done on migration by emerging and established scholars. This meeting will be chaired by CERC Migration research area lead Marshia Akbar.

Register Now

May 7 - 9

Migration Disrupted: How Technological Transformation is Reshaping Human Mobility

This is a Joint conference between the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration & Integration, and Bridging Divides. This conference brings together an interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral group of researchers and leaders from Canadian and international civil society, business and government to reflect on the implications of the rapid development of advanced digital Technologies for migrant integration in Canada and around the world.

Learn More

Tuesdays to Fridays, open until May 31, 10 AM - 4 PM, 550 King Street North, Waterloo - Free

Waterloo from Above: 200 Years of Change

The new exhibit features historic maps, aerial images and photographs showing Waterloo's remarkable transformation throughout the decades, from early indigenous communities to our present-day vibrant neighbourhoods.

Newcomer Services

February 6, 5 - 8 PM, 333 Carwood Avenue, Kitchener - Free

Kindergarten Registration Event

The YMCA, in partnership with Waterloo Region District School Board is hosting a Mass Kindergarten Registration. Newcomer families with a child born in 2020 can register their child to start school in September 2024.

Register Now

Tuesdays, 12 - 2 PM - 645 Westmount Road E, Kitchener - Free

English Conversation Circles

Muslim Social Services of Waterloo Region will host a space where new English-speaking peoples can come together to enjoin in conversation to sharpen their verbal skills.

Register Now

Mondays, from February 12 until April 8, 6:30 - 8 PM - Online - Free

Online Citizenship Support Group - Option 1

Online training for the Canadian Citizenship Exam, delving into key concepts of Canadian history, identity, government, and society, all aligned with Discover Canada (the official source for exam purposes).

Register Now

Wednesdays, from February 14 until March 27, 11 AM - 12:30 PM - Online - Free

Online Citizenship Support Group - Option 2

Online training for the Canadian Citizenship Exam, delving into key concepts of Canadian history, identity, government, and society, all aligned with Discover Canada (the official source for exam purposes).

Register Now

Thursdays, until February 15, 6 - 7 PM - 500 Parkside Drive, Waterloo - Free

Exploring Worldwide Art Forms

Celebrating the diversity of ethno-cultural communities in Waterloo Region in an intergenerational environment through dance, stories, music and art. All supplies are included.

Register Now

February 20, 6 -8 PM, 16 William Street West, Waterloo - Free

Navigating Health for Newcomer: Winter Wellness

Enjoy a hands-on workshop, family activities, and connect with health services.

For more information contact: [email protected]

Tuesdays, until March 5, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM, 200 Christopher Drive, Kitchener - Free drop in

Newcomer Older Adult Support Group

If you are a newcomer to Canada (PR, Refugee, CUAET status) and 55+ join the group for weekly activities. Free breakfast, interpretation and bus tickets are available.

Thursdays, until March 7, 6 - 7:30 PM, 65 Hanson Avenue, Kitchener


This is an afterschool group for youth in Grades 4-6 (9–11 years old) to discuss different topics that help build empathy within the world around us to support a healthy future. This program is a partnership between FACS, Women’s Crisis Services and Muslim Social Services.

Register Now

Fridays, until March 8, 12 - 2 PM - Online - Free

Family Wellbeing: Nurturing Resilience Together

Camino create a safe space for newcomer parents to learn about the impact of stress on their families, and gain skills to support themselves and their children as they build a life in their new homes.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until March 27, 5:30 - 7 PM, 800 King Street W, Kitchener - FREE

Citizenship Support Group

Classroom training for the Canadian Citizenship Exam, delving into key concepts of Canadian history, identity, government, and society, all aligned with Discover Canada (the official source for exam purposes).

Register Now

Wednesdays, until March 27, 5 - 7 PM, 35 Albert Street, Waterloo - Free

Let's Talk

Let's Talk is a free program for newcomer youth ages 14-21 that gives them the opportunity to explore their future career options! Volunteer hours, food and bus tickets will also be provided. Registration is required

Register Now

Tuesdays, until June 25, 5:30 - 7:30 PM - 1700 Queen's Boulevard, Kitchener

Healing through Art for Kids and Parents

Muslim Social Services of KW is offering this program which provides a safe and supportive environment for children and parents to engage in therapeutic art activities that can help in emotional healing and bonding.

Register Now


Many immigrants leaving Canada within years of arriving: StatCan from CTV News, February 2, 2024

Waterloo gets $22M from federal government to help build more homes from The Record, February 2, 2024

Feel free to send us any suggestions or information about relevant events and resources to include in the Immigration Waterloo Region Weekly by emailing

Diana Carrillo [email protected]

We encourage you to add your own events to share with our readers at Calendar - Immigration Waterloo Region