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Immigration Partnership Highlights

ON THURSDAY - EMPLOYERS! Join us for this event co-organized with WILL Immploy, where you will discover how to effectively demonstrate inclusion in your workplace to attract immigrant job seekers. In this event, you'll learn how to transform your standard "we're hiring" messages into compelling personal stories that showcase inclusion in action, engaging both potential candidates and your current employees. Even if you're not a writer and have other pressing priorities, you'll leave this session with valuable resources, including a list of sources for inclusion stories within your organization.

Register now

Hey Waterloo Region! How are you taking action against hate?

Discover our latest #RacialEquityWR video, a powerful call to action for positive change. Join us in amplifying the message, as we work together to create a more inclusive community for all. Let's build a future that celebrates diversity.

Watch, share, and be part of the change: #RacialEquityWR 2023

The Region Immigration Partnership's 2022-2023 Annual Report is live! This report marks the third year of our five-year strategy and encapsulates our unwavering commitment to fostering a vibrant community. It offers a snapshot of the diverse individuals and organizations that make up the Immigration Partnership, showcasing the many ways we are collectively building a stronger and more inclusive community through immigration.

Learn and share our interactive report: Immigration Partnership Interactive Annual Report 2022 - 2023

Accessible PDF: Immigration Partnership Annual Report 2022-2023

Immigration Partnership Resources

Make your organization accessible to over 10,000 residents who don’t speak English or French by providing interpretation.

Use the "Interpretation Best Practices Checklist" here: www.immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/InterpretationChecklist

Get help in recruiting, hiring, and retaining immigrant and refugee talent. Access the Waterloo Region Employer Playbook

Access it here: Waterloo Region Playbook - World Education Services

Community Partner Highlights 

November 6 - Free

Waterloo Regional Police Services Board Public Input Sessions

Waterloo Region residents are encouraged to provide their input into the Waterloo Regional Police Service’s 2024 Budget. Share your thoughts on law enforcement, community safety and wellbeing, and crime suppression.

Learn more

Region of Waterloo Strategic Plan 2023-2027


The 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is designed to guide the Region of Waterloo as it grows in the coming decades. The new Strategic Plan focuses on “Growing with Care,” supporting a long-term vision of a compassionate community that cares for all people, stewards the land for future generations and gives everyone the opportunity to live a good life. Strategic Plan 2023-2027 - Region of Waterloo


Region of Waterloo 2024 Plan and Budget

The Region of Waterloo is developing its 2024 Plan and Budget. Your input matters. You can:

  • Delegate at Region of Waterloo Council public input sessions: November 1 & 29, 6PM. Register to speak (in-person or on Zoom) or submit a presentation.
  • Attend a Community Engagement Event: November 16, Different locations. More engagements are being planned, visit 2024 Plan and Budget for updates!
  • Share feedback through the 2024 Plan and Budget Survey. Deadline: November 20, 2023

Refugee Integration Updates

Community members can support Afghan and other refugees arriving in the region in many ways: Providing affordable housing or primary care, making monetary donations to the Immigration Partnership Fund or Reception House Waterloo Region, donating clothing and other items, sponsoring refugee families, supporting family reunification efforts,etc. Visit http://immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/afghanresettlement for more information on the Afghan Resettlement in Waterloo Region!

Visit www.immigrationwaterlooregion.ca/ukraine to learn how residents of Waterloo Region can support the Ukrainians coming to Canada. In addition, visitors will find helpful information and tools shared by the federal government specifically for Ukrainian individuals and families such as service access instructions, welcome to Canada checklist, SIN for Newcomers, etc.

Permanent residence for Ukrainian nationals with family members in Canada - Canada.ca

Information for Ukraine Nationals Coming to Canada (settlement.org)

Конґрес Українів Канади представляє програму Інсайти Експертів – серію україномовних вебінарів на важливі теми, які допоможуть українцям які в Канаді знайшли притулок від російської геноцидної війни проти України адаптуватися до життя в країні. Вебінари також будуть корисні для усіх, що допомагають або працюють з українцями які прибули в Канаду в рамках програми Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). З моменту започаткування програми, в Канаду прибуло понад 175,000 українців.


Програма Інсайти Експертів – безкоштовна та доступна для усіх бажаючих.

Програма Інсайти Експертів здійснюється за фінансової підтримки Канадсько-Української Фундації.


Реєструватися на вебінари можна на вебсайті Конґресу, натиснувши тут: Інсайти Eкспертів | Expert Insights - The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC)

Initiatives & Funding Opportunities

Government of Canada launches two new Calls for Proposals to strengthen gender equality

Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) works to advance equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression through the inclusion of people of all genders, including women, in Canada’s economic, social, and political life.

You can only apply to one call for proposals and one stream. This means that you can only apply once. Deadline: November 3, 2023.

Learn more: Open calls for proposals: About these calls for proposals - Women and Gender Equality Canada

The 6th Metropolis Identities Summit Migrating Identities: Conversations on Settlement and Integration in Diverse Communities across Canada

This 6th annual Metropolis Identities Summit will examine the roles and responsibilities of the key actors and stakeholders that oversee migration and manage Canada’s diversity. The Summit will examine the societal changes to which migration gives rise and notably its broader impact (s) on institutions and communities across Canada. It will look at how the country is faring in the ongoing fight against discrimination.

It will take place in the Hyatt Regency Calgary, Alberta from November 1-3, 2023, in person.

Learn more: The 6th Metropolis Identities Summit

Applications closing soon! - Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant

The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant will provide a one-time grant of up to $10,000 for eligible faith-based, cultural, 2SLGBTQQIA+, First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Urban Indigenous organizations and communities. Grant funding will help prevent and/or respond to hate-motivated incidents to ensure community spaces remain safe and secure.

Deadline: November 7, 2023.

Learn more: Ontario Anti-hate Security and Prevention Grant

Elevation Waterloo Refugee Scholarship Application open


This scholarship provides financial assistance to refugees or refugee claimants and who are pursuing post-secondary education. The scholarship amount may be approximately $1,000 (depending on the number of scholarships awarded).

Application deadline: November 17, 2023.

Learn more: Scholarship - Elevation Waterloo

The Skills Development Fund (SDF) is Closing Soon!

The SDF Training Stream offers funding to organizations for innovative projects that address challenges to hiring, training or retaining workers, including apprentices, to drive Ontario's economic growth.

Deadline: November 17, 2023.

Learn more: Available funding opportunities from the Ontario Government

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund

The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces.

The CCSF receives applications on an ongoing basis. For more information visit: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund - Canada.ca

Regional Development Program Opening Soon!

The Regional Development Program provides support for projects and investments to businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in Ontario, by region.

Application opening: December 7, 2023 - January 11, 2024

Deadline: January 25, 2024

Learn more: Southwestern Ontario Development Fund

The System Innovations Grants Application Period Opens Soon!

Collaboratives interested in applying for a System Innovations grant need to be focused on identifying opportunities for improvement within a specific system and creating thoughtful strategies for change. Projects need to help create improved experiences for the following young groups: Youth between the ages of 12-25 with diverse identities and lived experiences who are facing systemic barriers, youth between the ages of 12-29 living with special needs and/or disabilities, or youth between the ages of 12-29 living with mental health needs and/or addictions.

Application period opens: December 4, 2023

Deadline: March 6, 2024

Learn more: System Innovations Grant | Ontario Trillium Foundation

What Does it Mean to Be a Host

WR Grassroots Response is always looking for people in Waterloo Region willing to open up their homes to Ukrainian fleeing the war. The number of Ukrainians seeking shelter is not slowing and there are new requests for help every day.

If you are interested in becoming a host, there are several ways you can help.

Learn more about how you can become a host and support the Ukrainian community:

Provide Housing | WRGR (wrgrassrootsresponse.ca)


Front-end Processes for

Refugee Claimants

Front-end processes for refugee claimants are rapidly changing as applications are digitized and government seeks new efficiencies. This infographic has been designed to assist service providers in

keeping up with these changes. 

Un Guide Pour Tous

GuideMoi est une application mobile gratuite dédiée spécifiquement aux immigrants francophones qui souhaitent ou viennent de s’installer en Ontario. Cette application est un guide intuitif qui accompagne l’immigrant et l’oriente tout au long de son parcours d’intégration.

Find a Mentor to Help you Become a Licensed Health Professional in Canada

Mentor Me aims to assist internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs) in obtaining licensure in Canada. It provides a simple solution by connecting unlicensed IEHPs with licensed IEHPs for personalized peer mentorship.

The Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (CCHR) is a non-profit organization working to advance the right to housing. This toolkit offers tenant leaders with a range of practical information to support their advocacy work to claim the right to housing in their communities.

Access it here: CCHR-ImplementingTheR2H-Toolkit-for-Tenant-Leaders-2023.pdf (housingrightscanada.com)

La Communauté en Français

5 au 11 Novembre

Terre Accueillante - Semaine Nationale de l'immigration Francophone

Du 5 au 11 novembre prochain, nous célébrerons la 11e édition de la Semaine nationale de l’immigration francophone sous le thème « Terre accueillante ».

C’est le temps de nous engager pour manifester ensemble notre volonté d’être inclusifs et inclusives par le biais de diverses activités et faire de cet événement un succès !   

Cette thématique encourage à valoriser les cultures réciproques et pousse à la réflexion sur ce que signifie être une terre accueillante pour chacun et chacune. Cette édition sera aussi l’occasion de renforcer les connaissances sur les peuples autochtones du territoire canadien, de réfléchir à l’environnement, et à l’importance de préserver notre “terre accueillante” pour les générations futures, incluant les personnes immigrantes.

En apprendre plus: Semaine Nationale de l’immigration francophone - Réseau à l'immigration francophone CSO (reseausoutien.org)

8 Janvier - 29 Mars 2024 - Gratuit

Favoriser l'intégration canadienne des professionnels de la santé formés à l'étranger (PSFE): De l'apprentissage à l'action

L'Institut de leadership transformatif de l'Université Saint-Paul, en partenariat avec N4, a élaboré ce programme pour aider les professionnels de la santé formés à l'étranger (PSFE) à acquérir les compétences non cliniques nécessaires pour réussir dans les emplois du secteur de la santé au Canada.

Learn more: 2024 winter - N4 - National Newcomer Navigation Network

Les résultats préliminaires de l’étude sur les expériences des francophones immigrants de l’Ontario

Du 4 au 5 octobre dernier, dans le cadre du forum virtuel de la Stratégie d’attraction et de rétention des immigrants de l’Est de l’Ontario, les chercheures du Collège des chaires de recherche sur le monde francophone de l'Université d'Ottawa ont présenté les résultats préliminaires du sondage ayant pour but de documenter les expériences et les pratiques linguistiques à travers la provincede l’Ontario.

Vous pouvez lire cet article ici: La recherche pour combler les besoins de services en français en Ontario

Il est encore temps de participer au sondage

Si vous êtes francophone, résidant en Ontario et vous n’avez pas encore répondu à ce sondage, il vous reste encore quelques temps pour y répondre.

Cliquez ici pour répondre au sondage: Expériences, pratiques et représentations sociolinguistiques et géographiques des francophones de l’Ontario Survey

Events and Webinars


November 2, 8:30 AM - 12 PM, Langdon Hall Country House Hotel & Spa, Cambridge - Free

Re-imagining Your Recruitment Approach

Employers - this will be an an eye opening workshop where speakers will provide actionable strategies to attract and retain top talent.

Register now!

November 8, 1:30 - 3 PM, Webinar - Free

Building Bridges: Conflict Resolution for Refugee Integration

Get the knowledge and skills you need to navigate and resolve conflicts successfully within refugee and newcomer communities, ultimately contributing to their integration and harmonious coexistence.

Register Now

November 9, 7:30 - 9 PM, Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex Community Pavilion - Free

Waterloo Neighbourhood Summit

This is an annual event for residents across Waterloo to discuss all things neighbourhoods. Various workshops, presentations, social opportunities, and resources for community building are available.

Learn More

November 16, 3 - 7 PM, WMRC Community Pavilion, 101 Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo - Free

Waterloo Seniors Fair

The Seniors Fair is your chance to explore a wide array of community programs, social service providers, and healthcare agencies dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being, vitality, and connectivity of older adults within the Waterloo community.

Registration: 519 - 579 -1020

November 16, 4 - 6 PM, The Walper Hotel, 20 Queen Street South, Kitchener - Free

Building Community: It's More than Housing

How can we build more community as we build more housing? Can we reimagine our public parks, libraries, recreation centers, and trails to connect people of all backgrounds, to cultivate trust and to create more resilient communities? Can we transform shared civic assets to foster engagement, equity, sustainability and joy? Join Waterloo Region Community Foundation for their next Do More Good Dialogue to delve into these issues.

Register Now

November 19 - 23, Le Centre Sheraton Hotel, Montreal

Pathways to Prosperity 2023 National Conference

Pathways to Prosperity will be holding its 11th Annual National Conference in Montreal. Canada's immigration system has seen major changes recently, including regionalization, new pathways, and record-high immigrant numbers. It will examine these shifts, inspire innovation, and equip attendees with solutions for IRCC's 2024 Call for Proposals. A virtual option will also be available on these dates.

Register Now

November 22, 1 PM - Webinar - Free

Learn to Successfully Structure Orientation for Internationally Educated Health Professionals

Health System Employers -National Newcomer Navigation Network is offering this free webinar, were speakers will describe the uniqueness of IEHP orientation, important topics that should be covered, and provide concrete, actionable recommendations that can be adapted to your organization.

Register Now

November 25, 9:30 AM - 1 PM - 1405 King Street East, Kitchener - Free

The Rockway Christmas Market

Shop from local vendors selling handmade crafts, original artwork, and unique gifts. Bake sale, door prizes and so much more.

Register Now

November 29, 2 - 3:30 PM - Webinar - Free

Are Soft Skills the New Hard Skills?

This is an online training for frontline staff working with jobseekers and learners. Learn the key soft skills identified by employers in high-demand industries like Construction, Manufacturing, and Retail, and how addressing these gaps can benefit businesses.

Register Now

Newcomer Services

Nov. 11, 10 - 11:30 AM - Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener - Free

Navigating the Ontario Health Care System for Newcomers

Join health educator, Fadhilah Balogun for this information session on navigating the Ontario Health Care System. Using the ABC Health Matters Workbook by ABC Life Literacy Canada and local resources, this session will cover basic health information.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Nov. 22, 3:45 - 5:45PM, Kingsdale Community Centre, 72 Wilson Ave., Kitchener - Free

YEAH! Newcomer Youth Group

Join YEAH! newcomer youth group to support one another and share experiences that matter to you in a safe and encouraging environment. Learn about resources that will help you reach your goals! High school aged newcomer youth in waterloo region who have refugee/protected person status.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Nov. 22, 5 - 7 PM, Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener - Free

Let's Talk

It's a free program for newcomer youth ages 14-21 that provides academic guidance and helps youth achieve their career goals! Volunteer hours, food and bus tickets will also be provided.

Register Now

Nov. 20 & 27, 2 - 4 PM -Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener - Free

Basic Computer Skills for Newcomers

The Kitchener Public Library is offering this 2-session workshop for newcomer to learn about how to use computers. This sessions will focus on beginner computers skills. The workshop is geared towards newcomers/immigrants. Registration is required.

Register Now

Mondays, until Nov. 27, 6 - 7:30 PM - 800 King St. W (1st floor), Kitchener - Free

Family Language and Learning

The YMCA of Three Rivers, in partnership with United for Literacy, offers a tutoring program that provides homework support, tutoring, and language development to newcomer children and teenagers.

Register Now

Tuesdays, until Nov. 28, 3:30 - 5 PM - Victoria Hills Community Centre, 10 Chopin Drive, Kitchener - Free

International Youth Group

Camino Wellbeing created an in-person group for youth to connect through games, art, play, and conversation. Explore a wide range of issues that are important to you and explore new ways to connect with others! Open to newcomer youth ages 10-13 who have refugee or protected person status.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Nov. 29, 5:30 - 7 PM - 800 King St. W (1st floor), Kitchener - Free

Citizenship Support Group

YMCA of Three Rivers is offering this sessions to help Permanent Residents prepare to take the Canadian Citizenship Exam, studying key concepts of Canadian history, identity, government, and people.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Nov. 29, 4:15 - 5:15 PM - Forest Heights Community Centre, 1700 Queen's Blvd, Kitchener - Free

Fabulous Kids

Join Camino in he Fabulous Kids Program! Play games, read books, create together, and learn ways to care for yourself. Open to newcomer youth, 6-9 years old who hold refugee or protected person status. 

Register Now

Thursdays, until Nov. 30, 1 - 3 PM - 480 Charles St. E, Kitchener - Free

Growing Stronger Adult Trauma Group

A safe space for individuals with similar experiences to learn about how trauma affects the body and brain and learn strategies to help manage current symptoms of trauma and improve mental health and wellbeing.

Register Now

Thursdays, until Nov. 30, 3:30 - 5 PM - 480 Charles St. E, Kitchener - Free

Standing Strong Newcomer Girls Group

Discuss issues that impact young women’s daily lives; promote self-esteem, self-love and self-care; develop life skills to thrive; and learn to see and create opportunities for getting involved in your community. Open to high school students who identify a female and have refugee or protected person status.

Register Now

Thursdays, until Nov. 30, 6 - 7:30 PM - 480 Charles St. E (room 208), Kitchener - Free

Tea and Talk

Join this free women’s group that supports and promotes holistic wellbeing and belonging in the community. Learn about resources and activities in the community, and connect with other women in a relaxing environment.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Dec. 6, 10 - 11 AM, Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener - Free

Practice your English

Practice your English in a small group setting with a trained volunteer from home! All newcomers welcome. This virtual program requires registration each session, email, and access to a tech device.

Register Now

Thursdays, until Dec. 7, 10 - 11:30 AM, Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener - Free

Women's English Conversation Circle

A space to practice speaking English in a relaxed and comfortable environment with other women. Meet new friends, share stories, and learn about life in Canada. All newcomer women are welcome.

Register Now

Tuesdays, until Dec. 12, 10 - 11:30 PM - Online - Free

Online Citizenship Support Group

YMCA of Three Rivers is offering this sessions to help Permanent Residents prepare to take the Canadian Citizenship Exam, studying key concepts of Canadian history, identity, government, and people.

Register Now

Until Dec. 14, Cambridge, Kitchener & Waterloo - Free

English Conversation Circles

YMCA of Three Rivers is offering English Conversation Circles to help newcomers improve their English, make new friendships, and build confidence. You can attend as many as you would like!

Register Now

Mondays, until Dec. 25, 6 - 9 PM, 65 Hanson Avenue, Kitchener

Tutoring Program

This program, offered by the Muslim Social Services of KW, is designed to provide academic support for students of all ages. The tutors offer assistance with homework, exam preparation, and skill development in various subjects.

Register Now

Wednesdays, until Dec. 27, 5 - 6 PM, Country Hills Community Centre, 100 Rittenhouse Road, Kitchener

Community Safety and Wellbeing Program with Police

Muslim Social Services of KW in collaboration with the Waterloo Region Police Service, are offering this program that focuses on educating individuals and families about important safety measures, crisis management, and community resources.

Register Now

January 8 - March 29, 2024 - Free

Fostering Canadian Integration for IEHPs: From Learning to Action

Saint Paul University’s Institute for Transformative Leadership, in partnership with N4, has developed this program to help Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs) gain the non-clinical skills necessary to be successful in healthcare jobs in Canada.

Pre-Registration is Open Now!

Tuesdays, until June 25, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 PM - 1700 Queen's Boulevard, Kitchener

Healing through Art for Kids and Parents

Muslim Social Services of KW is offering this program which provides a safe and supportive environment for children and parents to engage in therapeutic art activities that can help in emotional healing and bonding.

Register Now


Public support for immigration falls sharply amid affordability concerns from The Globe and Mail, Oct. 30, 2023

Changes to International Student Program aim to protect students from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Newsroom, Oct 27, 2023

New federal immigration targets coming next week from The Globe and Mail, Oct. 27, 2023

Immigration Minister: Canada expects to process 20,000 Indian visas by end of 2023 from CIC News, Oct. 25, 2023

One in four Ontarians may be without a family doctor by 2026, analysis says from The Globe and Mail, Oct. 25, 2023

Ontario Helping Victims of Recent Tragedies Access Postsecondary Education from Ontario Newsroom, Oct. 23, 2023

Feel free to send us any suggestions or information about relevant events and resources to include in the Immigration Waterloo Region Weekly by emailing:

Diana Carrillo Joya ([email protected])

We encourage you to add your own events to share with our readers at Calendar - Immigration Waterloo Region