Immigration Waterloo Region
June 8, 2020
Stay home and stay healthy, Waterloo Region. We are in this together.
with content suggestions.
Immigration Partnership Updates
We are pleased to
launch nominations for the 2020
Newcomer Landlord Award.
This award celebrates landlords that go above and beyond to provide housing for newcomers in Waterloo Region.
During this pandemic time when
finding housing is
even more challenging for many newcomers, it is important to recognize those landlords who help create a more caring community.
Nomination are open until Friday, Sept 25, 2020.
Watch Perrin Beatty, Canadian Chamber of Commerce President and CEO,
Marco Mendicino, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, about the need for inclusive growth while recovering from the pandemic, as well as the economic benefits of immigration, international students and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Canada.
“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.”
Nelson Mandela
In recent days, we have seen massive protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police in the United States. Canada and Waterloo Region has added their voices to those marching peacefully to show solidarity and demand justice.
As part of the Immigration Partnership’s commitment to acknowledging and addressing racism and discrimination, we have compiled some resources and information to help deepen understanding of the effects of racism and why it is imperative to work together to advance anti-racism in Waterloo Region.
Learn about the important contributions of people of African descent to Canada's prosperity, which
are celebrated every February
during Black History Month
which honor
s the legacy of
Black Canadians.
The Kitchener Public Library recommends a list of books for adults, teens and kids to support conversations and education about race, racism and resistance.
According to Statistics Canada, in 2016 the Black population reached
nearly 1.2 million, representing 3.5% of Canad
a’s total population.
Canada's Black population double in size between 1996 and 2016.
Recognizing systemic racism and discrimination, the Government of Canada
launched an Anti-Racism Strategy 2019–2022 to remove barriers and promote a more inclusive and equitable country for all Canadians.
This HuffPost Canada article contains a list of organizations or resources Canadians can engage with to help combat anti-Black racism and police brutality.
Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
In this article, the author claims the need for a language that better explain the roots of the Black presence in Canada, since their migration from Africa was the product of slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
"The pandemic has exposed significant gaps in existing practices and policies that have put Black communities at increased risk of COVID-19 infections. Denying racism exists won’t give you the full picture of what’s behind these tragedies."
Parenting Now has created a list of resources to consider using when talking to young people about racism.
Community Service Updates
Immigrant Services and Interpretation Open
- The KW Multicultural Centre (KWMC) and YMCA Immigrant Services are remotely serving newcomers across Waterloo Region.
- The YMCA language assessment centre is placing new clients on a wait list for service once assessments start up again.
- In Kitchener-Waterloo and area, KWMC is providing interpretation services remotely (phone or videoconferencing) in over 50 languages. Visit or email if you require an interpreter.
- In Cambridge, the YMCA is providing interpretation services (phone or videoconferencing) remotely. Languages include: Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, Persian, Dari, Pashto, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish. If you require an interpreter email
- Reception House Waterloo Region is remotely serving government-assisted refugees.
- The Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Supports is remotely serving refugee claimants.
- Sanctuary Refugee Health Centre continues to meet the health needs of refugees. Call ahead.
- Conestoga LINC classes are running remotely via Zoom/WhatsApp for any students able to join at this time.
- St Louis ESL & LINC classes are running remotely. Teachers have been connecting with their students. If students have not connected with their teacher they can call the school at 519.745.1201. LINC ext 224 or 400; ESL ext 229 or 245. Students may also email at
Counselling Services for LGBTQ2+ People
SPECTRUM, Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space and KW Counselling Services have partnered to provide no cost and subsidized counselling to members of the LGBTQ2+ community.
Reception House's Virtual Homework Club
Reception House offers its popular homework club program through video chat for high school students in ELS/ELD classes. For more information, call 519 741 4610 or email
The Region, area municipalities and Volunteer Action Centre have launched this pandemic volunteer program that places volunteers where they are needed most. It will ensure all agencies, registered volunteers, and the people they serve as part of the COVID-19 response are protected during this state of emergency.
Be part of the Pandemic Volunteer Pool!
One way to help is to join Community Support Connections’ initiatives to assist members of our community who have seen their feelings of isolation and mobility restrictions increase due to the pandemic. You can positively impact their lives by making a donation or dedicating part of your time to delivery service, grocery shopping, friendly visiting via phone or video conference.
Federal, Provincial and Local Updates
To learn more about other measures or changes on Immigration legislation,
visit the
Citizenship tests and ceremonies have been cancelled for more than two months because of the global pandemic — but newcomers could soon be taking their oaths online through virtual citizenship events.
Municipal Government
To learn more about the latest information, measures and changes to legislation due to COVID-19 Outbreak
across the region
, visit the
Region of Waterloo website.
To learn more about the latest information, measures and changes to legislation due to COVID-19 Outbreak
across Ontario,
visit the
To learn more about the government support for individuals, businesses and industries during the COVID-19 Outbreak, visit the
Government of Canada Website.
COVID-19 Information and Resources
This article brought by the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council contains some tips to help newcomers navigate the uncertain and find quality jobs in this rapidly-shifting job market.
Read this Royal Bank of Canada article to learn how the pandemic has impacted Ottawa's growth strategy plan
with consequences for the labour market, urban rental and housing markets and university budgets.
Check out the latest WR Small Business Centre newsletter with valuable information for small business owners and entrepreneurs about the Recovery Outreach program, relief funding, digital programs, peer 2 peer, webinars and more.
Read this press release from the Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group on the recent death of a migrant worker due to COVID-19. More information,
Renewed Computer Technology (RCT) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that
provides low income individuals with affordable ownership of quality renewed computers, ready to use software & learning modules all in one package.
Resources for Spending Time at Home during COVID-19
Help your children understand what is happening with these coloring pages to show what they can do to help. Have fun and learn!
Stay engaged and active during the COVID-19 situation!
Residents of Waterloo Region and Manulife came through in a big way to support St. Mary's General Hospital in Kitchener. A recent fundraiser, which saw Manulife match donations, raised more than $695,000 for the hospital.
Supporting Migrant Workers to Access Agri-Food Immigration Program and Migrant Worker Organizing During COVID-19, June 9, 3:30-5pm
This workshop will provide an overview of the Agri-Food Immigration Pilot Program including eligibility criteria, how to support workers who can apply, and how to support workers who are not eligible.
Organized by the Migrant Workers Alliance for Change with the support of Law Foundation of Ontario.
Rapid Recovery Series Sessions, 10 Sessions, June 9-11
Join Restaurants Canada, along with key industry leaders and trailblazing experts, for the RC Connects Rapid Recovery Series to address some of the major challenges and pressing issues facing the foodservice industry during COVID-19 recovery.
Jumpstart Refugee Talent Webinars, June 11 and 19
These webinars are designed to address the gaps and current critical needs for refugees to find employment based on over 100 phone interviews with refugees across Canada that the Jumpstart Refugee Talent team and volunteers have done in the past 8 weeks.
Ontario's Health Care System Introduction for Newcomers Webinar, June 11, 6:30-8pm
This webinar, hosted by Community Family Services of Ontario, will introduce the Ontario’s health Care system and help newcomers navigate through the system for information on how to obtain the services for themselves and their families and proper help when needed. Available in Mandarin.
Temporary Income Supports in the Time of COVID-19 for Migrant Workers, June 15, 12:30-2pm
This webinar is for organizations and individuals who support migrant workers and aims to provide increased capacity and further awareness of the COVID-19 income supports available for migrant workers. Organized by the Migrant Worker Hub.
Experts from the community legal sector will provide practical information to help
frontline workers
know what to do to help their clients deal with evictions and What resources and supports are available during COVID-19. Hosted by CLEO Connect.
Beyond the Headlines: Globalization in Our Post-COVID World, June 17, 12-1pm
Join the University of Waterloo in partnership with CBC Kitchener-Waterloo to discuss the realities unfolding in our post-COVID world. Hosted by Lili Liu, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, and Craig Norris,
CBC Radio One. Online only.
Job Search and Career Exploration During COVID-19 Recovery: Providing Guidance to Newcomers, June 18, 2020, 12-1pm
With this CERIC webinar, attendees will learn about the primary impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on immigrant career paths and employment opportunities and gain new perspectives on how to support newcomers to succeed in their careers during a period of economic uncertainty.
QueerKPL: LGBTQ+ Music Bingo! June 18, 7-8:30pm
This bingo will take place on Zoom and players will be sent their own music bingo card to print or fill out on their computer or device. Clips of classic and modern songs by LGBTQ+ artists or those who have allied with the LGBTQ+ community will be played. Organized by Kitchener Public Library.
A Recovery and Re-opening Series (recording)
Waterloo EDC is reviewing common questions local businesses are asking about the Covid-19 government resources available in a webinar series. This webinar deals specifically with business recovery and re-opening questions.