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Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis
Member Newsletter

May 2015

In This Issue
Join Our Mailing List
A Message from the President 


Dear Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis Members and Friends,


Karen Holly, President

Please join us on Tuesday, June 9, at The Willows on Westfield for our annual dinner, where we will hear presentations from the five finalists and place our votes for the recipient of $100,000. For our tenth anniversary year, we are excited to also be able to give an additional $84,000 in residual grants, with each runner-up receiving $21,000.


The five finalists who will be giving presentations at the dinner are:

  • Arts and Culture: WFYI and Ted Green films to produce Attucks: The School that Opened a City
  • Education:  OASIS Indianapolis: Hi-Impact Tutoring
  • Environment:  Indianapolis Parks Foundation: Indy Urban Acres Flower Farm
  • Family: Lutheran Child and Family Services of Indiana: The IMPACT Program to Curb Runaway and Human Trafficking of Young Girls
  • Health and Wellness: Gennesaret Free Clinic: Health Recovery Program for Homeless Women - An Urban Oasis for Healing and Health

While we are celebrating with our nonprofit winners, I hope that you will consider bringing your checkbook or credit card to sign up for next year's circle. If you make a down payment of at least $250, you will be entered into the drawing for the beautiful necklace shown below. If you can't join us for the dinner, NO PROBLEM! --get your payment in before the dinner and your name will be included in the drawing.


I hope you can join us and celebrate ten years of the Power of Women Giving as One!


Karen Holly

President, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis

Impact 100 Annual Dinner Details


Invitations to our June 9 Annual Dinner were emailed on May 17. If you did not receive an invitation, you may RSVP here.


This year's celebration will recognize our organization's history and celebrate the contributions of founders and ten-year members, as well as the grant winners over the years!
A finalist from each of the five Focus Area Committees has been chosen. Each of our finalists will tell you why they should receive this year's $100,000 grant. Please plan to join us to cast your vote and celebrate ten years of our rich history of giving.
A cash bar, dinner and dessert will be accompanied by the chance to spend the evening seeing old friends and making new friends.


Should you be unable to join us, please monitor your email for more information on submitting your absentee ballot with a return date of no later than Monday, June 8th.
The cost for the evening is $40.00. You can either send your check made out to IMPACT 100 to:
Impact 100 Dinner
7830 Johnson Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
or go to the Impact 100 website and pay online using PayPal: simply pay $40 for each ticket (for you and any guests).
Remember that although guests are welcome to attend, only current 2015 members are eligible to vote. Please include the names of your guests on your RSVP. Reservations must be received by Monday June 1st!

The Annual Dinner Program

5:15 Registration, Cash Bar, Raffle (Don't forget to bring your checkbook for the raffle!)
6:00 Program Begins
6:15 Grant Finalist Presentations
7:00 Dinner, Dessert & Voting
8:15 Announcement of 2015 Grant Winner

One of the raffle items

We are also accepting additional donations to offset the cost of our annual dinner and the use of PayPal. As an organization committed to using all membership funds to 100% support our grants process, any additional donations are appreciated!

Event Recap:  Impact 100 and Giving Sum at Indiana Landmarks Center


Thank you to Christina Lear, Faren Jones, and the wonderful people from Giving Sum for the fun philanthropy evening at the Indiana Landmarks Center on May 5. As volunteer leaders we are all very proud of our city and how we make it better by working together. A very special thank you to guest speaker John Mutz , who highlighted all of the benefits of participating in philanthropy. It was a great evening for meeting new people, making connections, and enjoying excellent hors d'oeuvres from Jacquie's Catering. We were also thrilled to donate 50 books to Indy Reads Books.


Want to join us at our next event? See "Key Upcoming Dates" on the Impact 100 homepage.



Members of Impact 100 and Giving Sum



John Mutz

Impact 100 News and Notes  
  • Our 2008 grant recipient, Herron High School, received two pieces of amazing news: They are again ranked in the top 2% of high achieving high schools in the nation by the Washington Post and have been designated a four star school by the state of Indiana.

  • Congratulations to Impact 100 member Roberta Jaggers, who will become the new president of the Indianapolis Public Library Foundation, effective January 1, 2016! Roberta has been with the Library Foundations since 2002 and has managed development operations as the Foundation's Vice President for the past three years.
  • Congratulations to the winners of Impact 100 Richmond's, two $100,000 grants: Children's Home Society of Virginia and Greater Richmond Fit4Kids.

Do you have great news about an Impact 100 member or grant recipient, or an interesting article to share on philanthropy? Please send your news to Jennifer Bortel so she can share it in the next newsletter.

Impact 100 Upcoming Events  
  • July 15: Summer Party at Bright Ideas in Broad Ripple
  • August 29: Jameson Camp Follow the Impact
  • September 16: Party at the City Market
  • October 7: Rock Steady Boxing Follow the Impact
  • November 4: Dove Recovery House Follow the Impact
  • December 10: Holiday Party at Kitchens by Design