March 1- Taxable Status Date - March 1 is referred to as the taxable status date, when real property existing on a parcel as of March is valued at the market value as of the previous July 1. This value is placed on the May 1 Tentative Assessment Roll. To value property, the inventory information must be recorded on the property record card as of March 1. Property inventory information can change throughout the year so one date is selected.

May 1
Tentative Assessment Roll is Made Public. Check your assessment soon to determine if you have reasons for grievance.

May 16
School Budget Voting Day - Generally the 3rd Tuesday in May. All residents meeting the required age are eligible to vote. A significant percentage of your property tax bill is based on your school budget so stay informed and vote!

May 23
Grievance Day - If you wish to contest your assessment, all applications must be filed with the local assessor or a local Board of Assessment Review member by this date. Forms: Fillable Petition - Form RP-524 - | Form RP-524 General Instructions

July 1 - Final Assessment Roll is Made Public - This is the final date upon which the value of your property is based for assessment purposes. Your property assessment for this year (2023) was based on the value of your property as of July 1st, 2022. Any changes in your property after July 1, 2022, will not be reflected in your assessment until the next assessment year (2024). SCAR: Fillable Petition*  | SCAR: General Info & Instructions

July 1 - Valuation Date - Each year the properties in your jurisdiction need to be reviewed to ensure that all properties are assessed at a uniform percentage of value. Since property sales occur throughout the year, the value of properties changes over time for a variety of reasons. This makes valuing property complicated. Market values must be determined as of one specific date (snapshot in time). The date used for most municipalities in the assessment community is July 1 of the preceding year and is called the valuation date.

No, Later than July 1 - Final Assessment Roll is Filed -
Assessment rolls list information for every property in the assessing unit (municipality or county). The information on the assessment roll is required to be available from your municipal or county website.

September 1 - School Property Tax Bills mailed to property owners.

Year-round - New Homeowners: Register with NYS to Receive a STAR Credit Register 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at
See flier or register by phone at 518-457-2036 on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.