Santa J. Ono wearing a suit posing with his arms crossed for a photo
Dear Alumni and Friends,

“Up North.”

For many Michiganders, those two simple words evoke a myriad of images and memories – casting a line across still water on a quiet morning, hiking a sun-dappled trail through an old-growth forest, huddling close to a campfire and sharing stories on a cool summer evening. 

If you ask a dozen Michiganders where “Up North” actually begins, you’ll probably get a dozen different answers. But one thing is certain. It is a sacred place. An area worth protecting. A region worth supporting. 

The University of Michigan has had an interest in northern Michigan for more than a century. The U-M Biological Station was founded in 1909 to foster a greater understanding of the natural world, and today it advances environmental field research, engages students in scientific discovery, and provides information needed to understand and sustain ecosystems from local to global scales.

Separately, the university’s research enterprise plays an essential role in driving the northern Michigan economy. In fact, companies based in 43 counties across northern Michigan have received more than $9.4 million since 2017 to supply goods and services in support of U-M research projects.

In this month’s edition of the Michigan Impact, you’ll get a chance to learn more about some of our research and impact throughout the state, including “Up North.”

Have a wonderful summer.
