October 21, 2022

Impacting Lives Around the World

from Right at Home

This is Lois.

One of her bucket list items was to serve at and visit Midwest Mission. During the week of October 10th, Lois, 93 3/4 years old, got to check off that item, serving with complete joy throughout the week.

Although this was Lois’ first trip to serve at  Midwest Mission, she has been serving with Midwest Mission for a long time. Lois and her granddaughter use their God-given talents to make sewn items for Midwest Mission kits. 

“My granddaughter crochets when she waits for her kids to get out of class,” Lois said. “She always has yarn with her and she makes such beautiful sweaters for babies.” 

Lois’ granddaughter made 87 infant sweaters that will be used in Layette Kits.

Lois also uses her skills to serve God. “I made up 25 little girl dresses,” she said with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes. “I had so much fun making these.” She also made little boy tank tops with shorts that match.

As she hugged an outfit close to her heart she said, "I can just see these little children looking at us in their pretty outfits.”

Joy was radiating from Lois as she talked about these outfits. She wakes up and works on the outfits, and many times, doesn’t go to sleep when she should because she is having so much fun making them!

“God has given me the ability to sew. I’m thankful for my hands and my eyesight.”

Lois has embraced an important part of our mission here at Midwest Mission - you can serve wherever you are. She and her granddaughter have provided sewn items that will make an impact all over the world. Lois worked on the outfits out on her farm, in the middle of a small town, as she enjoyed the peaceful outdoors. She was serving God there just as she was serving Him during her time here on the Midwest Mission campus.

As our conversation came to an end, she closed with a beautiful sentiment:

“I can’t be a missionary overseas, but I can be a missionary at home.”

Isn’t that so true for all of us? We can show God’s love from wherever we are. 

Ask yourself: How can God use me right where I am to serve His Kingdom?

Are you interested in serving right where you are? 

You can serve at home by:

  • Making Sewn Items
  • Making Kits
  • Collecting and Donating Needed Items
  • Spreading the Word About Midwest Mission

Visit this link to learn more.

You can serve with your group by hosting Off-Site Mission Events:

  • Rice Meal Packs
  • Personal Dignity Kits
  • Student Kits
  • Supply Drive

Visit this link to learn more.

Have questions? Respond to this email.

A Donation Made in Honor of a Loved Friend

First UMC volunteers from Columbus, Nebraska spent part of their week at Midwest Mission. In addition to serving, they brought liquid laundry detergent, fabric, little boy and little girl outfits, toothpaste, rulers, scissors, colored pencils, wash cloths, hand towels, and liquid dish soap.

When asked if there is a story to go with their donation, they said, "All donations and money are brought in honor of our fellow church friends, Pat and Don Fowler for their many years of service given at Midwest Mission."

What a lovely sentiment to sweet friends and wonderful, dedicated volunteers. Thank you, First UMC Columbus + Pat and Don Fowler!

Pat and Don Fowler

Prayers to Lift Up

Continue to pray for those who have been affected by disaster - for those in Ukraine who are in constant crisis, for those in the Caribbean who are recovering from the hurricane, for those in Florida who are still in the midst of chaos, and for those who are in disaster that we have no knowledge of.

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."

Ephesians 6:18

Midwest Mission Weekly Project

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Projects completed

  • 1510 Student Kits
  • 150 Layette Kits
  • 1060 Personal Dignity Kits (PDKs)

Other work done

  • Student Desks - sanded, built & applied polyurethane
  • Bikes - repaired
  • Sewing machines - repaired

  • Counted items into inventory
  • Painted
  • Sorted outfits


  • Connection Point in Lincoln, NE:  redirected baby items and cleaning and hygiene supplies Value: $500.00 
  • Fair Hope Children's Ministry in Watseka, IL:  redirected cleaning supplies and antibacterial hand cleaner Value: $1,348.00

                      *Redirected items are those items received that do not fit into the parameters of our kits and projects.

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Schedule Your Mission Journey

Dates are available in 2022, 2023 and 2024

Need a Saturday option for team volunteering

or assistance in booking?

Contact Pat Wright at [email protected]

or 217-697-4063

Click below to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

Mission Journey  Reservation Calendar

Donate Today


October 17-21, 2022

Volunteer Leaders

Chuck & Karen Porter

Brighton, IL


First UMC

Columbus, NE

Grace UMC

Jacksonville, IL

First UMC

Lansing, IL

Simpson Group

Springfield, IL

Taylorville UMC

Taylorville, IL

St Paul's UMC

Poseyville, IN

St. Joseph UMC

St. Joseph, IL

Monticello UMC

Monticello, IL

Dustin Large

Springfield, IL

Calvary UMC

Normal, IL

Savoy UMC

Savoy, IL

John Himpel

Marsha Johnson

Bob Leach

Roger McClintock

Todd Shelly

Bill Walden

David Whitney

Kathy Davis

Alison Schlichting

Roger Schlichting

Brad Boucher

Kelly Bagley

Dan Blank

Denny Cocagne

Kent Douglas

Jay Grim

Ray Ogden

Art Runge

Rita Smith

Ron Kinner

Louise Corder

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