May 21, 2021 | FOX 32 Chicago
What effect will COVID-19 have on world language course offerings? JNCL-NCLIS President, Amanda Seewald, talks with FOX 32 Chicago to highlight the importance of language advocacy.
May 20, 2021 | Senator Booker Press Release
JNCL-NCLIS is proud to support the DIVERSIFY Act, which will provide up to $8,000 a year for those preparing to teach in high-need fields like bilingual education.
U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ),Congressman Jesús "Chuy" García (D-IL), and Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-CT) reintroduced the Diversifying by Investing in Educators and Students to Improve outcomes For Youth (DIVERSIFY) Act, legislation that would complement the important administrative fixes to the TEACH Grant proposed in the College Affordability Act by ensuring the grant amount closely matches college costs. Additionally, the legislation would increase the TEACH Grant award to support students interested in becoming teachers, ensuring an education workforce is as diverse as the students it serves. The lawmakers were successful in including provisions from the DIVERSIFY Act in the American Families Plan.
“Teachers have had to adjust to a new reality over the course of the last year, revealing the many challenges that come with virtual learning,” said Senator Booker. “As we continue to ask them to do more and often on their dime, we must focus on putting money back in their pockets and ensure that they have access to the TEACH grant program and are able to reduce their student loans."
May 18, 2021 | Migration Policy Institute
More than 7.4 million U.S. children ages 5 and under live in a household where a language other than English is spoken by a parent or caregiver. But despite the size and growth of this Dual Language Learner (DLL) population, and these children’s distinct linguistic assets and learning needs, standardized policies for identifying them and understanding how best to support them are rare.
Gathering better information about DLLs—at a minimum, the number in a given program or system—is critical in order to determine whether these preschoolers are being effectively and equitably served. More robust identification procedures would also collect information on their language environments and experiences, skills in English and their home languages, and more.
Date: May 27th, 2021 4PM ET
Each month, JNCL-NCLIS virtual panel conversations will build upon discussions started during Language Advocacy Days 2021 and explore additional advocacy topics worthy of your understanding as an engaged language advocate. Join JNCL-NCLIS for the inaugural panel discussion, "Teaching and Fostering Anti-Racism Through the Classics", moderated by Dr. Edward Zarrow of the National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG).
About the Conversation:
It has long been the perception that elitism and privilege are associated with an education in the Classics. As a result, modern misogynists love to quote episodes from ancient history, and white supremacists are currently engaged in the cultural appropriation of Latin and classical antiquity in order to justify their objectives. Simply put, the study of Classics is suffering from an image problem, and it is time that dedicated anti-racist teachers and advocates push back.
This panel of experts aims to demonstrate how they, as teachers of classical languages and humanities, are working to present language and culture in a way that promotes respect, leads to accurate historical perspectives, builds inter- and intra-cultural competence, and values and supports the identity and contribution of every student and colleague every day.
Submission Deadline: May 21, 2021
Reflect and Refresh: Moving Forward on the Path to Proficiency
This year NNELL will be offering a pre-conference day with 3-hour workshops as well as two days of 1-hour sessions.
If accepted, the Summer Summit Committee will send you a form to complete with additional information such as a head shot and personal bio.
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2021
COVID-19 required educators to take a fresh look at language teaching in a digital world. The KWLA 2021 VIRTUAL conference will look forward to the future of language education. This year brings the release of new World Language standards by the Kentucky Board of Education, guidelines for the Kentucky Seal of Biliteracy, and the new ideas, technology, and methods in our classrooms brought about by the virtual teaching experience. Join us as we look forward to the new future of language education in Kentucky.
Notice ID:W81K0021Q0076
Office: SAC FREDERICK (36C10X)
Location: N/A
Response Date: June 10, 2021
JNCL-NCLIS Significant Contributors
JNCL-NCLIS is grateful for the support from our partners.
“Ensuring that Americans have the opportunity to learn English and at least one other language.”
Joint National Committee for Languages
National Council for Languages and International Studies
FRIDAY, MAY 21st, 2021 ISSUE
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