National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc.

Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr. President

Rev. S.C. Dixon, General Secretary

President, Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr., makes prayerful and strategic announcements during the 138th Annual Session of the National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc. The session was held on September 10-14, 2018 in Lombard, near Chicago, Illinois. 
President Tolbert's Business Session Recommendations 
Rev. Napoleon Smith, pastor of the Macedonia Baptist Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was recommended to move from 4th Vice-President of NBCA to 3rd Vice-President of NBCA and received a unanimous vote to become the 3rd Vice-President of NBCA.
Rev. Robert Alexander, pastor of the First Missionary Baptist Church of East Boyles in Tarrant, AL and president of New Era Progressive Baptist State Convention of Alabama was recommended and received a unanimous vote to become the 4th Vice President of NBCA.
Rev. Andrew Berry was officially recommended and unanimously approved to become the Director of the Young Adult Convention, which is a newly formed auxiliary. He is the pastor of the Greater Barbour's Chapel Baptist Church, Texas City, Texas.
Rev. Cornelius Tilton of the Irish Channel Church in New Orleans, LA, and president of the Christian Bible College was officially recommended and unanimously approved by the convention delegates to serve as the Deputy Secretary of Missions for West Africa.
Post Session Appointments
In addition to those announcements that were unanimously approved by the convention delegates, President Tolbert is now making a post session appointment.
Today, President Tolbert announces the Commission to develop the policy for " NBCA Christian Education Curriculum Certification." This will be the Commission that will recommend to the President, Congress Director and Congress Dean the process for certifying individuals and courses in NBCA, State Conventions, Associations and Churches. The initial members of the Commission are:
  • Rev. Mitchell Adgers - SC, Chairman
  • Rev. Darwan Lazard - LA, Vice-Chairman
  • Sis. Jewel Bailey - MS, Secretary
  • Rev. Jasper Taylor - IL, Member
  • Rev. Ticey Brown - CA, Member
  • Sis. Shemaya Clemons - OR, Member

National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc.
National Headquarters - Simmons College of Kentucky
1000 S. 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40203
Toll-Free Phone: (844) 610-NBCA (6222)  
Toll-Free Fax: (844) 620-NBCA (6222)
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