This notice is to inform you that Tockwotton on the Waterfront has enacted  Level 3 Visitor Restrictions as outlined by the RIDOH. 

Over the prior weekend, we had 360 visitors in 48 hours. In light of local cases of COVID-19 and national and international instances of the sweeping spread of the disease, Tockwotton on the Waterfront is further extending measures to minimize movement and potential exposure in our community, protecting residents and staff.  

As of 1 p.m. today (Thursday, March 12, 2020), no visitors will be allowed in the community .

This includes:

  • Family and friends of residents
  • Family and friends of staff members
  • Support groups
  • Volunteers

We understand that this may cause you hardship but we now know that older and sicker people are most vulnerable to COVID-19. Some scientific reports state that the fatality rate in persons over 80 years of age could be close to 20%. After careful evaluation of the risks of transmission, we felt it was the most discerning thing to do. The care of our residents is paramount in how we are addressing the current spread of this novel coronavirus. 

Exceptions to this visitation restriction will be made on a case by case basis for families of loved ones who are actively passing. Please note, at no time will persons under the age of 18 be able to visit.

The majority of our residents have telephone lines in their apartments, we encourage you to contact them directly to speak with them. We are actively working on setting up video chatting capabilities for residents, however you can also use Facetime if you and your loved one have smart phones.

We will be meeting with residents at 2 p.m. today to inform them of the above restrictions and answer any questions they may have.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this unfolding situation. We will continue to update you as we receive any further notifications regarding visitation restrictions.