IFSP-Funding Regulatory Action and Public Comment Forum

February 26, 2024

As you may know, the Individual and Family Support Funding Program (IFSP-Funding) at DBHDS assists individuals on a waiting list for a Virginia Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Developmental Disability Waiver (“DD Waiver Waiting List”) and their families with accessing resources, supports, and services. The program supports the continued residence of individuals with developmental disabilities in their own homes or in the family home of the individual. (To learn more about some of these resources, supports, and services, please visit the My Life, My Community website.)

This message is to notify you of the opportunity for public comment on two comment forums. 

The regulatory action to make the emergency amendments permanent to the Individual and Family Support Program (IFSP) [12VAC35-230] in accordance with Item 313.NN. of the 2022 Appropriation Act (Chapter 2, 2022). The emergency regulations have been effective since January 19, 2023. The 60-day public comment forum can be accessed here when it opens on Monday, February 26, 2024. The comment forum will remain open through April 26, 2024. Minor changes to the language from emergency to proposed stage are listed in the agency background document found on this page.

The guidance document, DD 07 The Individual and Family Support Funding Guidelines (FY2023), that relates to the regulatory action will be in a separate comment forum for 30 days ending on March 27, 2024. This forum is accessible here. The guidelines are unchanged as published with the emergency regulation last year.

The proposed stage is the second of three stages to make the amendments permanent, as described in this flowchart of the process. The third stage, final (last), follows the proposed stage before the amendments become permanently effective.

Thank you,

IFSP Staff

Division of Developmental Services


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