Dear NACC Member Colleges,
As a user of the NACC proctored exam system, we wanted to inform you of an important change to the exam system.
While we have moved to more online and distance learning and all the benefits that come with that opportunity, at this time, NACC has determined that there is a need to make changes to the procedure governing student examinations.
While these changes will have an impact on the administrators of NACC member colleges, it has become necessary to make these adjustments to ensure fairness to all campuses, increase success rates for students and ensure the academic integrity for your students.
NACC Final Exam Procedure Change
Effective October 1, 2023, all attempts of any NACC Final Exam will be conducted exclusively at the campus of the college or the placement/training location, with a representative of the college or location acting as proctor as outlined in the NACC policy manual.
As stated, all exams will now require a proctor to be present during an exam in which either single or multiple participants are writing in the same room. The proctor will visibly provide their own identification and the identification of each participant for the software to record prior to the start of any exam to improve transparency.
Why We Made This Change
One reason for this decision is to address and solve technical and academic integrity issues that students have encountered when taking exams from locations other than their respective college campuses. It has been observed that computers used outside campus premises do not always meet the required specifications outlined in the NACC Exam Walk-Throughs.
By having students take the exams from college campuses, we believe that the risk of such technical and academic problems will be significantly reduced, if not eliminated, and allow for troubleshooting from experienced staff, thereby providing all students with a fair opportunity to pass the NACC final exam on their first attempt.
At the same time, this change will create an opportunity for NACC and your College to deal with any academic integrity issues. It will allow the College and NACC to speak with the assigned proctor to deal with any issues of concern.
Student Exam Fees Reminder
Regarding exam fees being passed on to the student, NACC has received students’ concerns regarding fees being charged that are inconsistent or at odds with some colleges' course submissions on file. Please be reminded that all colleges are expected to only charge fees that are included in their program approvals.