Alliant Insurance Services Partners with Sunshine Life & Health Advisors


Alliant Insurance Services, one of the top distributors of diversified insurance products and services in the nation, has announced a partnership with Sunshine Life & Health Advisors, a Florida-based health insurance firm focused on helping members of the Hispanic community understand and enroll in Affordable Care Act (ACA) health plans and is among one of the larges FMO's in the nation.

This partnership will provide Sunshine Life & Health Advisors with access to a wide range of technologies and resources, as well as additional service offerings, which will expand their reach and provide powerful new services for their clients.

Under this partnership, Sunshine Life & Health Advisors will join the Alliant family of companies and continue operating under its current name and brand.

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Alliant Insurance Services, uno de los principales distribuidores de productos y servicios de seguros diversificados del país, ha anunciado una asociación con Sunshine Life & Health Advisors, una de las FMO más grandes del país en Florida enfocada en ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad hispana a comprender e inscribirse en

Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Esta asociación brindará a Sunshine Life & Health Advisors acceso a una amplia gama de tecnologías y recursos, así como ofertas de servicios adicionales, que ampliarán su alcance y brindarán nuevos y poderosos servicios para sus clientes.

En virtud de esta asociación, Sunshine Life & Health Advisors se unirá a la familia de empresas Alliant y continuará operando bajo su nombre y marca actuales.

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Sunshine Life & Health Advisors

7757 W. Flagler Street #210

Miami, FL 33144
