Important Reminder: To recite Parshas HaMann.

Lichvod/Dear Klal Yisrael  on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah.
There are many who recite this daily, however, it is a most auspicious
time to recite it on today, Tuesday of Parshas B'shalach - Shabbos Shira,
as HaRav Menachem Mendel of Rimonov Ben Reb Yosef said. 
(twice Mikrah & one time Targum)
Parshas Hamon is in Chumash Shemos, Parshas Beshalach, Perek Tes Zayin (16),
Posok Daled (4) till Perek Y'ud Zayin. It can also be found in some Siddurim such as Artscroll  Parshas HaMon is in this week's parsha ,
where the Torah discusses the mon (dew, i.e. sustenance)
that the Jewish people received in the desert. This reminds us that
now, too, we are entirely dependent upon G-d for our sustenance.
 It is important day to say Parshas Hamon
Click below for Parshas Hamon  with an English translation 

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