Dear Parents,
In light of the coronavirus outbreak, Lowell Catholic has decided to close school for the next two weeks. At this time, we will close at the end of this school day and remain closed until Monday, March 30th. Due to the fluidity of the situation, we will stay in communication when any other decisions are made. Please check the website for the most updated information. We realize that this may be a challenge for families but we have a civic responsibility to support the call from the Department of Education to do our part in helping curb the spread of this outbreak. Parents should note that students should not come to campus and there will not be any access to the school buildings.
Students in grades 7-12
In an effort to remain as “normal” as possible and to provide students with a continuing education - Lowell Catholic will be maintaining a virtual education program. Students will receive a morning email with any specific details for the day. For example on Monday it will be day 1. It is the expectation that students will utilize their chromebooks by signing into google classroom for their first period class at the scheduled time of day for that class. They will either follow the assignments listed on google classroom or follow the directives of their teacher if they are to utilize a different format such as zoom for a live class. Teachers may also be asking students to do some specific work during their class period that may have a designated time to submit by the end of that class period. All students are expected to follow the day’s schedule which begins at 7:50 and will be completed at 2:10. If a student is unable to participate for a valid reason, they should email their teacher so that they will be able to receive the make up policy from that teacher. Parents we ask you to encourage your students to follow these guidelines in order to maintain the integrity of the educational process.
Students in grades preschool through Grade 6
The LC faculty diligently prepared meaningful academic work for your student to complete while we go through this unprecedented health issue. Your student is bringing home work in all subject areas, and this work is a combination of review and new material. Please know that your child’s teacher(s) is available to answer any questions that you may have during our normal school hours. The teachers want to be able to help you support your child’s learning while we navigate this situation remotely.
Students in grades 5 and 6 can also expect to receive a portion of their assignments through Google Classroom. If your student is experiencing any issues with accessing assignments on Google Classroom, please email the teacher.
Mr. Price also asks that you reach out to him at any point if you are in need of any support or advice in regards to keeping your student on track and academically engaged.
From the Nurses:
If your child receives daily medication that we are storing here at school, we strongly advise you to come and pick it up today so that you have ample supply at home during the school closure. Elementary students WILL NOT be allowed to self carry these meds home. This includes all oral medications, EpiPens and inhalers. Parents, we ask that you please call ahead or email us so that we can have your child’s medication ready when you arrive.
Warning to parents:
This closure is to prevent the spread of the virus and keep it contained - therefore we ask you to manage your student's social time accordingly. Students should be following the guidelines established by the CDC. Students should avoid large gatherings, protect their social distance when they have to go out and in reality stay home.
After much discussion, the MIAA BOD decision is to delay the start of the 2020 spring season to March 30, 2020. Respecting the fluidity of this situation, this decision will be revisited prior to March 30.
The following guidelines must be followed during this delayed start time:
-Out of season coaching is not allowed during this period
-The start date for first competition will be consistent with MIAA Handbook Rule 35.4.1
-The first team competition may not occur before the 11th calendar day after and
including the first day of practice.
This decision is based on available information from numerous health agencies and is made in the best interest of our student-athletes, schools and communities.
Retreats, Middle School Dance, Trivia Night, Freshman / Sophomore Semi, Books for Bingo and our dedication Mass are all postponed until further notice. We will announce new dates when applicable.
CSL Panels For Seniors
CSL Panels will be delayed --- a new schedule will be provided when we have more information.